People with empty gas tanks please read


New member
Mar 14, 2002
Downtown T.O.
tboy said:
Aimless, your link doesn't show those prices....unless you can provide a DIGITAL photo showing the rates, please don't promote the histeria....
I just copied this prices from this site 30min ago!


Senior Retired User
Jan 16, 2004
retired from the game
King St and Mountain Ave.

Kathleen said:
Not kiddin. I've not seen the over $2 prices people are claiming in other areas, but seeing $1.80 is why I stocked up.
The Shell at King Street E and Mountain Ave. in Stoney Creek is at 1.99/9 tonight...

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
enduser1 said:
One thing I don't get is that Canada is an oil exporter. Why do we pay more for gas than the USA, an oil importer? :confused:
Actually, under NAFTA Canada can only reduce energy exports buy a certain % per year... Technically we'd be violating the agreement if we turtled up to protect domestic supply-- plus our exporters would lose a fortune... Good for the parts of Canada that have large energy reserves, not so good for the GTA.

That being said, our gas taxes are higher than in the States, but that's kind of a good thing, even though it stings. Up until the most recent surge in domestic fuel prices the tax revenue generated by 'drivers' wasn't covering 100% of the cost of driving*... Yeah, that tax hits hard if you drive a car, but it sucks even more when people who don't own vehicles are forced to subsidize your driving. The basic principal here is that the social / environmental / economic cost of an activity should be paid by the people who engage in that activity (when the activity is necessary and they have the means to do so)

And yes, it really does suck to drive right now!

* I have no actual figures to say that the inflated gas price does currently internalize the cost of driving to drivers, but I suspect it is so, as the 'costs' that these taxes are paying for are somewhat more fixed. Also, you car / truck drivers are subsidizing the costs of transport drivers (AKA they do exponentially more damage to infrastructure)- but you could argue that this subsidy at least helps keep the cost consumer goods down...


Kathleen said:
No kiddin. It's funny, but not. There is no accounting for gas to sky rocket to $2 or higher.

Sure there is... it is called "GOUGING"

If I am not mistaken, Canada does not import gasoline from the USA as there are different formulae used in each country which also varies between regions within the two countries.

I get a laugh when the price for a barrel of oil increases... and the price at the pumps goes up dramatically the same day... The price annouce today, is for oil delivered 3 months from now. The gas station owners and oil companies must think most of the population is stupid... but its not like we have any choice but to bend over and accept whatever price they want to shove up our ass... and the federal gov't will not reduce tax because as a percentage.. the higher the price, the more tax they collect!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
The gas station owners and oil companies must think most of the population is stupid
We are!!! look at all the idiots driving up the price today? Based solely on rumours...the CBC reported that the Leader of Petro Canada said the rumours are purely that, rumors....and you'd think he know,,,,,,


New member
Sep 15, 2001
WhOiSyOdAdDy? said:
The gas station owners and oil companies must think most of the population is stupid... but its not like we have any choice but to bend over and accept whatever price they want to shove up our ass... and the federal gov't will not reduce tax because as a percentage.. the higher the price, the more tax they collect!
Well, I think we all have a choice. Take it up the ass or stop driving. I don't think the government should lower gas taxes to give drivers a break. Drivers are already subsidized by taxpayers because they drive on roads and expressways for free. The government should take the tax windfall and subsidize public transit for a change. Imagine how different things would be (and how clean the air would be) if public transit was free and drivers had to pay $2 every time they drive somewhere. The whole city would be structured differently.


New member
Apr 21, 2005
I'm glad I drive a diesel...bwahahahaha

Actually, even that's not cheap these days!


New member
Apr 29, 2002
ducttape said:
I'm glad I drive a diesel...bwahahahaha

Actually, even that's not cheap these days!
ya but you sure can go a lot farther on a full tank


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
WhOiSyOdAdDy? said:
... and the federal gov't will not reduce tax because as a percentage.. the higher the price, the more tax they collect!
Federal and provincial fuel taxes are per litre, not by price. GST is 7% of the price however.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
mmouse said:
Federal and provincial fuel taxes are per litre, not by price. GST is 7% of the price however.
Wouldn't it be nice if the feds suspended the GST on gas. That would drop the price per litre 7 cents right away.

I almost typed that with a straight face...


New member
Oct 25, 2004
King E in Stoney Creek

The report on regarding 199.9/l at the Shell at King and New Mountain (my old stomping ground) was removed within 5 minutes of it being posted. Gee, I guess it was a hoax. Unless it is accompanied by a photo, I believe none of it.

The Pioneer near my work in Burlington last night at 7PM was 99.3 and this morning it was 104.4 (as was most of the stations I passed along the way).



New member
Oct 25, 2004

Goober has a good point with the GST, but I would go one further. At 7%, as the price per litre rises, the amount collected also rises (70c per litre has about 4.3 c/l where at 100c per litre has about 6.1c per litre). Maybe the Feds and the Provies could cap the amount per litre collected for sales taxes....oh wait that would not lead to lower prices, would it?
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