Toronto Passions

Pit Bull kills its' owner after seizure!?

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Phat Boy

Senior Member
Dec 31, 2001
papasmerf said:

You explian it the first time by NUETURING

The scond time by putting it down

The childs life has far great value then any dog, cat, or even rabbit.

all dogs not belonging to licensed breeders should be spayed. all dogs that attack violently should be put down the FIRST time...not the second.

of course a childs life is more important. no one ever disputed that . BUT if you have a child then you take your own responsibility for the pet you choose or dont choose.

but these are things that go without saying for ANY dog...not just pitt bulls. should they then ban all dogs because it is not only a pitt bull problem? or just keep the ones that are small enough to not do any damage?

Phat Boy

Senior Member
Dec 31, 2001
jwmorrice said:
Wonder if some folks in Kitchener and Winnipeg thought the same thing. I'm no Cassandra. Time will tell on this.


what they dont tell you is that the same few families had most of the problem pitt bulls in kitchener at the time they were startin g to implement their ban and they were bad breeders. most were taken from them outright. the sad part is the other families that have great pets that need to keep them muzzled all the time now because of it.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Little dogs tend to be more likely to bite than big ones.

any dog can attack. alot depends on how they are raised.

Phat Boy

Senior Member
Dec 31, 2001
papasmerf said:
If you disagree you have that right, just as I would to snap the neck of your critter if it bit my child or one around me. After all they need to do a frozen section of brain to see if it was rabbid.

i think it would be funny to see you trying to snap the neck of a pitt bull. some how i dont think you would win.

Phat Boy

Senior Member
Dec 31, 2001
Paul/IT said:
"or just keep the ones that are small enough to not do any damage?"

Might as well put goveners on all cars that exceed the speed limit too, or maybe a 150hp limit on vehicles.

dont worry...someone here will soon post that you cant compare dogs to cars...or some shit like that.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Phat Boy said:
i think it would be funny to see you trying to snap the neck of a pitt bull. some how i dont think you would win.
Depends on who bites first.

Dangerous breed yes

Pack animal definately.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Sheik said:
jesus kbear,

All large breed dogs meaning those over 40lbs can be considered dangerous. I've seen Huskies do more damage than a pit bull to a grown man. I've seen Sheppards take 20 bullets before they went down. Are you even aware that most dogs over 40lbs have a bite force of about 400 lbs or more which is enough to break bones?

YOU are focusing on ONE breed and don't realize that there are other more dangerous breeds out there.

EDUCATION is important. You dont give a car to someone who hasnt learned how to drive. You cant buy a gun without a license. So its fair to say that in order to own an animal you should be forced to get a license and be trained. You seem to be so against that, it's beginning to make me wonder if your head is so clouded with what happened to your "friend".

Can you show me the article that shows that it took 20 bullets to take down a German Sheppard. Its a pile of shit as far as I'm concerned.

Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
brat_man_7 said:
Can you show me the article that shows that it took 20 bullets to take down a German Sheppard. Its a pile of shit as far as I'm concerned.
Another one of Sheik's 'made up stories' I'm afraid, brat man.
(maybe he meant German know..........when he fought during the war and received his Victorian cross medal.)

Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
Sasha Jones said:
Jeez if just a simple ban on Pitbulls will stop dog attacks then maybe we should ban Black people too, after all according to the media they are the ones killing everyone and robbing people.
I think you should practise reading..........and then thinking........before you start typing.
NOBODY here has stated that a "simple ban on Pitbulls will stop dog attacks".
If you actually READ the previous posts you would see that what was actually said was that a ban on Pit Bulls would stop attacks by PIT BULLS.
That is because they are the #1 breed responsible for killing children and other dogs.
Also..........I'm not sure which media outlets you are referring to, but please name the ones that are saying 'Black people are the ones killing everyone and robbing people'. I read a few different newspapers daily and watch the news on TV and I've yet to see that statement or headline. Please inform me, because obviously I'm missing something.
Oh yeah.........I'm sure the Black members of this board appreciate your analogy comparing them to Pit Bulls. Nice.


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
Take a chill pill Tiger. I think it's safe to assume that she meant that the media makes it look like the blacks are commiting most of the crimes.

Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
baci2004 said:
Take a chill pill Tiger. I think it's safe to assume that she meant that the media makes it look like the blacks are commiting most of the crimes.
I don't assume anything.
What media are you referring to?


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
Tiger Williams said:
I don't assume anything.
What media are you referring to?
Televison. Any news network. I think the show "COPS" would be a pretty good example too.

Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
baci2004 said:
Televison. Any news network. I think the show "COPS" would be a pretty good example too.
So are you saying the media are collectively involved in some kind of conspiracy to portray Blacks as being responsible for crimes they don't actually do?
I mean.........are they all neglecting to report on non-Black crime?
Please clarify.
Better still..........why don't you start a thread on it and see what the members think.
(the idea of this thread was to discuss the banning of Pit Bulls)

1st down

Senior Member
Dec 10, 2003
Tiger Williams said:
So are you saying the media are collectively involved in some kind of conspiracy to portray Blacks as being responsible for crimes they don't actually do?

just wake up?


Jan 29, 2004
Rochester, NY, USA
Why is it that so many people seem to think that we need another law to regulate dogs. Seems to me that how you conduct yourself around a dog could cause them to attack. Children have a tendency to run towards a dog, and this in one of the triggers to an attack. I am in no way justifying the dog attacking, I'm just saying the teaching kids the right way to act around a strange dog, or even their own dog, could help prevent a tragedy, for both the child, and the dog.....


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
Originally posted by Tiger Williams
So are you saying the media are collectively involved in some kind of conspiracy to portray Blacks as being responsible for crimes they don't actually do?

This is how it seems. You know, you could be the only black man to debate this point from that side.

Better still..........why don't you start a thread on it and see what the members think.

Why don't you? I've got better things to do.

(the idea of this thread was to discuss the banning of Pit Bulls)

No shit? I was just defending someone's post. You are the one perpetuating this debate.

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
Tiger Williams said:
So are you saying the media are collectively involved in some kind of conspiracy to portray Blacks as being responsible for crimes they don't actually do?
Not a conspiracy perhaps but more like selective reporting for ratings purposes. Compare the number of times you see a crime reported on the news that involves a black person as opposed to a non black person. You can't tell me that the percentage of crime involving blacks that is reported on the news is the same percentage in real life. Most of us are smart enought to believe that.
We could do the same analogy with Arab's, a few of them are terrorists, so lets just ban them ALL from coming in the country and kick the ones that are already here out. Who knows, they could bomb us at any second.

Why not? That is the same thing you are supporting for Pit Bulls.

If a simple ban on Pit bulls will not stop dog attacks like you said why are we so focused on them? If the pit bulls are gone, what next? People will find other dogs to breed that are just as dangerous, it never ends. THe only way you can stop this sort of thing is to educate the public, and make the OWNERS responsible.

Again I will say that I do not personally feel this way, I am just trying to point out how flawed your logic is, you seem to be making it out as a racist remark which it is not. Only meant to prove a point.

Add to that, why don't you tell me if Breed specific banning is such a good idea why does every respected animal agency oppose it?
Even the CKC who does not even recognize pit bulls as an authentic purebread breed?
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