RIP Chris Benoit


New member
Aug 30, 2004
maurice93 said:
Wait and see for what exactly????

How exactly is it more plausable to you that the wife killed the child then Benoit did? Why would you think that?
I'd say at least as plausible and possibly more so. She's home with the boy, he 's getting on her nerves, maybe she's on some anti depressants and snaps.
Lets face it. Doesn't it seem a little strange for Benoit to cancel a pay per view gig, on the road with his buddies, gets a phone call from his wife, drops everything to rush home to kill them and himself. Doesn't totally pass the smell test for me. I suspect we haven't heard the end of this. Yeah, I know about the police report and all, but it wouldn't be the first time the cops got it wrong.


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Aug 30, 2004
moviefan said:
True enough, the DA said Nancy was killed on Friday, and the son was killed on either Saturday or Sunday.

Here's the latest AP story on the Star's website:
And this makes little sense either. Is the kid supposed to be roaming around the house for 24 hours while his mother lays dead in her bed and Benoit is figuring out what to do with him? I thought Benoit didn't leave for home until Saturday.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
BottomsUp said:
And this makes little sense either. Is the kid supposed to be roaming around the house for 24 hours while his mother lays dead in her bed and Benoit is figuring out what to do with him? I thought Benoit didn't leave for home until Saturday.
He never showed up all weekend from what I understand.


New member
Feb 12, 2007
BottomsUp said:
And this makes little sense either. Is the kid supposed to be roaming around the house for 24 hours while his mother lays dead in her bed and Benoit is figuring out what to do with him? I thought Benoit didn't leave for home until Saturday.

BUP, you're bringing me over to your side, keep working the story bro, I'm leaning.


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Aug 17, 2003
1. On the subject of tribute shows. I think they should stop these all together and just have the world stop for at least um a week? These guys should be told to go home and be with their families when any one of their workers dies.

2,. On last nights Tribute Show - did anyone else find it odd that his closest friends ( Chavo, Regal, Melenko) the guys from WCW, didnt completely break down and cry during their rememberances? I know we all grieve in different ways, but their personal tributes seemed creepy, like they knew something. If you just found out your friend, his wife and their child were found dead wouldnt you be just devasted? They definately would have known about the problems Chris and his wife had and I also think when this story first broke (3 ppl found dead), they already knew what really happened in that house so it was probably difficult to pay their respects last night on live television. On the one had they loved him and tried to say that, but on the other hand they probably had a difficult time saying it because they hated what he did.

Did anyone else have this impression of Regal, Melenko and Chavo?


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
popsiclepete said:
1. On the subject of tribute shows. I think they should stop these all together and just have the world stop for at least um a week? These guys should be told to go home and be with their families when any one of their workers dies.

2,. On last nights Tribute Show - did anyone else find it odd that his closest friends ( Chavo, Regal, Melenko) the guys from WCW, didnt completely break down and cry during their rememberances? I know we all grieve in different ways, but their personal tributes seemed creepy, like they knew something. If you just found out your friend, his wife and their child were found dead wouldnt you be just devasted? They definately would have known about the problems Chris and his wife had and I also think when this story first broke (3 ppl found dead), they already knew what really happened in that house so it was probably difficult to pay their respects last night on live television. On the one had they loved him and tried to say that, but on the other hand they probably had a difficult time saying it because they hated what he did.

Did anyone else have this impression of Regal, Melenko and Chavo?
Chavo's was freaky:

1) How he was invited into his house this week.
2) How Chris Benoit the professional, missed his flight out that morning...cough. cough.
3) How he called him on Saturday, to say he "loved him".

Not saying Chavo had anything to do with it all (not at all!) , but Chavo openly admitted that Chris was acting strange the last week.

Von Wigglestaff

Rock me Amadeus
Jan 23, 2004
Takeshi Castle
A few years ago ( if someone remembers which PPV this was inform us) Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero gave a clinic in tag-team wrestling to Buba Ray Dudley and Matt Hardy. Never have two wrestlers worked as well together. And when they wrestled each other those matches were legendary. Only Booker T could come close to bringing out the best in Benoit like Guerrero did.

Their relationship went beyond the squared circle; when Eddie was battling with his drug and alcohol problems Benoit was always there to offer guidance. When Eddie died, Benoit wept uncontrollably at his tribute. After that Benoit was never the same again; the moves and the intensity were there but he projected a dead aura. It was as if his soul had died with Eddie.

I'm happy that Trish Stratus and Chris Jericho got out before the business consumed them.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
BottomsUp said:
And this makes little sense either. Is the kid supposed to be roaming around the house for 24 hours while his mother lays dead in her bed and Benoit is figuring out what to do with him? I thought Benoit didn't leave for home until Saturday.
I find it amusing how you are bringing in "Sense" into this. Does it make any sense for a mother to kill her child?

Let's not forget that you made two major factual errors:
- Chavo openly admitted last night that Chris Benoit was at home on Friday and missed his flight, after Chavo stayed over on Thursday night (the fact was right on the tribute show) So Chris Benoit was in fact at home at times on Friday... make a little more sense now, why he had to rush back?? Left his kid alone after doing the deed on Friday??

- His mother was in her office not her bedroom.


Aug 24, 2004
I just read he killed his wife and son. Benoit as a great wrestler is the last thing that comes to mind now, but I'm not gonna be the judge.

As for WWE, I've had enough. First, it was extremely irresponsible for a billion dollar company to air a tribute for someone now known as a child murderer before getting all the facts straight. Like someone mentioned earlier, they probably saw a chance to finally score some ratings, knowing how well previous tribute shows had done. The fact that they've pretty much erased Benoit's name from merchandise, the website, video history etc is them admitting they screwed up. Secondly, what about this supposed steroid free product that they are touting? BS, this piece of #$% Benoit probably killed his wife and son in a roid rage. Police did find steroids in the home.

If WWE really wants to make amends for this they should apoligize for airing a tribute that honours a child killer. They should also test everyone in that locker room and permanently fire every one of them that's found juiced up. Of course they won't though because then there would be no "talent" left.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Gyaos said:
Dude RTFF. When the news broke, CNN was tight lipped. Fox ran the story first, then MSNBC. CNN was still out in the darkness. And typical because when Turner sold CNN and WCW, so south did the journalism go too. Read this thread as it developed. CNN was last and with their bullshit "Most Trusted Name in News" and "Be the First to Know", they were **dead** last (to say it mildly), yet the closest to the location.

Maybe because they, like us, have been de-sensitized to dead wrestlers. I'm sorry but when I saw some news about a wrestler found dead, my first thought was "there goes another one". Then I found out about the innocent lives taken....


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
BuffNaked said:
Don't be quick to blame the steroids. I'm sure there are other factors leading to this whole situation. Who knows what was running through Benoits head at that time. He could have been on other drugs too or maybe he didn't take his perscription. We don't know and anything to the contary is just speculation.
agreed. 95% of the WWE is on roids. At least half the NFL probably is. A good 20-30% of the MLB and NHL might be. A high number of competitive muscle heads out in the world probably are. If 'roids is the only culprit then we'd see a lot more of these types of incidents


New member
Aug 30, 2004
maurice93 said:
I find it amusing how you are bringing in "Sense" into this. Does it make any sense for a mother to kill her child?
Glad you found it amusing. Doubt that anyone else did, but as long as you did, then I'm happy.

maurice93 said:
Let's not forget that you made two major factual errors:

- His mother was in her office not her bedroom.
This would be classified as a MAJOR factual error?


Jan 20, 2007
Famous Wrestlers That Have Died Since 1985 Before the Age of 65

Chris Von Erich - 21
Mike Von Erich - 23
Louie Spiccoli - 27
Art Barr - 28
Gino Hernandez - 29
Jay Youngblood - 30
Rick McGraw - 30
Joey Marella - 30
Ed Gatner - 31
Buzz Sawyer - 32
Crash Holly - 32
Kerry Von Erich - 33
D.J. Peterson - 33
Eddie Gilbert - 33
The Renegade - 33
Owen Hart - 33
Chris Candido - 33
Adrian Adonis - 34
Gary Albright - 34
Bobby Duncum Jr. - 34
Yokozuna - 34
Big Dick Dudley - 34
Brian Pillman - 35
Marianna Komlos - 35
Pitbull #2 - 36
The Wall/Malice - 36
Leroy Brown - 38
Mark Curtis - 38
Eddie Guerrero - 38
Davey Boy Smith - 39
Johnny Grunge - 39
Vivian Vachon - 40
Jeep Swenson - 40
Brady Boone - 40
Terry Gordy - 40
Bertha Faye - 40
Billy Joe Travis - 40
Chris Benoit - 40
Larry Cameron - 41
Rick Rude - 41
Randy Anderson - 41
Bruiser Brody - 42
Miss Elizabeth - 42
Big Boss Man - 42
Earthquake - 42
Mike Awesome - 42
Ray Candy - 43
Nancy Benoit (Woman) - 43
Dino Bravo - 44
Curt Hennig - 44
Bam Bam Bigelow - 45
Jerry Blackwell - 45
Junkyard Dog - 45
Hercules - 45
Andre the Giant - 46
Big John Studd - 46
Chris Adams - 46
Mike Davis - 46
Hawk - 46
Dick Murdoch - 49
Jumbo Tsuruta - 49
Rocco Rock - 49
Sherri Martel - 49
Moondog Spot - 51
Ken Timbs - 53
Uncle Elmer - 54
Pez Whatley - 54
Eddie Graham - 55
Tarzan Tyler - 55
Haystacks Calhoun- 55
Giant Haystacks - 55
The Spoiler - 56
Kurt Von Hess - 56
Moondog King - 56
Gene Anderson - 58
Dr. Jerry Graham - 58
Bulldog Brown - 58
Tony Parisi - 58
Rufus R. Jones - 60
Ray Stevens - 60
Stan Stasiak - 60
Terry Garvin - 60
Boris Malenko - 61
Little Beaver - 61
Sapphire - 61
Shohei Baba - 61
Dick the Bruiser - 62
Wilbur Snyder - 62
George Cannon - 62
Karl Krupp - 62
Dale Lewis - 62
Gorilla Monsoon - 62
Hiro Matsuda - 62
Bad News Brown - 63
Bulldog Brower - 63
Wahoo McDaniel - 63


Nov 26, 2005
North York
I wouldn't say all the wrestlers on that list were "famous", but yes, the amount of premature deaths of wrestlers is staggering, and it's clear that the business takes an incredible toll on most of the people in it.
Which makes this even more difficult, since Benoit seemed like one of the more sensible people in it. The loss of these 3 lives is just senseless.
I really don't know what to say......on the one hand, I could write a book about my feelings on this, and on the other I feel like there's nothing to say.
The guy was my favorite wrestler, and while I had no clue about what he was like as a person, he seemed like a good, laid-back, respectful person. Now, not only is my favorite gone, I'm left wondering how to remember him.
I imagine everyone else is having the same problem, too. This is a guy who would undoubtedly have been a future hall-of-famer, whose classic matches could've filled a dozen DVD's, who you could've pointed to as a role model for any aspiring wrestler. And now that's all gone. All those classic moments, and WWE will probably never even air them again.

My pain is nothing compared to that of the family and friends of Chris, Nancy and Daniel, but I'm just writing this as a bit of catharsis and to show how terrible they must feel if an ordinary fan is going through this.


New member
Jan 29, 2003
Report: Benoit's son suffered from Fragile X syndrome
Submitted by Brian Cantor on Tuesday, June 26, 2007 at 11:39 PM EST

Canadian female Pam Winthrope told News 1130 in Canada that Chris Benoit's son had a genetic condition called Fragile X syndrome.

According to WebMD, "Fragile X Syndrome is a defect of the X chromosome which causes mild mental retardation. The disorder occurs more frequently and severely among males than females. This condition is the leading known familial cause of mental retardation in the United States. Language delays, behavioral problems, autism or autistic-like behavior (including poor eye contact and hand-flapping), enlarged external genitalia (macroorchidism), large or prominent ears, hyperactivity, delayed motor development and/or poor sensory skills are among the wide range of symptoms associated with this disorder."

Winthrope, whose son also suffers from the condition, told the Canadian news outlet that her husband reached out to Benoit five years ago in an attempt to increase awareness about Fragile X.

She told News 1130, "We talked to him because I was trying to set up a support group in BC and in Canada, we only have a couple of them. My husband was struggling when we got diagnosed with our son, and Chris was struggling with his. They talked for a few minutes and then he said he didn't want to be a public face for Fragile X, he just wanted to keep it really, really quiet."

Winthrope noted that the lack of support for those affected by the disorder can tear families apart. Nonetheless, "she couldn't believe the news that Benoit had taken his life along with his wife and 7-year-old son," wrote News 1130.


New member
Sep 25, 2006
0 you guys have swallowed Vince's Kool-Aid! BTW...wrestling is is scripted. Watch olympic level wrestling not the stuff designed for Appalachian inbreeds.
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