Poilievre calls out Jagmeet 'Sellout' Singh to end deal with Liberals


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
By lowering immigration, did Justin become a xenophobe?

Why do you continue to support and vote for the criminal Trudeau?
The announcement said that the Feds were slowing immigration to allow the housing market and health services to catch up.

That doesn't sound like "xenophobia" to me.


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
what about the drone strikes?
War is a nasty thing,
The act of War is not corrupt or particularly scandalous
it is pretty much a given, military and civilians deaths will occur in a war
Some collateral damage is to be expected when engaged in war yes, however in the case of Obama's drone program more civilians were killed than actual targets and despite that dismal lack of precision he refused to halt or alter the program which I find despicable but that's just my opinion I suppose.

jezz that must have been a shock each time Michelle calved a daughter.
Had you ever considered the possibility of adoption?

All i did was point out he was proud of the fact s there were no major scandals in his administration tenure.
Just because no major scandals made it to the surface during his 8 years in office doesn't mean that there weren't many close calls that were swept under the rug by the cia or another agency. It really dumbfounds me that people like you can convince themselves that politicians are our friend. The phrase 'ignorance is bliss'comes to mind. There are plenty of career criminals that have never gotten caught but that doesn't make them any less of a criminal, it just makes them smarter and slicker than the next guy, not innocent.
Apr 12, 2017
Eddie, go read about the Khalsa.

And Ranjit Singh.

During the Mughal Empire in India, especially under rulers like Aurangzeb, Sikhs were persecuted for their faith. Sikh Gurus, particularly Guru Arjan Dev and Guru Tegh Bahadur, were martyred for standing against Mughal oppression and defending religious freedom. Ordinary Sikhs also faced persecution, and some were forced into labor or suffered under harsh conditions imposed by the ruling powers.

In later centuries, Sikhs experienced colonial exploitation under British rule in India. While the British did not enslave Sikhs, they did impose various forms of economic and social oppression, and many Sikhs served in the British Indian Army, sometimes under difficult circumstances.

Sikhs also got a lot of heat after Indra Gandhi murder by his Sikh bodyguards and a lot of violence against them for a few decades there.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
During the Mughal Empire in India, especially under rulers like Aurangzeb, Sikhs were persecuted for their faith. Sikh Gurus, particularly Guru Arjan Dev and Guru Tegh Bahadur, were martyred for standing against Mughal oppression and defending religious freedom. Ordinary Sikhs also faced persecution, and some were forced into labor or suffered under harsh conditions imposed by the ruling powers.

In later centuries, Sikhs experienced colonial exploitation under British rule in India. While the British did not enslave Sikhs, they did impose various forms of economic and social oppression, and many Sikhs served in the British Indian Army, sometimes under difficult circumstances.

Sikhs also got a lot of heat after Indra Gandhi murder by his Sikh bodyguards.
Partly correct. But you still ducked the question I asked.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
He is just adjusting the levels to keep you xenophobes happy.

Why do you want to support an individual who believes that men who pay for sex are criminals and supported FREEDUM chaos twats. A lifetime arrogant politician who has already earned his golden pension.
Why is Justin catering to what you would call xenophobes?

And why do you support a leader that caters to such people and also where is the paperwork for the $60 million dollars wasted on a $80k app?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
The announcement said that the Feds were slowing immigration to allow the housing market and health services to catch up.

That doesn't sound like "xenophobia" to me.
That's not true. They lowered immigration because they got exposed for creating a back door policy that flooded the market with cheap immigrate labour.

But moving along, are you now admitting Poilievre was right all along about immigration needing to be tied to housing supply? Or are you agreeing that you now have become xenophobic along with Trudeau?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Some collateral damage is to be expected when engaged in war yes, however in the case of Obama's drone program more civilians were killed than actual targets and despite that dismal lack of precision he refused to halt or alter the program which I find despicable but that's just my opinion I suppose.
wars have been around ever since the human population exceeded 10
war has been pretty much a constant through human history .
Sadly its part of human nature

you shall not change human nature

FYI: going forward war will become more deadly, remote and terrifying
Just stating the cold hard facts

Had you ever considered the possibility of adoption?
Sorry, cant take you on, that would confuse the current family and all the rooms are taken.
best of luck finding a new set of parents

Just because no major scandals made it to the surface during his 8 years in office doesn't mean that there weren't many close calls that were swept under the rug by the cia or another agency.
geee, that's not evidence
that's speculation

It really dumbfounds me that people like you can convince themselves that politicians are our friend.
It really dumbfounds me that people like you can not grasp the concept of innocent until proven guilty
it is a cornerstone of the closest thing we shall ever get to a free and fair society

The phrase 'ignorance is bliss'comes to mind. There are plenty of career criminals that have never gotten caught but that doesn't make them any less of a criminal, it just makes them smarter and slicker than the next guy, not innocent.

are most politicians corrupt - that is possible
govt bureaucracy and influence peddling are both fuel for corruption
Was he very good at the cover up ??? time may tell

when a leader states he is proud of the fact there were no scandals during his administration , then I believe he deserves some credit
Justin Trudeau meanwhile ..... well he can not make that claim can he ?


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
FYI: going forward war will become more deadly, remote and terrifying
And hopefully more precise because killing more innocents than enemies make you a terrible warrior.

Sorry, cant take you on, that would confuse the current family and all the rooms are taken.
best of luck finding a new set of parents
Haha cute dodge, looks like it's an orphans life for me. Que the 'Annie" show tunes.

It really dumbfounds me that people like you can not grasp the concept of innocent until proven guilty
it is a cornerstone of the closest thing we shall ever get to a free and fair society
Quite familiar with the 'innocent until proven guilty' concept and I champion it every day. The problem is politics is a corrupt system by nature and anyone involved becomes corrupt because it's the only way to survive so if you've been a politician for more than a week you are corrupt or are about to be, otherwise you won't stay one for very long, nature of the beast, don't be mad at me because of it.
when a leader states he is proud of the fact there were no scandals during his administration , then I believe he deserves some credit
So just because he states it that makes it true? He spends 8 years ruling one of the most corrupt countries on the planet and you genuinely believe he did nothing slick, sly or underhanded? Really? Just because nothing major made it into the MSM that equates to him being a good guy? It fascinates me that you could think this just because there is no readily available proof. Naivety is the word of the day here.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
You fail to recognize that all politicians are doug ford. And regardless of evidence when do politicians ever face the music? They don't. Ever. Or rarely enough that it doesn't matter. Which is why they are all corrupt. Because they know they will never have to answer for their actions. Look at JT, he has decimated our country and he will just walk off into the sunset when he's all finished. No consequences what so ever. It's a major injustice that I would like to see change but I'm realistic. It never will.
I'm not failing to realize this. You just have to admit that this is a country based on law and their has to be a fair process.

If you can't specifically explain how someone is corrupt, you have nothing.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
And hopefully more precise because killing more innocents than enemies make you a terrible warrior.
is going through the front door precise enough?

Haha cute dodge, looks like it's an orphans life for me. Que the 'Annie" show tunes.
yeah, gotta to have a little fun in these debate.
nothing personal

Quite familiar with the 'innocent until proven guilty' concept and I champion it every day.
like claiming Michelle Obama is a dude?
did you look up her dress for the set of nuts as evidence ?

The problem is politics is a corrupt system by nature and anyone involved becomes corrupt because it's the only way to survive so if you've been a politician for more than a week you are corrupt or are about to be, otherwise you won't stay one for very long, nature of the beast, don't be mad at me because of it.
politics has been around shortly after man leaned to communicate
the good news is that in a democracy you have to right to vote out politicians who get caught in corrupt acts

So just because he states it that makes it true?
i never said that
he could hardly state that on the telly if there had been a major scandal, the host would naturally raise the question
what i did say was i could not recall a scandal during his terms
So obviously he put some effort into avoiding scandals, via sound decision making or if you prefer , rigorous and highly successful cover up efforts

He spends 8 years ruling one of the most corrupt countries on the planet and you genuinely believe he did nothing slick, sly or underhanded?
he was not accused of doing anything slick, sly or underhanded
the republicans would have been salivation over any such act by him and screaming corruption from the roof of the capital building demanding his political scalp.
they needed evidence, which they could not produce
innocent until proven guilty.

Really? Just because nothing major made it into the MSM that equates to him being a good guy? It fascinates me that you could think this just because there is no readily available proof. Naivety is the word of the day here.
i did not like many of his policies , particularly the climate change non-sense
he also was an irresponsible spender of taxpayers money
i had hoped he might have been a unifying force , yet the USA was far more divided when he left office

ponder the failed commie experiment ie 1950s Russia where one was guilty and sent on a one way trip to Siberia or just executed immediately because someone else speculated you maybe corrupt ?

bottom line is without evidence it is innocent until proven guilty.


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
I'm not failing to realize this. You just have to admit that this is a country based on law and their has to be a fair process.

If you can't specifically explain how someone is corrupt, you have nothing.
I'm more than comfortable making assumptions and nothing is going to change that. You can wait for proof but my position that all politicians are corrupt is working just fine for me. You can believe in your God and I'll believe in mine.


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
is going through the front door precise enough?

yeah, gotta to have a little fun in these debate.
nothing personal

like claiming Michelle Obama is a dude?
did you look up her dress for the set of nuts as evidence ?

politics has been around shortly after man leaned to communicate
the good news is that in a democracy you have to right to vote out politicians who get caught in corrupt acts

i never said that
he could hardly state that on the telly if there had been a major scandal, the host would naturally raise the question
what i did say was i could not recall a scandal during his terms
So obviously he put some effort into avoiding scandals, via sound decision making or if you prefer , rigorous and highly successful cover up efforts

he was not accused of doing anything slick, sly or underhanded
the republicans would have been salivation over any such act by him and screaming corruption from the roof of the capital building demanding his political scalp.
they needed evidence, which they could not produce
innocent until proven guilty.

i did not like many of his policies , particularly the climate change non-sense
he also was an irresponsible spender of taxpayers money
i had hoped he might have been a unifying force , yet the USA was far more divided when he left office

ponder the failed commie experiment ie 1950s Russia where one was guilty and sent on a one way trip to Siberia or just executed immediately because someone else speculated you maybe corrupt ?

bottom line is without evidence it is innocent until proven guilty.
Your words of wisdom have caused me to reconsider my position. You're right, Obama is a stand up guy and a stellar human being. Long live Obama.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
NDP and LIbs should merge into one party, elect a new leader and put an end to Pee Pee and the NeoCons.

Two party systems encourage a process of parties dissecting roughly 50% of the vote. In a two party system, a party might tolerate losing 55% or so of the vote for a few election cycles. You can then bet that some party leader will come along and start adapting policy at the fringes to compete for 51% of the vote.

There's also the phenomenon that some voters in the middle tend to just want to vote the party in power out of office. Obviously, the alternative in this case would be the Conservatives in a two party system . It might not be the the most well-reasoned decision, but it does happen.

Countries that have one party dominance for decades usually have lots of avoidable problems.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
I will admit her voice is annoying but you have to admit, PEE PEE"s face is annoying.
Maybe your face is annoying. I'm fuckin' Kurt Russell dammit!


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
The announcement said that the Feds were slowing immigration to allow the housing market and health services to catch up.

That doesn't sound like "xenophobia" to me.
It does however sound like too much immigration.
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