Toronto Escorts

Pedestrian punches cyclist in the face for running Queen’s Quay red light


Mar 31, 2009
As Fuji indicates, when you have people tailgating and texting it gets really scary.
When I am on my bike, the scariest sight is a car in park with the engine running and tinted windows. What will the driver do?
a) Nothing
b) Open his door
c) Quickly pull out into my lane


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
For me the bottom line is the priority should be "pedestrians > cyclists > cars", but drivers have pretty much dominated and get pissed at anyone in their way these days (whether the driver has right of way or not).
I agree with you here. Unfortunately, the reality will always be opposite even if pedestrians have the right-of-way versus cars and cyclists. Having right-of-way does not prevent you from getting killed from a 2000+ pound vehicle or a 200+ pound bicycle and rider. This is a problem that everyone or 100% (be they using any sort of vehicle including cars, trucks motorcycles, bikes or just walking) need to pay more attention while on the roads and sidewalks. Pitting one group against another will not reduce this issue.

If there is one attitude we need to change is that right of way equals get out of my way because I was here first. The thinking should be that we need to share the roads and sidewalks and we should strive to avoid collisions as much as possible.


Jan 18, 2005
Adult bicycles are vehicles under the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario (HTA).
An operater of vehicle as defined by the HTA must follow all rules of the road and can and should be given a ticket for any infractions.
In theory someone could lose their drivers license having never actually driven a motor vehicle and they should.

To improve bicycle safety I requested that the Government of Ontario make a DL mandatory to operate an adult ssized bicycle
Most people do not know this. Most police do not enforce the HTA with respect to bicycles under the assumption they recall the definition.

That is an extremely kind statement because in my experience most Police Constables make up rule for bicycles without a fule understanding of the HTA.

When that previous Ontario Cabinet Minister was charged in Toronto for the killing a bicycle courier, I knew he would never be convicted.

I call punching an operater of a law breaking bicyclist a good start to improve safety.
It should be a wake up call, however, one punch does not a safety program make.

BTW the reason you cannot legally ride an adult bicycle on a sidewalk is because you can drive a vehicle as define by the HTA on the sidewalks.
This list includes cars trucks and buses.

...... but I am feeling much better now.



Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
I call punching an operater of a law breaking bicyclist a good start to improve safety.
It should be a wake up call, however, one punch does not a safety program make.
If punching really is a good start we should free the driver in Florida that shot another and held the family at gunpoint. These issues are the same: one person feels it's their "duty" to teach another person a lesson. Both are issues of road rage, plain and simple.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Then take video and hand it over to the police when they arrive so they can lay a fleeing the scene charge.
First of all, the cyclist allegedly ran a red light of which there was no video. The filming started after the initial confrontation. And how on earth could they lay a (I think you mean) fail to remain charge? What was the initial offence, Running a red light?

Punching someone in the face is a serious criminal offense that is not justified by someone having violated a traffic law.
Never said it wasn't.

Seriously, failing to stop is what, a $150 fine and 3 points? Assault is jail time.
You're such a drama queen fuji. Nobody's going to jail for popping someone in the nose, especially if there's no injury. :rolleyes:


Jan 31, 2005
First of all, the cyclist allegedly ran a red light of which there was no video. The filming started after the initial confrontation. And how on earth could they lay a (I think you mean) fail to remain charge? What was the initial offence, Running a red light?
The post I responded to suggested that the cyclist might have collided with the pedestrian in which case fleeing the scene is a serious charge.

If the cyclist did not collide with the pedestrian, then the pedestrian's notion of being a vigilante traffic enforcer is even more disturbing.

You're such a drama queen fuji. Nobody's going to jail for popping someone in the nose, especially if there's no injury. :rolleyes:
You don't think police should arrest people who go about punching others every time there is a traffic incident?


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Go Pedestrian Go !
I drive downtown everyday and someone has to let the asshole cyclists know that even they have to follow rules !
More power to guys like the punching pedestrian !


New member
Feb 17, 2002
I was driving along College near Spadina last week when I stopped behind the rear doors of a streetcar to let people off. A mid 20's woman in heels didn't see a cyclist flying up the bike lane until the very last second. She stopped suddenly to avoid being hit,.
She should have looked before walking into the bike lane .

There is a new bike path on QQ , lots of pedestrians , walk right into the bike path without looking


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
You don't think police should arrest people who go about punching others every time there is a traffic incident?
Where did I say Police shouldn't arrest people who punch others? You said "Assault is jail time." I said, nobody's going to jail for popping someone in the nose.

She should have looked before walking into the bike lane.
With my vehicle stopped behind the rear doors of the streetcar and blocking a clear view of the bike lane, along with the fact others had crossed the bike lane in front her, it made it difficult to see the cyclist who decided to thread the needle between pedestrians causing her to fall. Blaming her for almost being struck by that cyclist makes you quite douchey.

There is a new bike path on QQ , lots of pedestrians , walk right into the bike path without looking
Actually, if you read the article, it was a cyclist who crossed the street against a red light. Nothing to do with the bike path.
Feb 15, 2003
Deepest Darkest Woods
She should have looked before walking into the bike lane .

There is a new bike path on QQ , lots of pedestrians , walk right into the bike path without looking
Yes, each of us is responsible for our own safety, but the cyclist was breaking the law by not stopping behind the stopped streetcar with open doors, no different than a car. The fact that there was a bicycle lane is irrelevant.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Yes, each of us is responsible for our own safety, but the cyclist was breaking the law by not stopping behind the stopped streetcar with open doors, no different than a car. The fact that there was a bicycle lane is irrelevant.
Exactly, and much harder to see.

I wonder if Cdn-Guy would say the same thing if a car ran a red light and struck a pedestrian. Hey, she should have looked before crossing the street. Her own damn fault, right?


Jan 31, 2005
Where did I say Police shouldn't arrest people who punch others? You said "Assault is jail time." I said, nobody's going to jail for popping someone in the nose.
Wrong, people go to jail for that on a regular basis. 6 months is the usual sentence for common assault such as punching someone in the face unprovoked. If you bruise them it becomes assault causing bodily harm and you likely get a year. If you seriously harm them it gets upgraded to aggravated assault and more like 3 years. Those sentences are likely reduced to a third for good behavior so actual time in jail likely 2 months of the 6 month sentence for punching someone in the face.

The only way it is going to be a suspended sentence is if it was obviously provoked, and the only way it would be a discharge would be a consensual fight

Violent crime results in jail. Regularly.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Wrong, people go to jail for that on a regular basis. 6 months is the usual sentence for common assault such as punching someone in the face unprovoked. If you bruise them it becomes assault causing bodily harm and you likely get a year. If you seriously harm them it gets upgraded to aggravated assault and more like 3 years. Those sentences are likely reduced to a third for good behavior so actual time in jail likely 2 months of the 6 month sentence for punching someone in the face.

The only way it is going to be a suspended sentence is if it was obviously provoked, and the only way it would be a discharge would be a consensual fight

Violent crime results in jail. Regularly.
LOL at Fuji's crap. ^^^^^^^^


Apr 11, 2002
The Queen's Quay bike route is a recipe for disaster. There appears to be no speed limit such as on the mid-town beltway, no curbs to limit pedestrian access to the bike lanes, and severe non-compliance by cyclists to the posted signal.

Items like this should not surprise.


Jan 31, 2005
Would you like a list of cases that got jail time for assault, oagre? Because as a lawyer that is going to be embarrassing for you.
Toronto Escorts