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Osama Openly Mocks Bush in Tape


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
papasmerf said:
He might in the full contex of the statement
You're kidding, right? If Bush referred to OBL as right wing he'd lose half of his constituency.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Asterix said:
You're kidding, right? If Bush referred to OBL as right wing he'd lose half of his constituency.
you have a point as the right wing

Lunatic would be the word

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
langeweile said:
I second that.
OBL did GWB a favor. He still doesn't get the fact that we are Americans first and don't take shit from anybody.
Especially not from a punk like him.
I agree totally....Somehow having OBL's endorsement for president doesnt seem like a good thing.
IMHO, alot of people are still very angry(and so they should be) about Sept 11, and this prick has the nerve to come and try to tell the Americans who not to vote for? The F***ing nerve of this clown.


Aug 16, 2003
OBL when is this f++++ker going to die . . .. at least he could get cancer of something and die a slow and miserable death !


New member
Oct 13, 2001
Heather Elite
langeweile said:
You have to be pretty screwed up to lend him any support. This guy wants you to give up all your freedoms to include freedom of religion, freedom of expression and freedom to chose your leader.
He treats women like dirt and believes they should stay home in a vail and have kids(maybe that is a good point..hey i am joking).

To see in him anything but a right wing wacco is just plain stupid and irresponsible.
Some things just deserve repeating.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Originally posted by langeweile
You have to be pretty screwed up to lend him any support. This guy wants you to give up all your freedoms to include freedom of religion, freedom of expression and freedom to chose your leader.
He treats women like dirt and believes they should stay home in a vail and have kids(maybe that is a good point..hey i am joking).

To see in him anything but a right wing wacco is just plain stupid and irresponsible.

Ickabod said:
Some things just deserve repeating.
And I will second that ......
PRICELESS...... an accurate sumation of the right wing.
Thank you lange, glad you are beginning to see the light.......;)

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
What make OBL most infuriating is that he is correct. Don't misunderstand me, he uses his knowledge to explain his psychopathic murder spree, to which he should be hunted down. But let's face some reality here, the man's much more intelligent than most Americans. We should still kill him though.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
WoodPeckr said:

If OBL is a punk.....and considering Reagan, Cheney, Rummy and Dubya's Dad CREATED Osama in the first place.....what does this make Reagan, Cheney, Rummy and Dad of Dubya?
AGAIN, everyone so far has danced around avoiding answering this....even tried to BLAME CLINTON WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS.

Since the above listed, Reagan, Cheney, Rummy, and Dad of Dubya, CREATED Osama, doesn't it follow they are in some way responsible for what their Frankenstein (well it is halloween) has done?!?!!?!?

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
harleycharley said:
i'm amazed at how many uninfomed people hold strong opinions..... in the transcripts published from the OBL tape, he did not tell people who to vote for, he did not endorse anyone......

he very specificially said that the U.S. security is not in the hands of either Bush or kerry..... he said US policy must change if american's want to feel secure.

how do you think the people of iraq feel about bush telling them what kind of a country they have after his armed forces have killed anywhere from 27,000 to 100,000 iraqi civlians.....? they probably say 'this prick has the nerve to come and tell tha iraqis......."

I never said he endorsed anyone...please read b4 critisizing...what I said is that I dont think an endorsement from him would be a good thing (for any candidate)and if people were being repressed in my country, I would welcome someone stepping in.
Secondly I did not say he told anyone who to vote for, what he did was basically tell people who not to vote for.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
As awful as that is another thousand years of repression is worse. And for him to make the statement their safety is in their own hands, that each state etc etc is he going to go door to door, do a poll on people's beliefs and then decide who his next innocent victims will be?
I'm sorry...the madman murdered over 3000 innocent people....I have no time or interest in listening to his bullshit or being sympathetic to his cause.

I personally support GWB's decision to go in there , should he have sat back after the Sept 11 attacks?

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
stainless said:
OBL when is this f++++ker going to die . . .. at least he could get cancer of something and die a slow and miserable death !
He actually does have either or a liver or kidney problem. Cant remember which.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Bush says: Things are moving along well

Iraq's Grim Spiral: Bush Refuses to Acknowledge Dire Situation
The Register-Guard | Editorial

Thursday 28 October 2004

Some days it's hard to imagine how the news from Iraq can get any worse, although it has a way of doing just that with unsettling regularity.

On Monday, The New York Times reported that U.S. forces failed to secure 380 tons of high explosives that may have been looted by insurgents. The types of explosives are so potent they can be used to detonate nuclear weapons and have been linked to large-scale terrorist attacks.

Two days earlier came news of the massacre of 49 unarmed Iraqi soldiers who had just finished basic training. The killings gave credence to an Iraqi security official's estimation that insurgents have infiltrated up to 5 percent of the country's security forces, and prompted Prime Minister Ayad Allawi to blame the U.S.-led coalition for "great negligence" in failing to protect the recruits. Meanwhile, a militant group called Army of Ansar el-Sunna posted photos on a Web site showing 11 captured Iraqi guardsmen.

All of this undermines President Bush's blithe insistence that Iraqi soldiers and police officers are gaining strength and will soon be able to assume security duties from U.S. forces. With large sections of the country under control of insurgents, it's hard to imagine how the Iraqi government and coalition forces can provide the stability and security essential for successful elections that the United States has pledged will take place by the end of January - just three months away.

Foremost among the cities under rebel control is Falluja, which serves as the power base for Abu Musab Zarqawi, Iraq's most prominent and deadly terrorist leader. Zarqawi has claimed responsibility for the weekend's attack on recruits and has been linked to numerous bombings, as well as many of the high-profile kidnappings and beheadings that have occurred in recent months.

Whether Falluja is eventually retaken or not, Iraq has become a war without a front or easily identifiable foe. The enemy can appear anywhere, even inside Baghdad's green zone - the fortified enclave used by U.S. military command, Iraq's interim government, foreign embassies and aid workers. Car bombings have become a daily occurrence, claiming the lives of U.S. soldiers, Iraqi security forces and civilians. More than 1,100 U.S. soldiers have died in combat in the last 19 months; more than 8,000 have been wounded.

On top of all this comes a report this week that the Bush administration plans to ask for $70 billion in additional emergency funding for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, bringing the total war costs close to $225 billion since the invasion of Iraq early last year.

Against this backdrop of unrelentingly grim news, both Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney continue to insist that freedom is on the march in Iraq. On the campaign trail in Ohio on Monday, Cheney declared Iraq to be "a remarkable success story" for which the president "deserves great credit."

Bush's opponent, John Kerry, has been underwhelming on the topic of Iraq. He has been unclear on whether he believed Saddam Hussein's regime posed an imminent threat to the United States. He has criticized the president for undermining the war by failing to commit enough troops, then has said he would start bringing U.S. troops home within six months after taking office. While Kerry has said that will be possible if allied troops shoulder more of the burden, it's far from clear that Kerry can succeed in convincing European leaders to send their young men and women off to fight and die in Iraq.

But Kerry has one huge advantage over Bush, and that is his willingness to recognize the situation in Iraq for what it truly is - a rapidly deteriorating crisis that is teetering on the brink of chaos. Bush has yet to demonstrate that he grasps either the reality of what is happening in Iraq or his mistakes and miscalculations that helped create that reality.


Aug 26, 2001
miranda said:
... And for him to make the statement their safety is in their own hands, that each state etc etc is ridiculous..
So you are saying we as Canadians don't chart our own destiny as a country? Who does then for us?


Aug 26, 2001
miranda said:
I personally support GWB's decision to go in there , should he have sat back after the Sept 11 attacks?
And the world was with him and the US in Afghanistan. The problem is Iraq where it is becoming self evident that Iraq nor Saddam had anything to do with 9/11.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
WoodPeckr said:
Originally posted by langeweile
You have to be pretty screwed up to lend him any support. This guy wants you to give up all your freedoms to include freedom of religion, freedom of expression and freedom to chose your leader.
He treats women like dirt and believes they should stay home in a vail and have kids(maybe that is a good point..hey i am joking).

To see in him anything but a right wing wacco is just plain stupid and irresponsible.

And I will second that ......
PRICELESS...... an accurate sumation of the right wing.
Thank you lange, glad you are beginning to see the light.......;)
At first I thought it was a Freudian slip by langeweile, but since he hasn't bothered to correct it I guess that's what he meant. Heck, even papasmerf didn't put up any objection. I bow to their greater understanding of things right wing. Right wing wacco it is.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
harleycharley said:
Iraq had nothing to do with the Sept 11 attacks...... really?
I was referring to afganastan(however u spell it)with that comment.
As for Iraq, well I believe and this is just my opinion( and I have bben described as more right wing than attilla the hun b4) I agree with him going in and although his reason for going in was unfounded, i believe that in the long run, it will be better for the civilians there.

Are we able to tell the politicians what to do?I mean really? then how are we responsible for our personal safety Bin laden style?

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
n_v said:
So you are saying we as Canadians don't chart our own destiny as a country? Who does then for us?
Actually no, if I was able to make my own decision re :canada, we would have right in there with the States from day one, not taking a back seat as Chrietien decided we would.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Asterix said:
At first I thought it was a Freudian slip by langeweile, but since he hasn't bothered to correct it I guess that's what he meant. Heck, even papasmerf didn't put up any objection. I bow to their greater understanding of things right wing. Right wing wacco it is.
Definitely a Right wing wacko.........:D


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
langeweile said:
To draw any kind of comparisson between OBL and GWB shows lack of understanding and deserves no further comment.
No one suggested any direct comparison between dubya and OBL, merely that you had recognized Osama as right wing. We must play chess sometime. Nah, that's too easy.
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