Power Outage:What was the 1st U thought Off?

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Not to perpetuate the flame war (which should stop, BTW...) but I couldn't help but point this out.
E_B_Samaritano said:
Now if your Prime Minister's office is not credible, I can hardly be held responsible for that.

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! :p


*falls over*


Aug 24, 2001
All I could think about was scenes from 28 Days Later as I was walking up and down 11 floors in the dark.


New member
Jun 6, 2003
planet earth
Berlin said:
[BThen it finally hit me that I wasn't going to make it ...... without electricity, I was going to miss my fav reality show at 8 last night....[/B]
The AMAZING RACE will be rebroadcast on Sunday night at 8pm on the OLN Channel (ch. 58).
I love that show.

It was the first time I could see the stars in the sky, so clearly,
downtown. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
I just got my power back about 10 minutes ago ...

My first thought yesterday was there's a black out, followed by the terrifying notion that I may not be able to get on TERB that night, which was followed by things like, I won't be able to make tea, old people will really suffer if it keeps up etc ...

It then came to mind it's possibly due to all those people who run their damn AC 24/7.

I just skipped over this thread quickly, so I'm not sure what the dealio is, but it amazed me hearing people outside of TERB trying to lay blame somewhere. Why do people always need to find someone to blame. Shit happens. ( I still think it's those air conditioned hydro hoggers )

Anyway, not a big dealio for most of us, but it sure was a kick ( albeit lightly ) in the ass as to how much we take all these things that run on electricity for granted. Not that we'll appreciate them anymore a few days or weeks down the road ...

It's also scary how we rely on the net and TV ( back up ) as a source of entertainment. I suddenly felt very alone ...

And to think there's people in Iraq who have been without electricity for months. ( not meaning to single Iraq out as a sole example, but it's the most obvious one to relate this to that I can think of ) Then there's those in the world who have never had the "pleasure" of such luxuries, but in some cases you don't miss what you never had.

For a while there I thought I'd been warped into "Little House On The Prairie", but lacking the soul and contentment.

Eeer ... no, I didn't think it was terrorists ( who needs terrorists when it seems that terror is already within some of us ) and, no I most definitely didn't think it was a computer virus as I heard some people say.

It was a weird experience altogether. Interesting to see how certain commodities suddenly became life or death necessities in some peoples minds ( gas etc )

The convenience store near my house had it's window smashed & was broken into last night. To those retards I say, fuck you. To all the cool people who directed traffic and helped out their neighbours by bringing ice, water and whatever, you fuckin rule ( not meant in a Toronto is great and really pulled together kinda sense - there were a lot of people whining and bitching about trivial nonsense )


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I went for a walk about last night around 9 ish and it was really amazing to see everyone sitting out on their porches, talking to neighbours, just enjoying the night.

I know there were a few incidents of vandalism but it wasn't widespread. It was great how everyone (or most) settled down to get through it.

I hit the beaches on my blades and saw a lot of people just outside enjoying the day though I was a little jealous that sloblobs (aka loblaws) were open and had the ac cranked when I didn't have juice for my fan at home.

I myself gave a few people a lift downtown so they could make their way home by foot. It actually only took me 20 minutes longer than normal to get home (go figure?).

I was a LITTLE worried when I looked in my wallet and saw only a 20. WIth the banks down cash was king (thank god I have about 300 in toonies in the change dish).

As I was sitting at home with the candles going watching tv (it was a show about 2 black guys in a darkroom, they didn't say much, it was pretty boring actually), I was thinking hmmm this would be perfect if I had a lovely lady here........though it would have been really hot and sweaty even before we got down to business.

I wonder what the financial cost will be from this, with all the spoiled food, lost revenues, etc. It's going to put a big dent in the economy that's for sure.



Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
pool said:
I just skipped over this thread quickly, so I'm not sure what the dealio is
Same here Poolie.

However, I actually had the opportunity to see the vast majority of neighbours for the first time in the last 5-7 years out using their BBQ's.

To me, the blackout was just like going car-camping except I didn't have to put up the tent.

I set up the air mattress in the dining room because it was cooler downstairs - Gee it was great to get laid in that room again.
Jeez, Computer Virus? Terroists?

Look at it this way, since 1965, ther has NOT been a serious power failure in North America!

Putting aside the enviornmental power outages (snow, hail, rain), I'd suggest that the power grid is approaching 100% uptime.

Once in awhile a set of circumstances occur that leads to a major loss of power--it's inevitable!

Just be thankfull that it is electrical engineers who run the show!

If computer engineers were responible for the power grid, we would have to reboot the damn thing every couple of hours or so!!


New member
Jun 25, 2003
barrie area

They already know the cause of blackouts

You need 3 ingredients

1 Peak demand

2 a triggering event

3. lack of redundancy in transmission lines (not enough lines)

THere are not enough lines being built because no one wants them around their house because they are a known cancer risk and because they cost megabucks to build. now that most of hydro is privatized they don't feel the need to spend the bucks to build more.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
FYI: a lot of the lineups at the gas stations were because ppl were caught with little or no gas in their tanks. Therefore they either had to park it or have it run out on the side of the road then pay the towing charge.

I was listening to CBC radio and many were in that predicament. Thankfully I had just filled up that morning but instead of driving, I just bladed where I needed to go.

Id say this power outage probably did wonders for people's health, with all the walking, climbing, biking etc. Maybe we should
have one of these a week? ehhehe *just kiddin*

La Contessa

New member
Feb 21, 2003
Another thought

Look on the bright side of all this. Nine months from now there will be a mini BABY BOOM. Same thing happened in 65'.

Baby Booms are generally good for the economy n'est pas?

Hmmmm...maybe it was actually 'planned' by our devious politicians.


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
the incubator

It seems we have terrorists within in more ways than one. Don't feel bad Lisa, we know you were coerced and obviously did not act alone.

It's interesting how many people, like Ref, experienced some enlightenment, due to the temporary shutdown of our incubator.

I think I was just beginning to find my feet and didn't get a chance to actually live life outside our "conditioned" environment. Besides, since I found out Rusty practically lives across the road from me, I'm scared to meet my new neighbours. Imagine finding out Ref is your neighbour ...

I didn't even get to boom boom ( out go the lights ), so won't be a contributor to any upcoming baby boom.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Sheik said:
Prime minister's office credible? OMFG, thanks for the laugh EBS. I needed that.
Yes, I have to agree with you there Sheik!

Sheik said:
I started to get a little angry at those environmentalists who kept whining about how nasty power generation stations were and how they have kept us from building more efficient sources of power to handle those 100,000 plus immigrants pouring into our region of Canada every year.
wtf? Now its blame the immigrants and the environmentalists? Reality check Sheik! If we had started to develop renewable energy sources like solar and wind a few years ago, we wouldn't be in this situation. And what the fuck have immigrants got to do with it? Come on Sheik. Lets see a retraction on that one please. Its really bordering on racist. We are used to more intelligent opinions coming from you.


Who Am I? U first!
Jan 2, 2003
Questor said:
wtf? Now its blame the immigrants and the environmentalists? Reality check Sheik! If we had started to develop renewable energy sources like solar and wind a few years ago, we wouldn't be in this situation. And what the fuck have immigrants got to do with it? Come on Sheik. Lets see a retraction on that one please. Its really bordering on racist. We are used to more intelligent opinions coming from you.
Yes, I am a little suprised and disappointed to have read this kind of statement. Sheik, I second Questor's call for a retraction. Lets hear it.


New member
Jun 24, 2003
At first I thought, stupid Ernie Eves and his price cap; we've now run out of power! Then I went out for a walk and heard it was in NYC too and thought, oh, so maybe its not Eves. That night I listened to the radio and sat with candles on my deck. I heard Lastman speak, and George Bush, but I thought where is Eves or the Chretin, what happen to our government?

The power outage really didn't set in until I couldn't have a cup of coffee the next morning!


Aug 18, 2001
Basically it's politicians and high level beaurcrats that have piss development on something useless (like themselves) rather than make improvements on the aging infrastructure of the hydro system.


New member
Aug 16, 2003
He DON Q. You dumb buns would'nt find us anyway.Most Yanks think the Panama canal is a sexual appendage.In any case,if you ever find us,we will release our secret weapons---Black flyes Deer flyes,and other assorted nasties,to give you Dangue fever ,yellow Fever,black plaque,we will bombard you with our running shoes and give you Atheletes foot,not to mention Stump ass,
So take that, you Cleveland Beer swiller(your Brew Stinks)

Yours Bug Bait
Life is to short to hurry.


I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
The first thing I thought of was that the electrical grid had been over stressed due to all the air conditioners running.
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