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Please join me in celebrating Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee anniversary.


A sadder and a wiser man
Feb 15, 2004
Op ed piece from the Globe today.

The lovers will agree, the haters not so much.


Long to reign over us

Today marks the 60th anniversary of the accession to the
throne of Queen Elizabeth II, and so also represents a milestone
in the life of Canada. In 1951, Princess Elizabeth declared, “We
belong to Canada.” The following year, she was Queen of Canada,
and in the intervening years we have all been witness to the truth
of that statement.
The Queen has shared in major moments in the life of the country.
She opened the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1959 with U.S. president
Dwight Eisenhower, during what’s been called the last great royal
progress, a 45-day tour that saw her, with Prince Philip at her side,
travel 15,000 miles across Canada. The Queen attended Expo 67,
opened the Montreal Olympics in 1976 and the 1978 Commonwealth
Games in Edmonton and in Victoria in 1994. She proclaimed
the Constitution Act, 1982, on Parliament Hill, and helped raise the
country’s spirits after the failure of the Meech Lake Accord in 1990,
saying she was “not a fair-weather friend.”
Indeed she has not been.
The Crown is inextricably part of Canada’s national identity, representing
Canada’s traditions and all those old virtues, duty, loyalty,
service and community. But the Crown also represents Canada’s
present, its democratic institutions and the respect for the
rule of law, and if the enormously enthusiastic crowds last summer
for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are any indication, it represents
Canada’s future as well.
The Queen has served this country with dignity, graciousness and
wisdom, and she is deservedly held in great esteem by Canadians.
Not many Canadians remember a time when she was not there,
and many hold personal memories of the sovereign over those six
decades. In many respects, what the poet Ted Hughes once wrote is
true, that they see in this Queen “their life.”
Today, the first of 60,000 Canadians will be honoured by the
Queen and the country, with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal.
The medal is deeply meaningful, in that it comes from the monarch
and is also in commemoration of her. So we pause to reflect
on the young woman whose accession occurred in Kenya, at 25,
and her notion of devotion to service, loyalty and larger values of
community, which has remained unaltered throughout her life.
We are in the sunset years of what is likely to be our longest, and
perhaps most successful reign. Even agnostics might on this occasion
be tempted to say God Save the Queen.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Can't believe that in this day and age people are still paying homage to such an outdated practice as royalty. Better to live 1 day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep. Some will never get it. Some just love that feeling of being subservient I guess.
You can't fuck with tradition. God save the Queen.


Jun 6, 2009
The wise speak when they have something to say,
the fools speak when they have to say something.

So why are you, one of the newest members to dawn the cloak of the flaming fool these days and badly I might add, piping in for the first time and quoting Plato? Unless of course you observation is aimed at WWG.


Nov 20, 2006
If you and Whitewaterguy honestly believe so, pray tell why do you bring it up so much?

This an other interesting aspect to TERB, disagreeing with Same Sex marriage is beyond the pale, but subtle homophobia is ok.

Really, never heard of that.

I remember a long time ago when I was listening to a campus radio station and there was this gay show and the person was coming up with a list of quintessentially gay stuff like disco. Yet when some dude who does not love the smooth taste of cock points out that something is gay suddenly he is homophobic. I call bullshit.
Liking the royals isn't gay because it sucks, it is gay because it is gay, much like dancing, musicals, disco etc. OTOH calling Chemistry or the Simpsons gay could be considered a homophobic use of the term, for those people who are too stupid to understand that words can have multiple meanings, why I remember this one gay old time I had sucking back on a fag.

As for my comment. How the fuck is calling a dude having a celebrity obsession with another dude gay homophobic. That is a bit like when MC Vagina called someone a racist because they said you can't spell chorus with vagina.

Also if you can't tell the difference between being opposed to gay marriage and thinking something is gay... fuck dude I don't even know where to begin.


Nov 20, 2006
I think Scott Thompson would agree. Being sex crazed and retard strong over the monarchy for a dude is gay. <Seinfeld disclaimer>



New member
Jan 19, 2006
if you can't tell the difference between being opposed to gay marriage and thinking something is gay... fuck dude I don't even know where to begin.
Then I suggest that you are not nearly so enlightened as you believe yourself to be.


Nov 20, 2006
Then I suggest that you are not nearly so enlightened as you believe yourself to be.
And I would suggest that you are so politically correct that you should take that stick out of your ass. And by stick I don't mean penis or dildo but actual stick. Oh my god I said stick and ass, quick help, should I run off and join the nazi party or open a bathhouse on the corner of Church and Wellesley because obviously I am either a greater monster than Justin Beiber or a flaming homo.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Diamond Jubilee this.....has there ever been a more droll, humourless, prude of a woman as a public figure ? If she ever had a witty retort she certainly self censored it. Does she have an opinion on anything? Has she ever stepped out of her bland, boring, regal pose which signifies nothing except undeserved wealth and infamy? She makes Bieber, Snooki and the Kardashians look legit! At least Susan Boyle can carry a tune!!!! Will no one pie her??????


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Diamond Jubilee this.....has there ever been a more droll, humourless, prude of a woman as a public figure ? If she ever had a witty retort she certainly self censored it. Does she have an opinion on anything? Has she ever stepped out of her bland, boring, regal pose which signifies nothing except undeserved wealth and infamy? She makes Bieber, Snooki and the Kardashians look legit! At least Susan Boyle can carry a tune!!!! Will no one pie her??????
i agree that a cardboard cutout of her would be just as interesting


Jun 6, 2009
has there ever been a more droll, humourless, prude of a woman as a public figure ? If she ever had a witty retort she certainly self censored it. Does she have an opinion on anything? Has she ever stepped out of her bland, boring, regal pose which signifies nothing except undeserved wealth and infamy? She makes Bieber, Snooki and the Kardashians look legit! At least Susan Boyle can carry a tune!!!! Will no one pie her??????
i can with certainty you've never been introduced to her or you'd realize how idiotic that statement is. Just watch how she works a crowd of commoner or otherwise and you will see she is as smooth as they come. She carries such influence on the world that she can't go around cracking jokes or even make unguarded comments. She has been regularly considered one of the most influential women in the world.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
i can with certainty you've never been introduced to her or you'd realize how idiotic that statement is. Just watch how she works a crowd of commoner or otherwise and you will see she is as smooth as they come. She carries such influence on the world that she can't go around cracking jokes or even make unguarded comments. She has been regularly considered one of the most influential women in the world.
Gay or not (I will take your word for that you are not), you really live in a parallel universe from the rest of us.


Jun 6, 2009
Ok, then... again... give me an example of her influence.

And I mean substantive influence, not just being able to interrupt a pinochle game at a nursing home or an extended recess at a Moose Jaw 3rd grade class when her motorcade drives through town.

Forbes schmorbes... I'm thinking globally. Like the leader of Qatar who is changing the world in the Middle East by befreinding ALL arab nations and who founded Al Jazeera to bring order to the Middle east,28804,2101745_2102309_2102436,00.html
I'm guessing you didn't examine of the lists. They looked pretty global to me, hitting every single continent. Now your just going to nit pick because you didn't she was on a such a list as the most powerful/influential women in the world. Of the politicians listed ~20, she in the muddle of the pack. Nice try. Apparently some pretty qualified people think she's worthy using some legitimate methodology.

IIRC, she was much higher in the recent past, around 25th.


Jun 6, 2009
i can with certainty you've never been introduced to her or you'd realize how idiotic that statement is. Just watch how she works a crowd of commoner or otherwise and you will see she is as smooth as they come. She carries such influence on the world that she can't go around cracking jokes or even make unguarded comments. She has been regularly considered one of the most influential women in the world.
Actually went to the forbes site... love the quote of the day!

Forbes Thought Of The Day

“ A knowing simplicity is easily distinguished from the barrenness of ignorance. ”
— Charles B. Rogers

Aside from the appropriateness of that... I had a look for Forbes Most Influential People and all I could come up with was this:

I learned that the Queen of England doesn't appear on that list. But Alisher Usmanov does! :caked:

My initial claim was the she was one of the most influential women, where you list of world leaders has only 6 women listed; two different comparison. In case you didn't notice Usmanov is a guy. The Queen has been on the world stage longer than many on that lists have been living. I wonder how many will be on such a list 20-60 years down the road.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
give me an example of her influence.
May I suggest that you ask any of her living former Prime Ministers or consult the memoirs of those who have died. Without exception they talk of how important her advice was to them, and am sure when the day comes those who are still serving will also say the same.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
May I suggest that you ask any of her living former Prime Ministers or consult the memoirs of those who have died. Without exception they talk of how important her advice was to them, and am sure when the day comes those who are still serving will also say the same.
You live in a parallel universe with Blackie.


Jun 6, 2009
You live in a parallel universe with Blackie.
How so? Considering your comment in post #94 was proven wrong, some details might be enlightening. it's been well documented how ill informed you have been in the past thread on the Queen so if this is just your opinion, meh.

Again. how so?
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