Poilievre calls out Jagmeet 'Sellout' Singh to end deal with Liberals


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
They weren't in power. What I'm stating is had they been in power(and it was about the timing when the original laws were struck down) they would have done the same thing.
Amazing how once again you pull something out of your ass and make an assumption. They have completely disregarded the legislation without attracting any attention. Yet you seem to think they would have done the same. Conservatives fought legalizing cannabis, it was the LIBERALS who legalized it. Do you really believe they would have tried to be hard ass as a party whose base includes morally imposing judgemental religious zealots???

Unless you are going to state you believe Trudeau, or any Majority Liberal government would have left prostitution in Canada fully legal. Is that your claim?
Why not, have they done anything to bolster the legislation Harper with Pee Pee by his side brought in??


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The problem here is the left split up the vote allowing the right to right into town. I'd like to see a merge or have another right-wing party come into the mix that garners as many seats or more than the NDP so it's a level playing field.
Hopefully the cons split up again into two parties.
Jeff is running into some issues, his expenses are crazy high and now he's looking like a Putin puppet.



Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Amazing how once again you pull something out of your ass and make an assumption. They have completely disregarded the legislation without attracting any attention. Yet you seem to think they would have done the same. Conservatives fought legalizing cannabis, it was the LIBERALS who legalized it. Do you really believe they would have tried to be hard ass as a party whose base includes morally imposing judgemental religious zealots???

Why not, have they done anything to bolster the legislation Harper with Pee Pee by his side brought in??
Yes they would. Because the Conservatives used the FEMINIST centric legislation of criminalized MALE behavior, but not Female Behavior. The exact same legislation the Liberals would have used.
Enforcement is municipal and provincial. So then by your reckoning a Conservative John Tory and Doug Ford also are not enforcing.

And any religious zealot would have also criminalized the women again. That's not the basis of the legislation. It's the simple community standard that in almost every North American Jurisdiction Prostitution is frowned upon. The Liberals, Conservatives, the NDP all would have done the same thing. And so they wanted to discourage the John's, and the pimps, and go after the traffickers. The other basic idea being ALL women in the business are considered victims first.

That's why what I said it's true.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Jagmeet pulling out has more to do with an upcoming byelection. Do you really think he is going to trigger an early election??? Tell me you're not that naive. Last question, who do you think Jagmeet rather work with, Justin or Piss Stain? Now if you will excuse me, I need to take a piss. It's all this PEE PEE posting.
Soon? No. Between the USA election and Xmas/Winter bad timing. No one wants it. Spring? Definite possibility. But you never know, Ford ruled out an early election so he may have caught wind of the NDP announcement and doesn't want back to back.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
This statement applies only to what is in your mind and belief that you can spit our nonsense and you only believe it to be fact.

The opportunity came up. He did nothing. Therefore he supports c-36.

Per the above article Trudeau promised reform in 2015 and did nothing in 9 years. That is a clear support of existing laws as they had a majority and did nothing while putting through legalized pot.

He lied.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010

The opportunity came up. He did nothing. Therefore he supports c-36.

Per the above article Trudeau promised reform in 2015 and did nothing in 9 years. That is a clear support of existing laws as they had a majority and did nothing while putting through legalized pot.

He lied.
The industry doesn't need regulation it needs decriminalization and that is why more than likely they didn't do anything but hey you believe what ever makes you sleep at night. I call them BUTT stories you believe you believe otherwise.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The industry doesn't need regulation it needs decriminalization and that is why more than likely they didn't do anything but hey you believe what ever makes you sleep at night. I call them BUTT stories you believe you believe otherwise.
Yes, and your boy, despite promises did nothing. When you do nothing that is support. He didn't want to expend the political capital with the general population.

Point being NO POLITICIANS give a rat's ass about us. So stop claiming one is worse than the other on this topic. And don't try to claim some sort of "immorality ground" on this either. I'm smart enough to realize no vague promise about this is worth the air it took to speak it.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Yes, and your boy, despite promises did nothing. When you do nothing that is support. He didn't want to expend the political capital with the general population.

Point being NO POLITICIANS give a rat's ass about us. So stop claiming one is worse than the other on this topic. And don't try to claim some sort of "immorality ground" on this either. I'm smart enough to realize no vague promise about this is worth the air it took to speak it.
One party and one party only made you a criminal. To add to the insult the one individual who was high in the party now is running to be the next Prime Minister which still has a religious base who are going to hound him to do more. YOU ARE A CRIMINAL thanks to Harper and Pee Pee yet you keep pretending its not true.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
One party and one party only made you a criminal. To add to the insult the one individual who was high in the party now is running to be the next Prime Minister which still has a religious base who are going to hound him to do more. YOU ARE A CRIMINAL thanks to Harper and Pee Pee yet you keep pretending its not true.
Lol...WE, AS IN WE.....we're always criminals. That never changed. They just changed the way it was enforced.

And Trudeau agrees with the law. So you are just plain wrong.

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
I'm sure that hardcore NDP supporters (the "other people owe me free stuff, just because" crowd) are happy that Singh made a deal to support the Liberals. However, they aren't a large enough group. No one else is is pleased with the outcome of this decision, not even a large number of Trudeau/Liberal voters. Singh and the NDP will have to wear that decision and it won't work in their favor with persuadable voters who already are expressing that they've had enough of Trudeau's government.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
I'm sure that hardcore NDP supporters (the "other people owe me free stuff, just because" crowd) are happy that Singh made a deal to support the Liberals. However, they aren't a large enough group. No one else is is pleased with the outcome of this decision, not even a large number of Trudeau/Liberal voters. Singh and the NDP will have to wear that decision and it won't work in their favor with persuadable voters who already are expressing that they've had enough of Trudeau's government.
Looks like a classic "rats leaving a sinking ship" scenario indeed.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
NDP and LIbs should merge into one party, elect a new leader and put an end to Pee Pee and the NeoCons.
They already tried that essentially...look where it got them.

Trudeau will ride off into the sunset and enjoy his trust fund in peace while the federal Liberal party is left decimated like they were in Ontario.
Jagmeet will either reinvent himself to remain relevant and lead the NDP until his pension eligibility or "move aside" a la Biden.

Poilievre will win a majority.

Canadians will take some time to fully comprehend the damage the Liberals have done to this country and healing will begin.

Sound about right?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
Damn...at the end the woman screams out 'why are you supporting a pedophile?' That's the first that I'm hearing that accusation fly but in all honesty I wouldn't put anything past JT at this point. I mean I know he's a rape hound so pedophile wouldn't be too much of a stretch.
Probably the rumour of him dating a student.

I don't know what keeps Trudeau going. He's gets dragged every time he shows his face. Even his Party hates his guts.

He's either very brave or very stupid.
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