Toronto Escorts

Pierre Poilievre

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Charest will flip on that. He already is for the pipeline.
If he supports an eastern pipeline, he will attract the ire of the refinery business in Quebec. If that happens, what would be the point of electing a leader from Quebec? He won't do any better there (unless he's bringing something to the table besides changing the direction of oil flow in the east). He won't be any more popular in Ontario than O'Toole was. Surely, the CPC isn't insane. Electing Charest as leader is asking for the same result as they got under O'Toole (or worse), but more importantly, doesn't help the country get back on a track to prosperity.

Josephine Grey

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2017
Well as crazy as it's sounds Charest is heading to Calgary now to build up his campaign. I cannot believe it!
Worst is the powerful business community there will most probably support him...
They picked the perfect candidate. If the québécois love him too much he is less attractive to the rest of the Canada. But it's okay lol we don't claim this one, you can take him.
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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Pierre Poilievre is confident that whatever Justin can do, he can do better. He's challenging the Klitschko brothers to a boxing match...they must be quivering in terror.

Peacock has it wrong, Vitali is on the left.

Toronto Escorts