Personal Problem


Oct 21, 2008
Ok, I'll try to be brief with this. Ive been suffering from clinical depression for 3 years. Ive gone for help, Ive tried medications, Ive seeked out help but I am probably worse off today than I was when this all started. I'm starting to feel like there is no scenario in which I can get out of this situation that doesnt involve a bad ending. I've pretty much lost any hope and fear that I will never be able to get out of this situation. Any advice would be appreciated.


Oct 21, 2008
The LoLRus said:
My sister read this and said it really works:

Try it, what do you have to lose??
Thanks. It just seems though that I am incapable of feeling happiness. Everything that used to make me happy no longer does. Its been so long since Ive felt happy that I dont even remember what happiness feels like. And now its 3 years later and I'm still in the same situation.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Ive gone for help, Ive tried medications, Ive seeked out help but I am probably worse off today than I was when this all started.
Have you ever tried spending time in places with warmer and sunnier climate ?


New member
Mar 10, 2009
west of the city
mbaileyajc said:
Ok, I'll try to be brief with this. Ive been suffering from clinical depression for 3 years. Ive gone for help, Ive tried medications, Ive seeked out help but I am probably worse off today than I was when this all started. I'm starting to feel like there is no scenario in which I can get out of this situation that doesnt involve a bad ending. I've pretty much lost any hope and fear that I will never be able to get out of this situation. Any advice would be appreciated.
I really feel for you.I've been there too-a while back.Has your Dr referred you to a clinic at all? Cognitative therapy may help. as can discussing your problems either in a group or one on one setting.It certainly can be relieving talking to someone.Meds dont necessarily help by themselves.Are you talking of a specific situation? It sounds like you have something that is really concerning you.....I dont want to say 'Oh it does get better' Thats easy for people to say> They dont necessarily understand depression.Feel free to PM me

The LoLRus

Well-known member
Mar 30, 2009
mbaileyajc said:
Thanks. It just seems though that I am incapable of feeling happiness. Everything that used to make me happy no longer does. Its been so long since Ive felt happy that I dont even remember what happiness feels like. And now its 3 years later and I'm still in the same situation.
When my sister first gave me the book I right away told her I dont believe in self-help bullshit books like Tony Robbins....etc.
Then I read it, tried some of it for fun and to my complete fucking amazement it worked.
I'm generally a happy-go-lucky guy anyways, but this was like turbo boost

And its on the bestsellers list for a reason, check out all the reviews it gets on, they're mostly good


Oct 21, 2008
Berlin said:
Have you ever tried spending time in places with warmer and sunnier climate ?
I know this will sound strange but the satisfaction that most people get from being out in the sun or in a warm place doesnt happen for me. If its a sunny day out people will say its a beautiful day out and they say how much they enjoy it but for some reason those sunny days dont do anything for me.

And the medications I have tried have all made things worse.

I dont want anyone to panick or worry, I am not going to do anything stupid today , tommorow or the next day. I just know that I need to find a solution to my problems soon before things get worse.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
It's good that you're reaching out to others for suggestions. Isolation makes most problems worse. But really you need to get back to your doctor with your complaints. However, for ongoing online support, you might try one of the numerous depression forums that can be googled up. Best of luck.



New member
Jun 10, 2008
When psychotherapy and meds fail to work, you can always try ECT (shock therapy). Its a viable option.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Some people would say you are likely BiPolar. Basically you are describing depressive manic depression. The common treatment is counseling and drugs. But unless you want help neither will work. You like being depressed and that is the problem. First you need to find the root cause and then find a solution.

How long were you on riddlin?


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land

what you may have is Depresion. It comes in many forms and in it will have a scale. A scale from one to 10. 10 being worst, only will power will help you out.
As recommend here read the right books and practice it. IT will take some time to get out of it. There is no Viagara pill for this help.

In wikipedia read about OCD.

go to this website group meetings:

Also find an Anxiety group in your city.

Also get out of the house and start wlaking 1 hour a day.

Also try to their videos [torrent]

Unfortuantely to get better this will be a 24/7 job for at least 3 years.

Good luck


Retired Hobby Horse Rider
Apr 5, 2006
papasmerf said:
Some people would say you are likely BiPolar. Basically you are describing depressive manic depression. The common treatment is counseling and drugs. But unless you want help neither will work. You like being depressed and that is the problem. First you need to find the root cause and then find a solution.

How long were you on riddlin?
Bipolar people have episodes of highs and lows..if that isn't the case (which is sounds a constant low) than i could suggest
hypnotism to some extent is helpful
Cognitive behavioral therapy

important thing is to find the thing that chemically or physically makes you depressed.

is there a "Mood Disorder Clinic" in Toronto that you Family Doctor that can refer you to?
PS: be open to contributing to studies as you can share the personal experience with others.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
mbaileyajc said:
Ok, I'll try to be brief with this. Ive been suffering from clinical depression for 3 years. Ive gone for help, Ive tried medications, Ive seeked out help but I am probably worse off today than I was when this all started.
Depression is a long term mental health issue, one that is not easy to fix. There is no magic pill, no secret ritual, no quick and easy way out.

Different therapies may or may not work. You will need to try a number before you get to what works for you. At three years in, you have barely begun your journey, as shitty as that may sound. Six months of any one therapy is really not enough time to see if it is working or not.

Personally, Wellbutrin works for me, but at an outrageously high doseage.

As was already suggested, being alone really does not help at all. If you don't have close friends that you can hang out with, volunteer somewhere. Also, at least once a week take yourself out for a damn decent meal. Maybe that is a steak, or maybe just wings and beer, but do something that you like. Figure out what works for you. Personally, I really enjoy a nice Sci-Fi adventure or some animation on the big screen. But I have found that going to the movies by myself increases my sense of being isolated. So I don't go by myself.

Buy a couple of cats if you like animals. Having a companion animal has been shown to have beneficial effects time and time again.

Buy a negative ion generator. PM me if you are interested in one.

Get a hobby that involves other people. Stay away from bars, and don't drink or turn to street drugs.


Jan 10, 2009
Compromised said:
Depression is a long term mental health issue, one that is not easy to fix. There is no magic pill, no secret ritual, no quick and easy way out.
Different therapies may or may not work. You will need to try a number before you get to what works for you. At three years in, you have barely begun your journey, as shitty as that may sound. Six months of any one therapy is really not enough time to see if it is working or not.

Personally, Wellbutrin works for me, but at an outrageously high doseage.

As was already suggested, being alone really does not help at all. If you don't have close friends that you can hang out with, volunteer somewhere. Also, at least once a week take yourself out for a damn decent meal. Maybe that is a steak, or maybe just wings and beer, but do something that you like. Figure out what works for you. Personally, I really enjoy a nice Sci-Fi adventure or some animation on the big screen. But I have found that going to the movies by myself increases my sense of being isolated. So I don't go by myself.

Buy a couple of cats if you like animals. Having a companion animal has been shown to have beneficial effects time and time again.
Buy a negative ion generator. PM me if you are interested in one.

Get a hobby that involves other people. Stay away from bars, and don't drink or turn to street drugs.
Well said


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
mbaileyajc said:
Ok, I'll try to be brief with this. Ive been suffering from clinical depression for 3 years. Ive gone for help, Ive tried medications, Ive seeked out help but I am probably worse off today than I was when this all started. I'm starting to feel like there is no scenario in which I can get out of this situation that doesnt involve a bad ending. I've pretty much lost any hope and fear that I will never be able to get out of this situation. Any advice would be appreciated.


Thanks. It just seems though that I am incapable of feeling happiness. Everything that used to make me happy no longer does. Its been so long since Ive felt happy that I dont even remember what happiness feels like. And now its 3 years later and I'm still in the same situation.
Hi there,

I understand from personal experience what you are going through. I could have written what you wrote a few years ago.

Fortunatly for me, I am one of the lucky ones for whom depression was only a situational illness, and a momentary one. I was also lucky enough that the first medication I tried worked well on me. A few years later, I am now off medication and only see a therapist once in a while when I feel that I need someone to help me process something that is going on in my life.

But for many people, depression is something they will have to deal with for the rest of their life. Many people suffering clinical depression also need to go through many trials and errors before finding the right medication that works for them. And I'm not even talking about the difficulties of finding the right therapist for you: they are even more difficult to find then a good hairdresser!

And of course, there's still a lot of taboo in our society about mental illness, and you probably have lots of people around you telling you to "just get your shit together", to "stop whining and give yourself a kick in the butt", to "just get over it". Many people don't understand that depression is a real illness, as real as diabete, and that you can't just kick it away by sheer will. Even people who love you and care about you often have difficulties understanding how debilitating and paralizing depression can be. And from the little that you wrote here, it sounds to me like you may be unconsciously thinking along those lines as well -- which is part of the illness: that's what depression does to you, it fucks with your brain, and even if you KNOW rationally that you are ill, you keep thinking that you are a failure, that the depression is just an excuse to justify to yourself that you are a failure, etc.

In terms of advice to you:

If you have suicidal ideas, go get some professional help NOW. Maybe you are not thinking of actively killing yourself, but you can't get out of bed and/or can't bother fixing yourself something to eat. Letting yourself die is also being suicidal, just more passively. Seek professional help NOW.

If you are not seeing a doctor/psychologist at the moment, go see one. Better to see a psychologist than a generalist: they are trained to deal with mental illness, and they are more up to date with the most recent studies re: medication and therapies.

Keep trying to find the right medication for you. It may take some time, but most people eventually find one that works for them.

Find yourself a good therapist.

Try doing some physical exercise: running, riding your bike, swimming, whatever works for you. I know it's hard, especially if you are at a stage where even getting out of bed seems like the most difficult task ever, but it DOES make a huge difference. Start with small steps, and go from there.

In terms of 'living with depression' advices, here are a few things that people have said to me that have helped a lot:

1. Cut yourself some slack. You are ill. Accept that, and adjust your objectives and expectations of yourself accordingly.

2. Accepting that you are suffering from depression means accepting that you probably never will be 'like before'. You may never be able to be happy like you were before. A big part of the emotional work you need to accomplish is to go through the grieving process of putting this 'before' behind you, and learning to live with who you are now. It doesn't mean that you will never be able to be happy again, or that you lost the ability for happiness. But you are going to live is differently, and maybe with more episode of un-happiness in between.

PM me if you want to talk more.


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
Having been through it myself (including thoughts of suicide) here's what I recommend:

1. Get a full physical - the low energy characteristic of depression is often caused by or related to digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances, anemia, or other physical ailments.

2. Regular vigourous exercise - it does wonders for the body and mind. It's better if you can play a team sport, as you will then combine exercise with social interaction - softball season is approaching.

3. Regular sex - not whacking off. Depression is often accompanied by a decreased libido. Do not compensate by whacking off. Whacking off will give your brain a high of dopamine, followed by a low after the deed is done, and you'll feel even further drained of energy. If you have a regular sexual partner, slow passionate love-making once a week will do wonders. If you're having erection problems (common with depression), don't stress about it and don't take drugs to compensate - if you don't have other physical or psychological issues, as the depression goes away, the wood comes back.

4. Get some sunlight every day; go out on cloudy days as well.

5. Get 8 hours of sleep. Don't take sleeping pills. With regular exercise you should be sleeping well.

6. Stay away from caffiene and alcohol. They fuck with your brain chemistry

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Something I have been battling for years as well. Unfortunately there is no easy solution, I wish there was.

What Gen and Johnhenrygalt said is great advice.

PM me if you wish to chat.


New member
Apr 11, 2005
johnhenrygalt gives some excellent advice.

I want to expand on point #6. Some depression can be caused by a hormonal imbalance caused by many things. Caffeine and alcohol could exacerbate the problem. You might want to have a full blood analysis done and have it analyzed by a good naturopathic doctor. This should be done in parallel with a complete medical assessment.

Point #5 Sleep. This is very important and you should analyze the way you sleep. Is your bedroom cluttered? Do you have lots of electronics (tv etc.)? Is it quiet and dark? Is it cool? Your bedroom should only be for sleeping and sex.

Depression can come from the feeling of being overwhelmed, you might think about goal setting. Small goals accomplished can build a sense of momentum and build confidence that will improve one's outlook.


Active member
Nov 24, 2005
I would recommend seeing an Ayurvedic doctor. They can do wonders for any ailment. Certain remedies work for certain people and they can certainly help you with that. I swear by these guys. Absolutely phenomenal.

All the best.


New member
May 9, 2009
xix said:
what you may have is Depresion. It comes in many forms and in it will have a scale. A scale from one to 10. 10 being worst, only will power will help you out.

This is a typical response from someone entirely ignorant to depression. Will power will have no EFFECT on overcoming CLINICAL DEPRESSION. It might help the everyday blues but a major illness like this no god damn way.

It's comments like this that keep people from actually seeking help because people like you tell them they are weak willed.

Read a book or the attached definition and educate yourself.:mad:

And it goes without saying that rama should use his own advice - people this stupid (rama) shouldn't take up space on this planet.

What is Clinical Depression?
When we refer to depression in the following pages, we are talking about "clinical depression." Clinical depression is a serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Individuals with clinical depression are unable to function as they used to. Often they have lost interest in activities that were once enjoyable to them, and feel sad and hopeless for extended periods of time. Clinical depression is not the same as feeling sad or depressed for a few days and then feeling better. It can affect your body, mood, thoughts, and behavior. It can change your eating habits, how you feel and think, your ability to work and study, and how you interact with people. People who suffer from clinical depression often report that they "don't feel like themselves anymore."

Clinical depression is not a sign of personal weakness, or a condition that can be willed away. Clinically depressed people cannot "pull themselves together" and get better. In fact, clinical depression often interferes with a person's ability or wish to get help.Clinical depression is a serious illness that lasts for weeks, months and sometimes years. It may even influence someone to contemplate or attempt suicide.

People of all ages, genders, ethnicities, cultures, and religions can suffer from clinical depression. Each year it affects over 17 million American men and women (source: American Psychiatric Association). While clinical depression is common, it is frequently unrecognized and untreated.

There are different types and levels of clinical depression. Mental health counselors and psychiatrists are trained to diagnose and treat clinical depression. With the right treatment, most people who seek help get better within several months. Many people begin to feel better in just a few weeks.
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