for a male customer, strip clubs have become an extremely poor return on investment.
you simply get very little fun for your money.
drinks are way too expensive.
stage shows have become - dare i say it - boring - with a very long break in-between dancers.
as a result, customers will nurse their drink - because it takes so long to actually see a (fully) naked woman.
if your drink does not come in a bottle, then it has been watered-down significantly.
champagne room dances are also quite expensive - and the songs that are played are trimmed to 3 minutes-ish so basically you are paying 20 bucks per 3 minutes.
the dancers want more money, so they take their sweet time removing clothing, and at 20.00/3minutes that gets expensive really fast.
i had many, many great times in strip clubs over the years - and it used to be one of my favorite ways to indulge in my greatest passion - attractive women.
now this has just become an assembly-line cash grab - get as much money as you can while doing as little as possible to get it - industry.
something has to change in order to revive this once-awesome indulgence.