if you mean I will never understand the shit the left dreams up , yeah it is illogical and unachievableYou will never understand shit.
If you resent the rewards your companies owners make for assuming the financial and operation risks of running the business, you can always seek employment elsewherePeople are tired to put in hard work so 12 people can buy their yacht and 3rd house mansions...
too funnyAmerica was great when a regular worker could buy a house for his family, send kids to university and provide a good quality life on a single house hold salary. Simple.
You might want to look at what has driven the changes since your simple utopian times 1950 & 1960s
- more women have entered into workforce. Double income families increased demand for bigger homes & bid up the housing prices
- Left leaning municipal govts applied more and more restrictions on housing development, constricting supply
- Technological advancements made some employees hyper productive relative to your masses
- Technological advancements also produces all kinds of innovations and consumer goods that make life better. Not every 12 year old needed his/her own phone in the 1960s
- a rotation from manufacturing to more service oriented economies required a new set of skills
Capitalism and access to affordable reliable energy have reduced the share of people living in abject poverty like no other time in human history
you do not want to reverse this amazing trend by introducing socialism or intentionally making energy more expensive & unreliable