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Please join me in celebrating Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee anniversary.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Apparently the leaders of the 50 + country in the Commonwealth feel it's not that loose nor do the citizens of same as they show up in huge numbers to greet the Royals on the visits and tuned in in numbers only matched by the Super Bowl to watch the recent wedding. If you feel that strongly get a move on to get us out of the Commonwealth and then go for a Canadian Head of State.

The following it sounds pretty official to me.


The Commonwealth is not a political union, but an intergovernmental organisation through which countries with diverse social, political, and economic backgrounds are regarded as equal in status.
Activities of the Commonwealth are carried out through the permanent Commonwealth Secretariat, headed by the Secretary-General, and biennialmeetings between Commonwealth Heads of Government. The symbol of their free association is the Head of the Commonwealth, which is a ceremonial position currently held by Queen Elizabeth II. Elizabeth II is also monarch, separately and independently, of sixteen Commonwealth members, which are known as the "Commonwealth realms".
The Commonwealth is a forum for a number of non-governmental organisations, collectively known as the Commonwealth Family, which are fostered through the intergovernmental Commonwealth Foundation. The Commonwealth Games, the Commonwealth's most visible activity,[SUP][2][/SUP] are a product of one of these organisations. These organisations strengthen the shared culture of the Commonwealth, which extends through common sports, literary heritage, and political and legal practices.[SUP][3][/SUP] Due to this, Commonwealth countries are not considered to be "foreign" to one another.[SUP][4][/SUP]Reflecting this, diplomatic missions between Commonwealth countries are designated as High Commissions rather than embassies.
Common wealth..there's an oxymoron


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Okay to make it simple for you, I'm not queer. There, happy? What am I thinking, happy?

Still no facts to back your claims? Actually Woodie might like the company.
You fancy the Royals, and are indeed a self proclaimed expert on everything Royal...in most guys books that makes you slightly gay.. your likely still in denial about your sexuality and sexual preferences..try some counselling and dont fear coming out of the closet and expressing your true inner self..do you have videos of the royal wedding, and a colllection of royals memorabilia and miniature spoons? totally understood that, if at the end of the day you aint coming out, it could just be a case of you and your genealogy buddy having compromised sex drives for whatever reasons . Royal watching and geneology are after all relatively harmless activities for aging passive males.


Nov 20, 2006
You fancy the Royals, and are indeed a self proclaimed expert on everything Royal...in most guys books that makes you slightly gay.. your likely still in denial about your sexuality and sexual preferences..try some counselling and dont fear coming out of the closet and expressing your true inner self..do you have videos of the royal wedding, and a colllection of royals memorabilia and miniature spoons? totally understood that, if at the end of the day you aint coming out, it could just be a case of you and your genealogy buddy having compromised sex drives for whatever reasons . Royal watching and geneology are after all relatively harmless activities for aging passive males.
There is one guy on terb who is even more gay for U2's Bono however he isn't nearly as deep in the closet about his homosexuality.

Not that there is anything wrong with being gay.


Jun 6, 2009
You fancy the Royals, and are indeed a self proclaimed expert on everything Royal...in most guys books that makes you slightly gay.. your likely still in denial about your sexuality and sexual preferences..try some counselling and dont fear coming out of the closet and expressing your true inner self..do you have videos of the royal wedding, and a colllection of royals memorabilia and miniature spoons? totally understood that, if at the end of the day you aint coming out, it could just be a case of you and your genealogy buddy having compromised sex drives for whatever reasons . Royal watching and geneology are after all relatively harmless activities for aging passive males.
Total gibberish, but hey we're use to it by now. I'm no expert on the Royals nor do I fancy them, but I do know more than a select few on TERB, especially when it comes to some periods and aspect of history, yet that's not hard to do. Sorry, no videos of the Royal wedding nor any memorabilia. As far as knowledge of genealogy, some people are good enough to make substantial money at it. It's actually quit easy, but does require some skills especially people skills and the ability to read and remember what you read. My connections with the royals has been mentioned before. but you apparently weren't paying attention, nothing new.

How's your research on the inbred history of the Royals coming. Apparently it isn't happening. More air out of you orifices.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Not that there is anything wrong with being gay.
If you and Whitewaterguy honestly believe so, pray tell why do you bring it up so much?

This an other interesting aspect to TERB, disagreeing with Same Sex marriage is beyond the pale, but subtle homophobia is ok.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Total gibberish, but hey we're use to it by now. I'm no expert on the Royals nor do I fancy them, but I do know more than a select few on TERB, especially when it comes to some periods and aspect of history, yet that's not hard to do. Sorry, no videos of the Royal wedding nor any memorabilia. As far as knowledge of genealogy, some people are good enough to make substantial money at it. It's actually quit easy, but does require some skills especially people skills and the ability to read and remember what you read. My connections with the royals has been mentioned before. but you apparently weren't paying attention, nothing new.

How's your research on the inbred history of the Royals coming. Apparently it isn't happening. More air out of you orifices.
no need to do any research...simply google Royal Parasites, and you'll find enough opinions and articles to fill a 35 volume edition of Encyclopedia Britannica.

Really, the onus rests on you to demonstrate how the Royals have used their billions in a tangible concrete way to: eradicate poverty in Britain; improve the literacy rates of kids and adults in Britain, where they rank a pathetic 30th. in the world; improve overall quality of life index for their citizens where again, they rank a dismal 30th in the world on the Quality of Life Index. What have they actually done for their country while their economy has been spiralling in decline since the 1950's besides, lining their pockets???? fuck all dude
Last edited:
May 8, 2010
I've never understood people's fascination and loyalty towards the royal family. It is difficult for me to see them as anything other than parasites.

Why is it that the people of Britain allow these parasites to continue to sponge off them? My only guess is that they view it as a living connection to their history. They do not trust themselves to govern their own affairs yet and want to keep the royal family on reserve just in case this new-fangled democracy idea doesn't work out.

My response to this...GROW UP. Take responsibility for living your own lives and managing your own affairs. Say good bye to your pretend-family and get rid of them. Take all of the money that they have stolen from their subjects over the years and put it towards addressing some of the social problems confronting your society now.

As far as Canada goes, stop welcoming these parasites to our country. Tell them to take their vacations elsewhere.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
I've never understood people's fascination and loyalty towards the royal family. It is difficult for me to see them as anything other than parasites.

Why is it that the people of Britain allow these parasites to continue to sponge off them? My only guess is that they view it as a living connection to their history. They do not trust themselves to govern their own affairs yet and want to keep the royal family on reserve just in case this new-fangled democracy idea doesn't work out.

My response to this...GROW UP. Take responsibility for living your own lives and managing your own affairs. Say good bye to your pretend-family and get rid of them. Take all of the money that they have stolen from their subjects over the years and put it towards addressing some of the social problems confronting your society now.

As far as Canada goes, stop welcoming these parasites to our country. Tell them to take their vacations elsewhere.
they fear the light of their collective consciousness. They continue to delude themselves by worshipping symbols of an arachaic past where-in they served without needing to question, nor think for themselves. They continue imagining they still have some sort of economic, social or political world relevance and the Monarchy is their pathetic attempt at propagating the myth. Glitz and glamour, smoke and mirrors. Sadly what we continue to witness is the continued rapid decline of what once was pimarily a self serving Empire. Some day the Royals might make a good side show in a Cirque gig. not so sure people will be wanting to pay the price of admission though


Jun 6, 2009
no need to do any research...simply google Royal Parasites, and you'll find enough opinions and articles to fill a 35 volume edition of Encyclopedia Britannica.

Really, the onus rests on you to demonstrate how the Royals have used their billions in a tangible concrete way to: eradicate poverty in Britain; improve the literacy rates of kids and adults in Britain, where they rank a pathetic 30th. in the world; improve overall quality of life index for their citizens where again, they rank a dismal 30th in the world on the Quality of Life Index. What have they actually done for their country while their economy has been spiralling in decline since the 1950's besides, lining their pockets???? fuck all dude

Those articles just proves there are other as idiotic as you, nothing more. I read a few and they make the same mistakes you do. There are people who don't like the royals since a 100% of the Brits don't support them and they are loud, ill informed or just plain crack pots. You not offering up a point in support is proof your a lazy prat, nothing more. That's one way not to make a mistake and show how ill informed you are, like you have a bunch of times in the past.


Jun 6, 2009
I've never understood people's fascination and loyalty towards the royal family. It is difficult for me to see them as anything other than parasites.

Why is it that the people of Britain allow these parasites to continue to sponge off them? My only guess is that they view it as a living connection to their history. They do not trust themselves to govern their own affairs yet and want to keep the royal family on reserve just in case this new-fangled democracy idea doesn't work out.

My response to this...GROW UP. Take responsibility for living your own lives and managing your own affairs. Say good bye to your pretend-family and get rid of them. Take all of the money that they have stolen from their subjects over the years and put it towards addressing some of the social problems confronting your society now.

As far as Canada goes, stop welcoming these parasites to our country. Tell them to take their vacations elsewhere.
Yes is a connection to the past, a history of a country older than most. The fact that you think they don't govern themselves shows you don't understand how a Constitutional Monarchy works. Look it up and learn. The rest of your observation are based on this misconception so don't apply. Just because it's old doesn't mean it's bad.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
no need to do any research...simply google Royal Parasites, and you'll find enough opinions and articles to fill a 35 volume edition of Encyclopedia Britannica.

Really, the onus rests on you to demonstrate how the Royals have used their billions in a tangible concrete way to: eradicate poverty in Britain; improve the literacy rates of kids and adults in Britain, where they rank a pathetic 30th. in the world; improve overall quality of life index for their citizens where again, they rank a dismal 30th in the world on the Quality of Life Index. What have they actually done for their country while their economy has been spiralling in decline since the 1950's besides, lining their pockets???? fuck all dude
For a country with a significant immigrant population, why is 30th so bad for literacy? Why is 30th so bad for Quality of Life? What makes you think Britain should be higher?

And does the Queen set the policies that determine literacy and quality of life?

How exactly has she been "lining their pockets?".

She is a symbol man. From your pitch you sound like you think she is actually running the government or something. Is that what you want.

If you want to blame her for illiteracy or quality of life, I guess you should give her the power to make those changes.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
I've never understood people's fascination and loyalty towards the royal family. It is difficult for me to see them as anything other than parasites.

Why is it that the people of Britain allow these parasites to continue to sponge off them? My only guess is that they view it as a living connection to their history. They do not trust themselves to govern their own affairs yet and want to keep the royal family on reserve just in case this new-fangled democracy idea doesn't work out.

My response to this...GROW UP. Take responsibility for living your own lives and managing your own affairs. Say good bye to your pretend-family and get rid of them. Take all of the money that they have stolen from their subjects over the years and put it towards addressing some of the social problems confronting your society now.

As far as Canada goes, stop welcoming these parasites to our country. Tell them to take their vacations elsewhere.
Many people, not as bitter and angry as you appear to be, understand the value of a symbol that can unify a community.

Let me give you a couple of examples from Austria, so you can see it is not just a British issue. After WWII Vienna had been pummelled and the country was dirt poor and on the edge of starvation.

Despite this, people and the provinces made major donations to rebuild two things. St Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna and of all things the Opera House in Vienna. People and governments literally had trouble feeding themselves but gave large sums to repair entirely impractical buildings. In fact the Opera in Vienna continues to run at a substantial loss and is government subsidized, but it never becomes a political issue.

These things happened because some people understand the value of culture and symbols to a community. It is a way of saying that even though times are tough, we are connected to an ennobling tradition and that we are not simply grubs digging in the dirt.

Your suggestion that the British keep the Royal Family in case democracy doesn't work is just stupid. Have you ever spoken to a Brit who told you this...or did you just make it up whole cloth?

The British people do manage their own lives and affairs, they are plenty grown up. You are just angry because you won't make any effort to understand them.


Jun 6, 2009
This thread should have ended after this comment. Nothing more needed to be said!
Except it an untrue statement from a TERB member who doesn't think much of any government institute. He bitches about Canada, the
US and as you can see Britain. The only country he doesn't waste much bandwidth is his birthplace Denmnark, which hepost endless post about ir many great achievements, at least in his mind.


Jun 6, 2009
For a country with a significant immigrant population, why is 30th so bad for literacy? Why is 30th so bad for Quality of Life? What makes you think Britain should be higher?

And does the Queen set the policies that determine literacy and quality of life?

How exactly has she been "lining their pockets?".

She is a symbol man. From your pitch you sound like you think she is actually running the government or something. Is that what you want.

If you want to blame her for illiteracy or quality of life, I guess you should give her the power to make those changes.
Don't hold your breath. He doesn't answer questions like this. He just spew shite.

I wonder if there will be giant demonstration all over the commonwealth since so many people hate the Royals.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Toronto Escorts