Allegra Escorts Collective

Rules of the Road


Active member
Oct 2, 2001
I think the problem when wanting to leave enough space, is that someone always changes lanes and essentially "cuts" you off and goes slower. Thats why people tend to follow too closely, to "guard" their position.
The more space the better, my car does this automatically and it's nice to not think about it. It makes me crazy when I am leaving the proper distance and some asshat decides to change lanes into the space between me and the car ahead at a lower speed. (especially at moments where there is absolutely no need to change lanes).
I think what we need is a provincial advertising campaign aimed at all drivers to "re-educate" them on the rules of the road, how to be courteous, how to slow down a little, not race and be aggressive, just a little reminder that we have to share the road and what some of the basic rules are.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
In heavy traffic, people should really just not keep changing lanes like crazy, just chill out. You get these maniacs that make all kinds of risky lane changes for very little gain. Every lane change is a risk, so chill out and go with the flow.
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Well-known member
Ignore anyone who gives you a finger, waves a fist at you or honks for any real or perceived transgression. These are drivers on edge and can become road ragers.
Dont forget pointing a gun
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Active member
Jul 3, 2017
People who don’t signal - like they are to important to consider anyone else. Peve of mine - waiting to turn left - vehicle approaching from the left - no signal then they turn right - WTF - just a simple signal and I could have gone.
I always make room for people to move into my lane - IF THEY SIGNAL :)


Active member
Oct 2, 2001
People who don’t signal - like they are to important to consider anyone else. Peve of mine - waiting to turn left - vehicle approaching from the left - no signal then they turn right - WTF - just a simple signal and I could have gone.
I always make room for people to move into my lane - IF THEY SIGNAL :)
that drives me insane!! the same with people that pull into the curb lane right as the light changes and i was about to turn right, now i have to sit behind them at the intersection, and when the light does change, they dont go quickly, so its like why did they even switch lanes to begin with?!
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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Ignore anyone who gives you a finger, waves a fist at you or honks for any real or perceived transgression. These are drivers on edge and can become road ragers.
That's true. My first reaction when I see someone do something stupid is to ensure I'm out of danger, not lay on the horn. The horn is meant to get attention when needed, not to express anger.
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The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
Slower traffic keep right and/or left line for passing only. Lots of idiots driving 110 in left line on highway with right line going at the same speed and think it is OK.
If someone passing you on the right, it means you are going too slow in the left line :)
Now we know Dart is one of those slow drivers forcing everyone to pass on his right and he thinks everyone else are idiots.
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The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008

WTF are 2 & 4? Care to point to a law? Or is this just imagination land?

1 is also entirely optional (and impossible on huge swaths or our highways anyways)
This is coming from Dart, what do you expect from him.
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