Garden of Eden Escorts

President Is Dead Wrong About Climate Change: Nobel Prize Winning Scientist


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

NOAA: July hottest month on record, and 2015 could be hottest year

CNN)If you felt the heat this past July, you are hardly alone.

July saw the highest average temperatures since record-keeping began -- globally, not just in the United States -- the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported Thursday.

Globally, the first seven months of the year also had all-time highs. The latest global temperature data make it likely that 2015 will be the hottest year on record, the agency said.

NOAA's findings follow reports by NASA and the Japan Meteorological Agency, which reached the same conclusion using their own data.

But I'm sure there must be some kind of conspiracy because according top moviefan post. NASA, the IPCC, and the NOAA all say there's been no warming this century.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Don't think anyone is saying windmills will be the most used source. And electricity works as a grid. That generated by wind, hydro, nuclear, all go on the same grid. I don't thgink there are any large jurisdictions that solely use wind.

That said, it is a completely viable option in some areas. Don't know why you wouldn't use it as a part of your generation capacity.
I'm not against windmills. Just asking how reliable it is. Every renewable source helps (good point you made about the grid). Windmills can be tricky if it causes noise or interferes with bird flocks. Apart from the big one along Lakeshore, I've seen windmills in the desert when I drove from Vegas to San Diego in the 80s! Very cool.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010

NOAA: July hottest month on record, and 2015 could be hottest year

CNN)If you felt the heat this past July, you are hardly alone.

July saw the highest average temperatures since record-keeping began -- globally, not just in the United States -- the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported Thursday.

Globally, the first seven months of the year also had all-time highs. The latest global temperature data make it likely that 2015 will be the hottest year on record, the agency said.

NOAA's findings follow reports by NASA and the Japan Meteorological Agency, which reached the same conclusion using their own data.

But I'm sure there must be some kind of conspiracy because according top moviefan post. NASA, the IPCC, and the NOAA all say there's been no warming this century.

... and I don't have to be convinced from reading a graph.

If it's not the sun (are other planets getting hotter?) then what else can it be? Sherlock Holmes would not preclude AGW!!!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
On the CBC article on the same news they note that the year to date is now up to 0.85ºC.

Moviefan's bet is looking worse and worse every month.

The evidence for anthropogenic climate change is overwhelming, yet we'll still here from the deniers here who think they know better.
Its just sad for the planet.
LOL. I don't recall ever betting anyone on the NOAA's fairy-tale numbers.

This officially marks the third time I have caught you cheating by trying to change the terms of the bet -- after the fact -- to include the NOAA's monthly anomalies.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011

NOAA: July hottest month on record, and 2015 could be hottest year

CNN)If you felt the heat this past July, you are hardly alone.

July saw the highest average temperatures since record-keeping began -- globally, not just in the United States -- the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported Thursday.

Globally, the first seven months of the year also had all-time highs. The latest global temperature data make it likely that 2015 will be the hottest year on record, the agency said.

NOAA's findings follow reports by NASA and the Japan Meteorological Agency, which reached the same conclusion using their own data.

But I'm sure there must be some kind of conspiracy because according top moviefan post. NASA, the IPCC, and the NOAA all say there's been no warming this century.
Yes, let's all pretend that we're surprised that the grossly inflated fairy-tale numbers that NOAA (and now NASA) are using keep producing "warmest month ever" claims.

Unfortunately, the more reliable satellite data show July wasn't any sort of record breaker at all. The RSS data show it was only the eighth warmest July since 1979 and the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) shows that July 2015 was the ninth warmest July in its record.


Furthermore, NASA's own numbers showed that prior to the cooking of the books, there wasn't a single month from January to May of 2015 that was a record breaker.

According to NASA's pre-adjustment figures:

-- January 2007 was much warmer than January 2015.
-- February 1998 was warmer than February 2015.
-- March 2002 was warmer than March 2015.
-- April 2010 was much warmer than April 2015.
-- May 2014 was warmer than May 2015.


Indeed, prior to the cooking of the books, NASA's anomaly figures showed the average for the first five months of 2015 was the exact same as the first five months of 2010.

As for the Japan Meteorological Agency, its numbers show a small increase in 2015 due to factors such as "the blob" and El Nino. But I guess you missed the part of the graph that showed that temperatures for the entire 21st century to the end of 2014 were no warmer than 1998.

(By the way, whatever happened to your claim that the AGW proponents were only concerned about the "RATE" of change?)


Apr 23, 2014

“Let’s not confuse climate change with global warming,” Nye warned. “The world is getting warmer. There’s more carbon dioxide holding in more heat.
So when the climate changes, some places get colder and the thing that’s really consistent with climate change models is this variance.”

“My dream, Joy, is that you all, you in the news business, would just say the words ‘climate change,’”
Nye continued. “Just like, ‘It could be climate change,’ ‘It’s a possible connection to climate change,’ ‘Is this evidence of climate change?’ Can you just toss that in now and then?”

“I will say to the conservatives, we need you,” he said. “This is to say we can’t have everybody be a progressive liberal bleeding heart and so on, so on.
We need people on both sides. But if the conservative side are going to continue to deny what 97 percent of the scientists in the world are saying, we’re not going to reach a consensus.
We are not gonna make progress.”


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
LOL. I don't recall ever betting anyone on the NOAA's fairy-tale numbers.

This officially marks the third time I have caught you cheating by trying to change the terms of the bet -- after the fact -- to include the NOAA's monthly anomalies.

From the NASA site:
The 10 warmest years in the 134-year record all have occurred since 2000, with the exception of 1998. The year 2014 ranks as the warmest on record. (Source: NASA/GISS). This research is broadly consistent with similar constructions prepared by the Climatic Research Unit and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

I refer to the NOAA site because they have a very comprehensive monthly update on the year, very handy for keeping tabs on the bet.
And as NASA says, their research and data is broadly consistent with NOAA.

There is no cheating on my end.
I give you links to the sources every time, unlike you.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yes, let's all pretend that we're surprised that the grossly inflated fairy-tale numbers that NOAA (and now NASA) are using keep producing "warmest month ever" claims.
You've made this accusation that they are 'inflating', 'cheating' or committing outright fraud with the numbers before, but when challenged you just said it was a 'metaphor'.
These claims of yours are false, you have nothing to back them up other then some denier, oil funded blog that is incredibly easy to refute.

The first seven months of 2015 comprised the warmest such period on record across the world's land and ocean surfaces, at 0.85°C (1.53°F) above the 20th century average, surpassing the previous record set in 2010 by 0.09°C (0.16°F). Five months this year, including the past three, have been record warm for their respective months. January was the second warmest January on record and April third warmest.

The average global sea surface temperature of +0.67°C (+1.21°F) for the year-to-date was the highest for January–July in the 136-year period of record, surpassing the previous record of 2010 by 0.06°C (0.11°F). The average land surface temperature of +1.34°C (+2.41°F) was also the highest on record, surpassing the previous record of 2007 by 0.15°C (0.27°F).

Most of the world's land areas were much warmer than average, falling within the top 10 percent of their historical temperature range for the January–July period, as indicated by the Temperature Percentiles map above. These regions include nearly all of South America, Africa, Eurasia, and western North America, with pockets of record warmth across particularly notable across southern South America and parts of central Siberia. Overall, South America was record warm for January–July and Asia was second warmest.

As noted over and over again:

Only a total idiot can look at this chart and claim that "there has been no statistically significant warming, with most of the data showing no warming at all, when it has been confirmed by every legit global measuring system in the world.



Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
I refer to the NOAA site because they have a very comprehensive monthly update on the year, very handy for keeping tabs on the bet.
Based on your track record (throwing a temper tantrum after you lost the first bet, welching on the second), I have no confidence that you will honour the bet that was made in May.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
You've made this accusation that they are 'inflating', 'cheating' or committing outright fraud with the numbers before, but when challenged you just said it was a 'metaphor'.
No, I said the comparison with Enron's cooking of the books was a metaphor. You complained that the Enron reference was unfair because no one at the NOAA has actually been charged with anything.

That the NOAA data have been grossly inflated is not seriously disputed.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
You've made this accusation that they are 'inflating', 'cheating' or committing outright fraud with the numbers before, but when challenged you just said it was a 'metaphor'.
These claims of yours are false, you have nothing to back them up other then some denier, oil funded blog that is incredibly easy to refute.

As noted over and over again:

Only a total idiot can look at this chart and claim that "there has been no statistically significant warming, with most of the data showing no warming at all, when it has been confirmed by every legit global measuring system in the world.

BTW there is NO global warming for 18 year 6 months.

Here is the proof. As shown on the graph.

Any idiot can look at this graph and obvious you can see " there is no global warming as confimed by every every legit global measuring satellites system in the world.

Global temps as measured by satellites, UAH,


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Remember when they said global warming was killing all our bees......well, the USA honeybee population is now at a 20 year high!

Call off the bee-pocalypse: U.S. honeybee colonies hit a 20-year high

You've heard the news about honeybees. "Beepocalypse," they've called it. Beemageddon. America's honeybees are dying, putting honey production and $15 billion worth of pollinated food crops in jeopardy.

The situation has become so dire that earlier this year the White House put forth the first National Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators, a 64-page policy framework for saving the nation's bees, butterflies and other pollinating animals.

The trouble all began in 2006 or so, when beekeepers first began noticing mysterious die-offs. It was soon christened "colony collapse disorder," and has been responsible for the loss of 20 to 40 percent of managed honeybee colonies each winter over the past decade.

The math says that if you lose 30 percent of your bee colonies every year for a few years, you rapidly end up with close to 0 colonies left. But get a load of this data on the number of active bee colonies in the U.S. since 1987. Pay particular attention to the period after 2006, when CCD was first documented.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
No, I said the comparison with Enron's cooking of the books was a metaphor. You complained that the Enron reference was unfair because no one at the NOAA has actually been charged with anything.

That the NOAA data have been grossly inflated is not seriously disputed.
Your accusation is nonsense, its just your personal opinion and as such is worthless and immaterial to the debate and to the bet.
Unless you have anything real to back up this claim, you should just stop repeating it.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009

NOAA: July hottest month on record, and 2015 could be hottest year

CNN)If you felt the heat this past July, you are hardly alone.

July saw the highest average temperatures since record-keeping began -- globally, not just in the United States -- the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported Thursday.

Globally, the first seven months of the year also had all-time highs. The latest global temperature data make it likely that 2015 will be the hottest year on record, the agency said.

NOAA's findings follow reports by NASA and the Japan Meteorological Agency, which reached the same conclusion using their own data.

But I'm sure there must be some kind of conspiracy because according top moviefan post. NASA, the IPCC, and the NOAA all say there's been no warming this century.

July 10, 2015 Mid-July Frost Surprises Central Europe This Morning!
Mid-July Frost Surprises Central Europe This Morning!
By P Gosselin on 10. July 2015
After the European heat wave of last week, the pendulum has swung to the other extreme.

Currently the weather pattern dominating Central Europe is bringing unusually cold air over the continent, and early this morning regions in a number of countries were hit by ground surface frost.

Parts of Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the Czech Republic saw surface frost – even down to the lower elevations (Belgium is hardly a mountainous region).

German site Wetter24 twittered here a map depicting the frosty areas gripping this 10th of July, 2015. Also see map here.

Swiss meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann here writes and supplies a link showing a German video reporting conditions that the German Eifel region woke up to early this morning. At the 1:50 mark the video reports:

We saw fields that were snow-white. That on the tenth of July I have never seen before. My colleague Fabian had also never seen this before. It just looked wonderful. We just thought that indeed we are not in autumn or spring; we are actually in July. These pictures impressed us, and that we found this frost.”

Apparently the “greenhouse effect” of atmospheric CO2 was unable to trap the heat and prevent frost from forming at ground level.

Yesterday Aonach Mor and Strathallan in Scotland saw frost. So did Blackpool and Exeter in England!

Central Europe and Great Britain were not the only places at the middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere that saw frosty conditions. ABC News here reports that “Tioga Pass was closed from 4 miles west of Jct 395 to the Yosemite National Park entrance gate, due to snow.”

Also the southern hemisphere has seen cold weather as well. The forecast for Australia is calling for below normal temperatures.

- See more at:


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
... and I don't have to be convinced from reading a graph.

If it's not the sun (are other planets getting hotter?) then what else can it be? Sherlock Holmes would not preclude AGW!!!
I think you should read this graph. BTW there is NO global warming for 18 year 6 months.

https://wattsupwiththat.files.wordpr...g?w=1202&h=538 THIS LINK IS BROKEN DONT WORK SEE BELOW ONE I JUST FIXED THIS LINK WORK NOW
Here is the proof. As shown on the graph.

You can see " there is no global warming as confirmed by global measuring satellites system.

Global temps as measured by satellites,


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
How the Global Warming Scare Began

he comments section of this video perfectly illustrates how ass-backwards today's faux intellectuals are. John Coleman took the time to produce a 36-minute video to objectively explain his position,and never once resorting to name-calling, only to be called all sorts of names by those who disagree with him. Even more insulting is the way they demand that he prove his credentials to them despite having both a degree and a 50-year career in meteorology, while the career politician who took one science class in college is somehow considered a credible authority on any scientific matter at all. If John Coleman's experience and expertise don't even matter to these people, then nothing ever will. Of course, if he believed in the theory of man-made global warming, they'd call him a wise old sage, but because he doesn't, they just call him a senile old relic instead. It's a blatant double standard, and it's anti-intellectual to boot.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I think you should read this graph. BTW there is NO global warming for 18 year 6 months.
Your links are no good, on two different levels.
1) The first one doesn't work, the second one dishonestly tries to pass of 'lower atmosphere' temps as if they were surface temperatures, which is what we are talking about here.
2) both come from denier sites that don't provide sources for the data. Note that I am linking to direct sources, such as NASA and NOAA, which include all documentation. Its one of the ways you can tell its legit and not total bullshit.

Once again, this is a chart from NASA.
Its current and its legit.
I assume that you are also horizontally challenged and think this shows a flat line?
Ashley Madison
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