You really don't understand how bills are passed do you.
This is all on McConnell. He scrapped a bill passed by Congress for his own version and couldn't come up with the goods. It's that simple. This is a disfunctional GoP caucus without a clue. Trump was right not to go out of his way for this. It was a bad bill written by a bought and past due date Senator.
Now you quit blaming all the world's problems on one man 7 months in office.
This was around long before he showed up.
You meant passed by the House; if there was a bill passed by Congress, it would be awaiting only Trump's signature to be the law of the land.
It's on the Party, which went with a bill that couldn't attract its own members to support it, in spite of the largely invisible efforts of their President and the very visible efforts of the Majority Party's Leader in the Senate. If the House Bill — a Republican measure — could have gotten enough Senate votes to pass, it most likely would have been. But it couldn't even get the votes of the Republican Senators, never mind attracting enough Democrats to make up for the shortfall. McConnell knew that, and it's the reason he put the work into the risky Bill he did (which would then have to win in the House, or face a lengthy compromise process)
Truth is: Very few voters want the ACA repealed, although a larger number may want it replaced and improved. The cheers at the rallies were against anything with Obama's name attached to it, and they were as mindless as the votes. What we're seeing is a bunch of pols slowly realizing that all the election rigging that put them in power didn't actually win the people, and they're reluctantly realizing their Party is utterly unpractised at figuring out programs — not just winning slogans — that the country really needs and how to persuade the people they lead, that those plans and projects are what they really want.
Winning isn't everything. In politics it just qualifies you to enter the marathon. Don't blame McConnell or Trump. It was Team Republican that stumbled at the gun.