Hank Reardon said:
There are lots more good things that you can do to ''save humanity'' for the common good rather than to pretend to be something here on TERB,
That is certainly the case for you. You're pretending to be to be some sort of psychologist or psychological expert, but in fact, you know virtually nothing.
You bandy around words like projection and enabler as if you know it all. In fact your knowledge is vague, impish, immature and totally incomplete. You come across as CNN-Lite in a Dr. Phil wannabe fashion. Perhaps you should examine why you want to "rescue" all these people upon whom you project and call enablers. You should also address your need to play pop psychologist from the safety of your computer. You probably don't have the courage to say this stuff to people directly. And if you do, chances are you get very confused and frightened when people don't listen to you.
I have a knowledge of clinical psychology, and actually have years of experience in working with projection. It is more often than not a very subtle and complex activity, involving the interplay between two individuals. It is rarely as simple as someone saying “I think you have mental issues” and not examining their own mental issues. That’s the bubble-gum, vending machine style of psychology that you’re practicing. The projection is not necessarily what is said, but the issues of anger, fear, shame and guilt that are disowned or put onto the other person.
Get someone to feel their feelings as their own and see their impact on others and you are beginning the healing process. Simply throwing back insults at someone and saying “you’re projecting on me” or “I’m just holding up the mirror” does no good - at best it's really, really amateurish psychotherapy. It’s like two bulls butting heads, and by pretending to know it all you’re the one raising the red cape to the other bulls.
You’re just a shit disturber and a coward with your hit-and-run harsh reality, and you’re not helping anyone, as evidenced by the resistance you are getting. Would anyone who has been the beneficiary of Hank's insights care to stand-up and say that he's helped them in any way?
If you actually want to help people, you need to change your approach. Compassion - as a psychotherapeutic tool is as powerful as "the harsh reality" that you claim to practice, here only on TERB. See Hank, I'm assuming that you're not some sort of therapist - and if you're not, in your own words, please stop pretending to be one here on here on TERB, there's lots more good you can do for humanity -blah, blah, blah... truth hurts - blah, blah, blah. How does my harsh reality sound to you? Does it sound conceited? Does it make you want to amend your ways? Does it make you want to listen to me? Compassion, my friend, of which I am showing you very little could get you to listen to me more carefully.
Your definition of enabler also comes off as a Psych-101 Flunkie. Now, to give you some credit (and I shudder to do so), you've called people enablers, and in fact they more than likely are. However - douchebag - you don't realize that there are stages to the process - including the stage of finally taking the appropriate action. See, what you fail to understand is that seeking professional help for the addicted person is NOT (and I repeat NOT) considered an enabling activity - and that is what people have come on to TERB to do. Someone may have been an enabler in the past, but that does not mean they are so in the present.
Finally, to show you that I understand you, projection and enabling, I invite you to respond to me. Go on... call me any name in that pop-psychology playbook that you have. Turn the tables on me and give me your prognosis. Rip-apart my post. I have absolutely no intention of responding to anything you say. Here's why:
- First, there was a guy on here who had as a signature line "Never argue with an idiot, they just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." As such, I have no intention of arguing with you - I don't want to be dragged down by you. Oh, and by the way, if you feel the same about me, I'd appreciate you saving the bandwidth and not responding to this post.
- Second, I don't want to "enable" you to be the Dr. Phil wannabe that you want to be. This is my one and only post to you, no matter what you may say. How's that for understanding the definition of enabler - not doing something that will actually enable you to continue your maladaptive ways?
- Third, those with projective personalities love to hit and run. They also love to create fear and draw people to them through hostility, because they are too cowardly to create any form of intimacy any other way. So go ahead and hit and run with me, I won't be drawn to you like a fly is to sh*t. I'm more confident than you are.
- Fourth, there is a famous psychiatrist that says “We are defined by our neuroses.” My reply is riddled with my own. My guess is that you are good enough to pick some of them out – but guess what - I’m aware of them, I’m OK with them and in general, I’m in control of them. So point-out the obvious, there’s not a lot that you can say to get my goat.