Ontario Bill 203-Blowing A Warning Over .05


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Malibook said:
There are degrees to laws and that is why there is a wide range of sentences for various crimes.

If you equate rape to someone blowing .05, than there is not much point in me continuing.

The sentences for blowing a warning are punishment as in conviction, not preventive as in preventive custody.
See, that's where your perspective is a little skewed: it isn't punishment, it is prevention. To someone living on minimum wage, doesn't own a car, and can't afford to buy one beer let alone two, you're a spoiled little brat.

yes, there are levels to crime and punishment. That's why your licence is only suspended for 12 hrs on your first offence.

The solution is simple: DON'T drink and drive. End of story!


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
tboy said:
As for the impounding of the vehicle, I don't believe they do. They just prevent you from driving it. I know I was stopped under the 12 hr suspension law 20 yrs ago and they let me park it in a strip mall right next to where they stopped me.
Oh, they impound the vehicle... unless there is someone with you that can drive and blows clean.
My vehicle was impounded once and the jackass tow truck driver didn't think it was necessary to roll up the window that the cop made me roll down. Was I compensated for the water damage? Guess.


New member
Jul 27, 2004
I can remember when I HAD to drive home :: I was to drunk to walk .
I did not have one accident while drinking and driving
I do not drink today .. But I do not believe in .08 to start with let alone .05.
To me .05 IS .00000
The govt is crazy with laws to create MONEY.


New member
Sep 6, 2007
under the sheets
a freind of mine

poonhunter said:
Lucky i switched to Crest mouthwash:D
just got pulled over the other day, he had 1 beer, the cop said he cold smell it as sson as he rolled down his window, he gave him a "word of advise", do not chew mint gum or candy, or brush you teeth, he told him to chew on fruit gum or candy, apparently the mint brings out the spell more....thanks bud!!


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Malibook said:
People who don't drink and/or don't have a car often think the limit should be 0.00.
I both drink (but not when I'm going to be driving) and have a car and I think it should be 0.00.

It should be simple... you drink, don't drive... you drive... don't drink. If you feel you have to have alcohol in order to have a good time... you have a problem.


Nov 11, 2004
Moraff said:
I both drink (but not when I'm going to be driving) and have a car and I think it should be 0.00.

It should be simple... you drink, don't drive... you drive... don't drink. If you feel you have to have alcohol in order to have a good time... you have a problem.
This is the most concise, and accurate way I have seen it expressed.


New member
Jul 27, 2004
Moraff said:
I both drink (but not when I'm going to be driving) and have a car and I think it should be 0.00.

It should be simple... you drink, don't drive... you drive... don't drink. If you feel you have to have alcohol in order to have a good time... you have a problem.
When they brought out the smoking laws :; it was first at the work place :: then the restaurants .. Now it is not even outside within ten feet of a door ; or in your own car with minors .
I do not smoke or drink but the govt gets there foot in the door and gets a law; and then just keeps adding more restrictions ect .
I believe most on here have heard the stories of the cops driving some one years back .Leave the car and they drove uncle bob home ;//
Then they wanted .08 .. Now .05 . Soon it will be .0000 .
The govt is slowly being big brother .
I use too drink but never even tryed drugs .. This new law of .05 will make alot of drivers look at drugs verus having a beer. That is just my opinion but drivers have so many laws. I have heard so many times :: driving is a privilege and not a right. If the govt keeps making more new laws we will have no rights and only the privileges that the GOVT thinks we should have


Nov 11, 2004
pepsiman said:
This new law of .05 will make alot of drivers look at drugs verus having a beer.
That is a ridiculous assertion. It is illegal to drive while under the influence of drugs as well.


Jan 31, 2005
Malibook said:
Having a couple of drinks at a restaurant, bar, party, hockey rink, golf course, pool hall, bowling alley, etc.... is an acceptable form of leisure in our society.
It's also acceptable in our society to realize that you are driving and, if you've had two drinks, wait an hour after finishing the last one before driving your car.

Some people are impaired with no drinks.
Some are impaired after one drink.
The law has to draw a line somewhere, and it's been dram at 0.08% for criminal law and 0.05% for the HTA.

The point is what is the consensus on an acceptable amount and what constitutes impairment.
Anything below 0.05% is considered acceptable and anything over 0.08% is considered impairment. Duh.

People who don't drink and/or don't have a car often think the limit should be 0.00.
I am not one of those people; though I agree with the limit being 0.00% for new drivers. I agree that the average guy can drive after having a single drink, and that the average guy can drive after two if he waits around an hour first or after three if he waits two hours, etc.

If you're bigger or smaller than the average guy the rule will be a bit different for you, but you ought to know what it is for yourself. The above works for me, and has never, ever prevented me from having a couple of drinks with my friends.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
In Japan and a few other countries it is .03 :) Here in Michigan its a maybe if you blow .05, .06 or .07 believe its up to the cop if he thinks you are impair but it is thought as that .08 is the limit.

Funny how laws keep changing, most states in the USA were .1 for impaired and .15 for drunk driving then "MAD" came around in the 80's and slowly changed the law.

My opinion on the limit is .03 sounds good but then I'm a "lead foot" driver were split second reflexes make the difference.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
thompo69 said:
That is a ridiculous assertion. It is illegal to drive while under the influence of drugs as well.

Maybe so but some drugs are easier to detect than others...alcohol is the easiest drug to check for and the hardest to hide.

Take that "evil" drug cocaine, believe it shows up only on a blood test, has no odor and a very small amount is strong and easily hidden on ones body...try to hide a bottle of alcohol on you, a pat down search turns it right up.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
tboy said:
I don't think anyone here said the limit should be 0.00. Yes, some of us have said Don't drink and drive. What's wrong with that? If you're worried about getting caught and losing your priviledge to drive for 12 hrs, then....DOH, don't risk it.

The way it the new law was posted on here is after May 1st you lose your drivers license for 3 days, and that is for the first offense. That is a big change from 12 hours no limit how many times caught.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Malibook said:
On May 1, 2009 new tougher penalties will be implemented in Ontario for drivers who blow a warning between .05 and .08.

Currently the penalty is a 12 hour suspension regardless of how many times and there is nothing on your driver's record.

First offence will be a 3 day suspension.

Second offence will be a 7 day suspension and the driver must attend a remedial alcohol education program.

Third offence will be a 30 day suspension, remedial alcohol treatment program, and the installation of an ignition interlock device.

These are not criminal offences but they will be kept on your driver's record and may affect your insurance.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
fuji said:
I agree that the average guy can drive after having a single drink, and that the average guy can drive after two if he waits around an hour first or after three if he waits two hours, etc.

If you're bigger or smaller than the average guy the rule will be a bit different for you, but you ought to know what it is for yourself. The above works for me, and has never, ever prevented me from having a couple of drinks with my friends.
A man's got to know his limitations.
Good for you.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Is it hypocritical that some of the ones who lay these charges often drink and drive themselves?

To me this would be like people who work for the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) enforcement engaging in insider trading and other securities frauds.

Why do the ones who arrest people for drugs refuse to undergo drug testing?

Seems sort of Eliot Spitzerish to me. :rolleyes:


New member
Jul 27, 2004
thompo69 said:
That is a ridiculous assertion. It is illegal to drive while under the influence of drugs as well.
Illegal:: yes ;; Drink beer or whiskey and the cop can smell it on you ..
Do some drugs and not so much smell . Pills :: no smell .. Needle :: no smell.
Illegal yes.. Will some drivers look at drugs as a option :: yes ,
The youger the group the more likely .
I work with people that believe pot and hash are not even drugs .
In their words :: No different than having a beer .
Should be legalized :???
Do you think these people will consider drugs over having a beer ::????
Driving while very tired is not a good idea either . and I believe illegal too.
I drive the 401 daily and I believe there is lots of drivers driving tired .
Harder too prove than .05 .
I believe a person can have a couple of beers and be fine .
I think .08 is too low .. but I am not a Govt employee looking for laws to make my boss money ...
Some one decided .08 was too much and the Govt has made a pile of money since then .
Now another thinks .05 is too much .. Just doing a Govt job ::???
And the do gooders think .000000 is just fine . Maybe their future is in Ottawa or Toronto making laws


Nov 11, 2004
pepsiman said:
Illegal:: yes ;; Drink beer or whiskey and the cop can smell it on you ..
Do some drugs and not so much smell . Pills :: no smell .. Needle :: no smell.
Illegal yes.. Will some drivers look at drugs as a option :: yes ,
The youger the group the more likely .
I work with people that believe pot and hash are not even drugs .
In their words :: No different than having a beer .
Should be legalized :???
Do you think these people will consider drugs over having a beer ::????
Driving while very tired is not a good idea either . and I believe illegal too.
I drive the 401 daily and I believe there is lots of drivers driving tired .
Harder too prove than .05 .
I believe a person can have a couple of beers and be fine .
I think .08 is too low .. but I am not a Govt employee looking for laws to make my boss money ...
Some one decided .08 was too much and the Govt has made a pile of money since then .
Now another thinks .05 is too much .. Just doing a Govt job ::???
And the do gooders think .000000 is just fine . Maybe their future is in Ottawa or Toronto making laws
Well, the absence of sentences and paragraphs makes it difficult for me to grasp what your argument is, or if you even have one. Suggesting that people will move to drugs so they can drive impaired without getting caught is still a stupid assertion, and smell is not the only way to identify someone who's been using an impairing substance.


Feb 17, 2008
these laws are BS, ive seen people drive after 5 beers and they drove fine, but ive witnessed people driving after no sleep, because they work two jobs and go from one job to the other, and can honestly say driving without proper sleep is 10 times more dangerous than drinking & driving.
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