Open Discussion: Increasing Average Rates Getting Too High?

Is 200/HH as an average rate for a HH GFE too high?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Depending on the provider

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2018
So I wanted to post this as an open discussion (mostly) and a poll.

So back in 2016/17 when I started this hobby the average price for a. HH GFE was about 100/120. Then it went up to 140. Then it went up to 150/160. But now, most ladies I inquire with are charging 200/HH!? For nothing more than a basic GFE experience. Most of them barely even deliver that and some are charging those rates for just a cbj and fs, not even GFE.

Now, I know there are a lot of variables that play in to this and I know that there is a level of subjectivity as well. I also know that there are always going to be guys who will pay whatever for whatever without even thinking twice. But like goddamn.

Now, I'm all for paying people for their services and experience regardless of industry. I also know that partaking in this hobby is a luxury. However, how is it realistic that the average rate is now 200/HH? I understand well-reviewed ladies charging a bit more than average. I understand agencies charging a bit more than average. I understand the elite high-class escorts charging what they charge. But for your average run of the mill GFE?

Now I know there are guys on here who live by only seeing 60, 80, 100 ladies. I have no bloody idea how. But you guys aren't the guys I'm wanting to have in this discussion. This discussion is mostly for those of us who are willing to pay the average rates or even a bit more as well as any ladies who want to chime in.

I know there's very little we can do to stop the rates from getting too high but at what point, for the average client, is it too much?


Active member
Jul 13, 2022
Yes, it's a little much. Especially if you want to see someone frequently. I have spent WAY to much in this hobby because the 80 to 100 are questionable but sometimes a gem. But I want something specific. So it's 200 to 260 and frankly it's nice to look at but doesn't get the value difference between the more cost effective options.
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