Vaughan Spa

Opinions wanted: Driving moves that drive you nuts!


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
Everything that everyone else said. Plus:

Drivers with merging issues. If I am looking to merge, either speed up to pass me or slow down to let me in. On the flip side, if someone wants to merge, I almost inevitably slow down to let them in. What I hate is when these geniuses take their freaking time to merge in. What the hell do you want, an effing written invitation??

Another one is cyclists who totally ignore traffic signals and stop signs. I can't tell you how many times I have had to slam on the brakes because some Lance Armstrong wannabe decides to blow through a stop sign. And if I hit the little prick, I would be the one who got into trouble.

I am an admitted cell phone while driving user. I realize it is not the brightest thing to do, but I can usually still get around pretty good even while yakking. I don't understand the people who find it so difficult to do both. Once you have dialed, all you are doing is talking. That shouldn't affect your driving as much as it seems to, for a lot of people.
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Senior Moment
Oct 30, 2002
Here and there
My beef is the third, fourth and fifth car to make a left-hand turn in front of me AFTER their advance light has disappeared, and I have a green.

F**kin' f**kers !
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The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
The truckers who dump their loads on the on/off ramps cause they're going too fast....and the load shifts.

Homonger, the only problem is some drivers are using their cells, smoking a cigarette, having a coffee, putting on make-up, and trying to change gears(standard).....oh, and trying to give others the finger....


Ovature, light the lights
Nov 13, 2003
OK where do I begin

It's not the people who drive slow in the left lane, it's the people who DRIVE in the left lane. It's for passing. You drive in that lane in europe and you will get a ticket

Bottom line if there is nobody in the lane to the right of you, you are at least one lane too far to the left. If you are not passing people to the right of you, you are at least one lane too far to the left.

The other thing that REALLY drives me nuts is the people who make a left as soon as a light goes green jumping the gun in front of oncoming traffic. It's times like that where I wish I had a beater car and could just t-bone them.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Galt, I couldn't have said it better myself! If you're being passed on the right, GET THE F*CK over!

There is a law on the books now that state the left lane is for passing and if you're caught in that lane NOT passing, you can get a ticket.

For all the slow pokes that slow down when someone comes up behind you: Why don't you just pull over and let us pass? Who appointed you the speed control officer? Why be a dick about it? I drive a full size ford pickup, My front bumper is just slightly below your rear window, if you hit the brakes or slow down JUST to piss me off you don't realize what 5000 lbs of detroit steel feels like passing through the back of your head. 2 seconds is all the gap you need between vehicles on dry pavement. Basically 1 car lenght for every 10 miles an hour.

The speed limits on our highways are there for a reason. If you DON'T want to travel at highway speeds, GET OFF THE HIGHWAY.

Another of my pet peeves: Mobile road blocks: Slow truck/Bus in the right lane/Slow grandma in the middle lane/Idiot (see above) doing 10 km less than the posted speed limit in the left lane. 100 cars behind them......WTF are you thinking? obviously not thinking at all. BE AWARE OF WHAT'S GOING ON AROUND YOU AND HELP EASE THE CONGESTION, DON'T ADD TO IT! If every vehicle left 10 times the gap required you'd still be in your friggen driveway instead of driving down the highway!

and yet another: Asleep at the wheel/Slow reaction times: This is for all the boneheads who take forever to get moving again once traffic has slowed. If the guy in front of you brakes, brake with him but once he gets moving again, SPEED THE FUCK UP! At any given time there are 100 vehicles in front of you, the first guy has to stop for some reason, if every vehicle in front of you takes 10 seconds to get moving again, that's 1000 seconds or 16 fucking minutes, for EVERYTIME he has to stop.

and yet another: The idiot in the far left lane that brakes when someone in the far right lane slows down. What's this? You think you might be missing something? Why do you have to slow down because he does? Brake when the person in front of you brakes, not when the guy 2 lanes over does. Hell, next thing you know you'll be braking when the people on the service road brake!

Pedestrians who stand on the road at intersections: Wouldn't you just love to give them a little nudge? I'm talking about the idiots who don't have the strength to step up onto the curb after crossing the street and want to cross in front of you. I just lay on the horn at em now, maybe they'll get the message that they shouldn't be standing in the road.

Pedestrians Period: Sure you have the right of way above all vehicles but think for a second: You weigh, oh 120 - 200 lbs. A small car weighs 1500 - 2000 lbs. What do you think will hurt worse if you step off in front of a moving vehicle "because you have the right of way"? Hell, if it hits you you MIGHT leave a dent, but more than likely you'll just be a red splotch on the paint job that a rag and some windex will take care of. WAKE UP! DON'T WALK IN FRONT OF MOVING VEHICLES!! Watch the driver, if he ain't looking at you, he can't see you!

Whew, that felt GOOD !!!


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
DATYdude said:
My pet peeve is the driver who when making a left turn doesn't go far enough into the intersection, so nobody else can make the turn on a yellow light. Burns me up.
Any others to add?
People who enter the intersection after the light has turned yellow to make a left turn.


New member
Apr 30, 2003
Offstage, instrument tuned.
How about a high speed license?

You would take an intensive 2 week driving course, and not get your Gsuper without demonstated skill. Your vehicle would have to meet minimum requirements. You would be tested yearly. No traffic tickets or accidents in previous 5 years. Any drinking/driving related problems and you can never even apply for the license. A tag would be in your window similar to handicap tag.

Speed allowed would be 150, left lane on 400 series highways. Two light signals would advise all drivers of availability of could use it, yellow--only Gsuper drivers. Use the lane without Gsuper, and your license is gone for a year, and U.S. drivers would have their license taken away if they haven't taken special course as we would have to.

License would cost $500.00 a year, to cover extra testing, highway monitoring and signal installation/maintenance. Number of available licenses would be capped to avoid excessive congestion.


New member
Jan 15, 2004
People that like to play Leap Frog. You set the cruise at 120 and pass someone.Ten seconds later they pass you back, then slow down. You cruise past them again and they speed up to pass you and so on and so on.....!

Gord's Bro

Merging Mania!!

How about some plain common courtesy. So many times I've been trying to merge or seen others trying to merge and people just won't left them (or me!!!) in. If it's safe to slow down and let the other driver in, do it damn it!!!

G's B

Oh yeah, flashing lights to warn others of a speed trap? Dumb idea. If you're speeding you take your chances.


New member
Dec 6, 2002
why can't people merge in Toronto? Really, I've never seen a city that has so much difficulty merging into traffic. Speed up! don't slow down. And for those that are already on the freeway, move the hell over so people can merge. When I first moved here I was shocked how bad people merge.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Too many to list.

- tow truckers cutting in and out of traffic at high speed.
- unmarked white trucks and vans, doing the above.
- drivers who don't signal. ( I am guilty of that at times)
- drivers who don't know how to take their cars into the median lane proper, letting the back of their cars sticking out and blocking all the traffic behind.
- drivers who throw lit cigarettes out the window on hi-ways.

- drivers who can't multi task: if you can't manage to talk on your cell and drive normally, just don't bloody do the 2 at the same time.

doubledown said:
....Passengers are ok.
I think we need to see more babes with great hoota's, in tank tops on the passengers side.

Gord's Bro

Berlin said:
I think we need to see more babes with great hoota's, in tank tops on the passengers side.
No! No! No! Much as I'd like (to see) them, can you imagine the insanity on the roads?

Talk about distractions!!!

G's B


New member
Apr 29, 2002
some cabbies are cool, i try to keep in mind that they have to make a living, but sometimes i agree they are ignorant.

people who drive slow in the fast line, wow, ya that pisses me off.

people who don't signal in advance when they're turning
(although, sometimes i catch myself not doing that myself) :D

annnd there's this one area on bloor that merges onto kipling south.
people turning right, don't use that lane as a merging lane, instead they WAIT to check if any cars are coming, and wait, and wait, when clear they go.
i mean wtf, they can (before hitting the turn) see if any cars are coming, use that right lane to get speed, do a quick blind spot check, gauge everything AND THEN turn!!!

same goes for the people who don't know how to use the on-ramps and off-ramps on the highways.


argh! k, i'm done


Apr 16, 2003
hiding behind my computer screen.
Yeah, I hate people that drive slower than 140km/h in the fast lane. Get the fuck over. It's only for young people that know how to drive and haven't lost their reflexes yet.

Also, the people that bud in on the merge lanes during rush hour traffic.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
One reason we don't pull over to pass is not only is it illegal to pass on the right but it is unsafe. How do we know when the dick is FINALLY going to abide by the rules and pull over?

Yeah, most people can't merge. I get a kick out of all these car commercials 260 hp this, 220 hp that, o - 60 in 4 seconds, lol yeah ok, why do you need a car that can do all that but never use it?

As for slowing down to let others merge: Umm the highway traffic act states that WE have the right of way and the merging traffice has to adjust to those already on the highway. Merging taffic has to adjust their speed and position to safely merge with highway traffice.

Oh, did I mention that GREEN MEANS GO? not "go at some distant time of your choosing".....


Nov 26, 2002
My pet peeve is lack of gratitude. I am a very corteous driver,unless I am in a rush I try my best to accomodate others (letting them in my lane, giving them right of way for left turns etcc..) All I ask is thay they give me a nod, or give me a wave of some sort to say thankyou. I always make an effort to open my window and stick my hand out as a sign of grattitude. driving is all about accomodating others, everybody has to get somewhere, saying thankyou when others give you right of way benefits everyone in the long run, if our generosity is appreciated then everyone is more likely to give right of way and for the most part everyone will get to their destination quicker and safer.

If ina day I give enough right of ways and i get no acknoledgement of a thankyou I drive like a prick the rest of the day.


Nov 26, 2002
Oh 1 more pet peeve.

D*ckwads in thier neons and cavaliers reving me and giving me a dirty look at the lights. I drive a civic and once in a while i get some punk that gives a dirty look and guns it at the light. It would not be so bad if I had the juice under the hood to smoke them.

That was before over the winter I dropped a turbocharger in my car and it pulls like a bat out of hell. Now no one gives me a dirty look or even revs me, my cars still looks the same. What gives? now that i have the power to hand them their asses all of a sudden no more d*ckwads.

Yeah i know street racing is wrong, I do not push the envelop, I just like to make a point that i can smoke then up to about 70 km/hr and then i shut down. Nothing like having a punk driving his dads cars thinking you are an easy kill and then hearing a turbo under your hood.

Oh yeah guys with loud fart cans and reving all over the place makes me sick, they think a tuna can, an open muffler, and loud techno music out of their stock stereo gives them the god given right to do whatever they want.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
People who get in their snow covered car, turn their wipers on and drive away. Their brake/head lights are covered and they couldn't care less.

When someones turn signal flashes fast, one of the bulbs on the opposite end of the car is burnt out.

Driving lights or fog lights that aren't aimed properly.

Driving with high beams, because their low beams are burnt out.

Leaving a foot of snow on the roof. It's going to fly into someones windshield.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
anon1 said:
Ingrate female passengers that don't give head.
You wouldn't be saying this if you had to take your mom to the chiropodist weekly...
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts