I think the problem when wanting to leave enough space, is that someone always changes lanes and essentially "cuts" you off and goes slower. Thats why people tend to follow too closely, to "guard" their position.
The more space the better, my car does this automatically and it's nice to not think about it. It makes me crazy when I am leaving the proper distance and some asshat decides to change lanes into the space between me and the car ahead at a lower speed. (especially at moments where there is absolutely no need to change lanes).
I think what we need is a provincial advertising campaign aimed at all drivers to "re-educate" them on the rules of the road, how to be courteous, how to slow down a little, not race and be aggressive, just a little reminder that we have to share the road and what some of the basic rules are.
Car Stopping Distance Calculator
I think what we need is a provincial advertising campaign aimed at all drivers to "re-educate" them on the rules of the road, how to be courteous, how to slow down a little, not race and be aggressive, just a little reminder that we have to share the road and what some of the basic rules are.