Fuji: The problem here is people NEED to drink. They NEED to feel the effects of alcohol in their system and they NEED a crutch in order to meet a certain social standard. Sorry, if anyone NEEDs something they have a problem.
I gave up drinking 13 yrs ago. Not because I had a problem, but due to physical/health issues that alcohol irritated. Since I've stopped I've come to realize that all those drinkers that think it is SO "cool" to be under the influence don't realize what total asses they are. Now I can totally understand someone coming home after a hard day's work and wanting a drink to help them relax. Go ahead, have at it where you cannot harm anyone other than yourself by your actions.
I've also seen people who think they are 100% perfectly ok after 1 drink. They aren't. The second you start digesting alcohol it affects you. With some, it may be small, but with most, you can immediately notice a slurring of speech, a preponderance to laugh a little more, etc.
I will repeat: if you need to have a glass of wine with dinner, if you need to have a beer on the golf course, if you need a drink in order to have a good time, you've got a problem.
Anyone has a choice: drink, or drive. NOT both. There is NO valid reason that someone MUST drink and drive. It is purely by choice and frankly, if you choose to endanger other drivers, you deserve what you get if you get caught.
Yeah Fuji, those that CHOOSE to drink and drive ALWAYS refer to "other drivers" that are more dangerous than they are. You're right, that issue is totally independant of the drinking issue and if you talk to any cop: bad drivers ALWAYS say "other drivers are worse than they are..." well you know what? Other drivers are saying the same thing about them!
In addition: I think if you don't learn by the first 2 times you're caught blowing a warning, you should lose your licence forever. Not for 30 days. It is obvious that you can't control yourself and won't learn. I also LOVE to hear of people going to court after getting caught saying the reason they should keep their licence is because they: need to drive their kids around, need to earn a living because they're a salesman, need it for x y and z. Well, if you NEED your licence for those reasons, you wouldn't have had a few drinks and drove. Obviously your need to have a few was more important that your need to earn a living, drive your kids, etc.