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RIP Chris Benoit


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
Actually, for all his faults, McMahon is usually pretty classy in dealing with tragedies like this.

I have always admired the quiet way he paid his respects at Owen's funeral. Given what was being said about him at the time, it couldn't have been easy for McMahon to attend the funeral. Sometimes, McMahon does focus on doing what is right.


New member
Mar 10, 2003
I was absolutely shocked when I turned on to see raw tonight to see McMahon making the opening statement.
And the fact that it was not just Benoit but also his wife and son, HOLY FUCK!
I never knew the guy personally, but I did meet him once at a show.
It was just one of those typical meets you have with a well known personality (hi, great work, etc). But he seemed like a classy type of guy.

Weird how a celebrity death can affect you.
It's not like a close family member or friend but when you watch the person for however long and you end up forming some sort of connection with them.
They become a type of friend or something like that and you still feel an emotional loss.

My deepest condolences to his family and friends a peers in the wrestling world.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Chris Benoit in WCW was a former Horseman, first with Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and the late Brian Pillman. Unlike others, he stayed on as a Horseman when Steve "Mongo" McMichael came on and later another close friend of his joined Dean Malenko.

Benoit in WCW was a former US Champion (defeated David Flair for the title) and a former WCW World Champion but remember he threw the title in the trash and went to the WWF (now the WWE).

In WCW, Nancy Sullivan came on acting as a fan character known as Robin, hoping Rick Steiner would fall for her. Those days as Robin were her favourite moments in wrestling, back in 1989. She turned into "WOMAN" and he did. Later she became the "Manager of the Horsemen" and hung around Ric Flair. Returning in 1996 with Randy Savage, she quickly turned on him, got Elizabeth on-board and worked an angle with Ric Flair when he became the 12 time WCW World Champion. That, IMHO, was Nancy at her absolute sexy best. Especially when she kicked Flair's opponents outside the ring 'cuz she had to carry her really sexy ass with the kick. A larger Valerie Bertinelli type. Kevin Sullivan (her then husband) wrote an angle in which Chris Benoit and Sullivan had a series of "falls count everywhere matches", so she branched off Flair, aimicably left Sullivan, and hung with Benoit, while secretly communicating with each other discovering the Internet. The NWO came, Benoit and Woman hitched up after a very well publcized match with The Giant (aka: The Big Show) and they were happy for many, many years thereafter. She left TV and he kept on wrestling.

Hmmm... This is really a tragedy. It's one thing when one dies, but a whole F'n family? Two television personalities and their child? The WWE seems to have had a lot of wrestlers die of late. That's not good. From Owen Hart, Curt Hennig, Eddie Guerrero, Miss Elizabeth, and now the entire Benoit Family. Just doesn't make F'n sense.

C'est La Vie and I'm sure Nancy and Benoit would want the show to go on.


New member
May 24, 2006

hunter001 said:
I think he is upset because he doesn't know how to make money by spinning this into an angle... yet
you are very compassionate


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001


Jun 21, 2006
WOW....Im shocked...I feel so bad for the child especially. I hope they felt no pain. I truely hope the child didnt know what was happening. My god what is coming of this world?


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
ottawaguy03 said:
you are very compassionate
I am compassionate to any wrestler that dies. WWE spun Eddie G. death into an angle to make money. :rolleyes:


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
moviefan said:
I have always admired the quiet way he paid his respects at Owen's funeral.
Maybe he was upset because he was in charge of having Owen come down on the damn rig. It was his creative team was responsible for the idea for Owen to come down on the rig and his company bought the damn rig.


Jan 23, 2006
Breakfast @ Tiffany's
You will be missed

In my books Chris Benoit is just like Brett "The Hitman" hart. He is the best there is, the best there was, and the best that will ever will be!!!! "RIP" Rabbit Wolverine.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
usher14 said:
In my books Chris Benoit is just like Brett "The Hitman" hart. He is the best there is, the best there was, and the best that will ever will be!!!! "RIP" Rabbit Wolverine.
Agree. The tribute show is awesome.
You know, I have watched this guy wrestle, since his tag team days with Biff Wellington in Stampede Wrestling. I have watched his career in all these years being a diehard wrestling fan. I can honestly say that he has been one of if not my favorite wrestler to watch in all the years I've watched wrestling. You were always waiting to see what he was going to do next and whether he won or lost, you knew he gave his all to make sure you were entertained.

Rest in peace Chris Benoit and family. I sit here in shock and with a tear in my eye that you are gone. I will forever live with the memories of the great matches that you provided me, a wrestling fan, for all these years.
I'd like to think that he wouldn't do something like that. Saying that I hope nobody would, but in today's society, things happen that shock us all. I hope it's not true he did that, or for that matter his wife as well.

Durham guy

New member
Mar 26, 2007
Wow I just get home from a vacation and turn on RAW and see a memorial show for Chris. First thing out of my mouth was WTF. Out of all the wrestler I never expected someone like him to die.

The only good I can see out of this is atleast he didn't follow the paths of previous deceased wrestler (heart problems)

Still very tragic. One of the best technically sound preformers around.


New member
Dec 2, 2001
bestillmehard said:
speculation is that he killed his wife and son on the Sunday and then killed himself on Monday.
I'll hold off judgement until more comes out, but if this is true, then the sympathies I had for him upon first hearing of his death go right down the toilet. A 7 year old boy? Some piece of shit did this, only time will tell who that was, but it's looking more and more like Chris Benoit is the culprit.
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