Sorry but your continued justification of terrorism and the 46% of Palestinians who support it is the topic.
No, this is a thread about Saudi support of 9/11, but you keep turning it into a discussion about Palestinian occupation.
But since you're on about poll numbers:
63% view popular peaceful confrontations as an effective means of resistance.
52% support and 47% oppose the two-state solution
But 57% think the two-state solution is no longer practical.
71% support joining more international organizations, 67% support popular non-violent resistance, 45% support a return to an armed intifada, and 47% support the dissolution of the PA.
31% support and 67% oppose the one-state solution.
Most support non-violent means, but considering all the avenues that have been tried and yet they still live under a brutal apartheid occupation, the poll numbers aren't really surprising.
But even after 50 years of brutal occupation most still support peaceful means, that's actually pretty impressive for a people living under apartheid.
Oh, and Young Jewish American opinions?
-Just 42% believe Israel wants peace.
-Just 38% believe “Israel is civilized and Western”.
-Just 31% believe Israel is a democracy.
Its only really old people like you that are holding on to those 19th century, racist colonial ideas.