AS long as you keep it to the far right or middle lane, there will still be drivers wanting to go faster and its much safer to allow them to pass in the left lane.Travel less than posted speed under slick conditions. It will keep you alive.
Anyone who has gone to driving school has been taught some of these basic and simple defensive driving techniques and they include what he posted.
It may not be illegal to pass on the right but for flow, safety and consistency, passing on the left is preferred.
Jenesis, you are a sweetheart even though we never knowingly met.Rules of the Road says to me the “unwritten rules”. As in the slang terminology.
Holy shit! That's news to me!And note the length of the average car is 45 meters.
unless its the HOV lane, that is not a left lane.Slower traffic keep right and/or left line for passing only. Lots of idiots driving 110 in left line on highway with right line going at the same speed and think it is OK.
If someone passing you on the right, it means you are going too slow in the left line![]()
agreed, but you still have people deciding to go 100-110 in the HOV lane with cars piling up behind. if they go that slow they should just stay in the right lane, OR go with the flow of traffic and speed it upunless its the HOV lane, that is not a left lane.
Its illegal to lane change from the HOV laneAlso, people that take the HoT lane and go slow. WHY?? just stay in the far right lane. If there are more than 3 cars behind you, move over!!
lolagreed, but you still have people deciding to go 100-110 in the HOV lane with cars piling up behind. if they go that slow they should just stay in the right lane, OR go with the flow of traffic and speed it up
FU is a bit harsh, my point is that you CAN go in and out of the HOV at the appropriately marked lines, and my mindset is that if you want to go in the HOV lane, go the effing speed limit, not 100, not 95. go 110 or if the other cars are going 120, go 120. so a BIG F U right back atcha. (you're mindset is what causes accidents)Its illegal to lane change from the HOV lane
So yeah sucks to be a speeder
Speeding is illegal too so
So by your mindset a person who does not wish to go 110+ must go 45 in the middle lane?
My answer to that is a big f u
Fantasyland thinks speeding is saferFU is a bit harsh, my point is that you CAN go in and out of the HOV at the appropriately marked lines, and my mindset is that if you want to go in the HOV lane, go the effing speed limit, not 100, not 95. go 110 or if the other cars are going 120, go 120. so a BIG F U right back atcha. (you're mindset is what causes accidents)
If the other non HoT lanes are going 45, nobody should be going 100+ and passing, that's a disaster just waiting to happen btw, if someone pulls in front of you going that speed, everyone is toast. so, Yes I do agree that if the other lanes are not moving, neither should you be speeding. My original point, to clarify, is that if you want to drive your vehicle slower, just do it in the far right lanes and have situational awareness in regards to other motor vehicles. The vehicle driving slower and not allowing faster cars to pass is just as accountable. I never disputed that speed kills, but I am arguing that slower moving vehicles Will cause more accidents when not obeying the rules of the road. Also, there would be less tailgaters if non aggressive slow moving morons would not sit in the far left lane going the speed limit or under.Fantasyland thinks speeding is safer
Esp with aggressive tailgating assholes doing illegal lane changes in heavy traffic trying to get around a slower moving vehicle
Accidents are reported statistically
Go look how many speed+ is a factor vs speed-
Yes it is. From Ontario Highway Traffic Act
Slow vehicles to travel on right side
147 (1) Any vehicle travelling upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at that time and place shall, where practicable, be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 147 (1).
NoI never disputed that speed kills, .
Now we're getting somewhere. Lol. Speed will make it more likely that you will die in the accident, but it's not actually the cause of the accidents, it's usually because of an improper lane change, sudden braking with people following too close behind, losing control of a vehicle from weather conditions, inexperience or being cut off. most of these accidents are generally caused by people going too slow, not paying attention or not "working" with other drivers to keep the flow.No
speed is just the result of 1 or more of the others!
I remember when the driver's handbook recommended leaving 1 car length for EVERY 10 mph of speed.THREE! That is excessive.
Yes, I know. Did you read the rest of my sentence?Yes it is. From Ontario Highway Traffic Act
Slow vehicles to travel on right side
147 (1) Any vehicle travelling upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at that time and place shall, where practicable, be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 147 (1).
Driving in the left lane, when he could easily move to the right for faster traffic. Darts has regularly made comments like this in the past. We know his position.I don’t understand your last comment however.
How or what is Darts doing that make passing on the left impossible?
Canada is 3 second ruleFYI:
"The two-second rule is a rule of thumb by which a driver may maintain a safe trailing distance at any speed.[1][2] The rule is that a driver should ideally stay at least two seconds behind any vehicle that is directly in front of his or her vehicle."
At 85kph you travel 77.5 feet per second. 2 seconds = 155 feet.
Average car length is 14.5 feet.
Do the math...