Only Three Months Left For Planet Earth( and other false doomsday predictions)


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
The Guardian Admits Climate Action Costs Jobs

climate cult members usually try to sidestep questions about the cost of their proposals, but occasionally they slip up and reveal the true pain their agenda would inflict on ordinary working people.

Behind the smokescreen, the Coalition’s stance on climate change hasn’t changed at all

Greg Jericho

Saying you agree with the science of climate change but that you believe the government’s current plan is adequate is like saying you agree with vaccination, but you chose to only get one of your three kids immunised because, heck, that is more affordable.

Greg Jericho

The cheapest way to deal with the cost of climate change is to reduce our emissions and prevent, as much as is possible, further increases in global temperatures.

Dealing with climate change will be tough – people will lose jobs, the prices of some things will rise, but the cost of inaction is going to be much greater and more damaging – both to our economy and to our society.

Read more:

This admission that climate action is expensive and would cause hardship echoes Obamas speech in 2009, in which he promised to make electricity prices skyrocket;

As for sea level rise – if an alarmist like President Obama doesn’t take sea level rise seriously, why should you?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Last week, millions of pounds in “constraint payments” were paid to wind energy farms to not run their turbines.

Over £12 million was handed out to wind farms in the United Kingdom last week, following a major outage in a powerline that transported energy from Scottish wind farms to England. The handouts will be tacked onto consumers’ energy bills throughout the country.

The firms were paid between 25 and 80 per cent more than they would have earned were the turbines actually running, reports The Telegraph.

A study conducted in December by the Renewable Energy Foundation (REF) found that the UK handed out a record high £136 million to 86 wind farm owners last year in “constraint payments” when the grid was incapable of handling the energy flow.

Dr John Constable, the director of the REF, condemned the spate of wind farm development in Scotland saying:

“The Scottish Government has permitted excessive and environmentally damaging growth in wind power north of the border which has put the electricity system under great strain and burdened English and Welsh consumers not only with constraint payments but also with the additional expense of a £1 billion interconnector that is itself proving unreliable. The environment and the consumer have been betrayed over and over again.

The unpredictable nature of wind electricity, known as intermittency, has plagued the industry. When there is not enough wind, the turbines produce little to no power and when there are high levels of wind, the output places strain on electrical grid systems as there is currently no viable storage system for the energy.

Though often touted by green activists, the true environmental costs of wind turbines remain high. The high powered magnets required to generate electricity out of wind require rare earth minerals such as neodymium, which is mostly mined in China.

A 2011 report by Simon Parry of the Daily Mail found that the mining of neodymium in China has resulted in the creation of a toxic lake outside the city of Baotou. Children in the neighbouring village of Dalahai were born with soft bones and cancer rates surged amongst the villagers.

“The reality is that, as Britain flaunts its environmental credentials by speckling its coastlines and unspoiled moors and mountains with thousands of wind turbines, it is contributing to a vast man-made lake of poison in northern China,” wrote Parry.

The news of the payouts to British wind farms come as the Boris Johnson government is set to quadruple the amount of wind energy produced offshore, as a part of the government’s green agenda which promises to be carbon neutral by 2050.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Guess what else uses neodymium rare earth magnets? Electric car motors.
So electric cars are powered by coal, use lithium in their batteries (flammable and toxic to mine) and rare earth magnets that are again, highly toxic to produce. But the greenies love them and want to force you into driving them.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Last week, millions of pounds in “constraint payments” were paid to wind energy farms to not run their turbines.
Falling as Wind Power Surges in US and Worldwide
Trump is one of a handful of significant trans-generational genocidal maniacs whose policies will kill millions in the future.

Are you still a climate change denier who admits that the global temperature is still rising, so is afraid to bet on it?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Weren't you banned for insults once already?
You call someone a barnyard animal & put up a picture
I ask you a question and put up a picture of a barnyard animal

Yet you assume you have some sort of moral superiority, which you dont
Time to grow up Frankfooter


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Falling as Wind Power Surges in US and Worldwide
Trump is one of a handful of significant trans-generational genocidal maniacs whose policies will kill millions in the future.

Are you still a climate change denier who admits that the global temperature is still rising, so is afraid to bet on it?
A major Swedish online daily has an article about what one of Sweden’s leading climate scientists, Lennart Bengtsson, has to say about the global warming hysteria.

We Are Creating Great Anxiety Without It Being Justified…there are no indications that the warming is so severe that we need to panic.
‘The warming we have had the last a 100 years is so small that if we didn’t have had meteorologists and climatologists to measure it we wouldn’t have noticed it at all.
The Earth appears to have cooling properties that exceeds the previous thought ones, and that computer models are inadequate to try to foretell a chaotic object like the climate, where actual observations is the only way to go.”
Time to lighten up with your over the top propaganda
You certainly are not fooling anyone

Now do what you do best, attack Lennart Bengtssonès character for speaking what he thinks and pointing out truth


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You call someone a barnyard animal & put up a picture
I ask you a question and put up a picture of a barnyard animal

Yet you assume you have some sort of moral superiority, which you dont
Time to grow up Frankfooter
Subtlety isn't your strong suit.
I challenged CM to a bet to see if he really believes the bullshit he posts, he continues to decline, so gets called a chicken for behaviour.
CM is a chicken for refusing to put his 'beliefs' on line.

You, instead, just come out with an insult unrelated to actions.
Something that already got you banned once.

How about you larue, would you bet your terb membership that global temperatures won't continue to rise?
As someone who claims to know more about science and climatology than the IPCC, are you so sure that the global temperature won't continue to rise that you'd bet your membership?

(and I know that you right wingers and science deniers all welch on bets, but I'd do it to lord over you every time you post here)


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Subtlety isn't your strong suit.
I challenged CM to a bet to see if he really believes the bullshit he posts, he continues to decline, so gets called a chicken for behaviour.
CM is a chicken for refusing to put his 'beliefs' on line.
Blah,Blah, Blah
I really do not care to relive your arguments and verbal spats with others. You have far too many with multiple people for me to follow or care about

You, instead, just come out with an insult unrelated to actions.
Something that already got you banned once.
You mean the time your tatetailed ?
I seem to recall you have been banned as well

How about you larue, would you bet your terb membership that global temperatures won't continue to rise?
As I have said all along, climate naturally changes, always has, always will, so no incentive for me to take that bet

However, would you bet your terb membership that global atmospheric temps will rise and at the rate the alarmist's claim ?
Too bad I would never make a bet with anyone who is not trustworthy

As someone who claims to know more about science and climatology than the IPCC, are you so sure that the global temperature won't continue to rise that you'd bet your membership?
1. Never claimed I know more than anyone other than you. That is not a big boast for anyone to make
2. I would never make a bet with anyone who is not trustworthy, so No

(and I know that you right wingers and science deniers all welch on bets, but I'd do it to lord over you every time you post here)
Interesting!, It is really all about lording over people for you and trying to control others behaviour.
The truth is irrelevant for you

As I said, I would never make a bet with anyone who is not trustworthy


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
As I have said all along, climate naturally changes, always has, always will, so no incentive for me to take that bet
Another chicken.

All you deniers know it would be a losing bet, just look at the trends.
And of course, being the bright person you are, you know that +4ºC takes us to a thermal maximum and -5ºC to an ice age.


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
How is everyone enjoying their global warming today??



Well-known member
Jul 8, 2011
Another chicken.

All you deniers know it would be a losing bet, just look at the trends.
And of course, being the bright person you are, you know that +4ºC takes us to a thermal maximum and -5ºC to an ice age.

Your hockey stick graph has been debunked many times franky.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Your hockey stick graph has been debunked many times franky.
Dunning-Kruger effect is really working for you, isn't it?

After all, that's just a chart showing all the major global temperature readings for the last 140 years.
The hockey stick chart is a different chart and its been proven correct through 7 different court challenges.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Another chicken.
That sounds rather insulting
Hmm a board without Frankfooter........ Hmmm

All you deniers know it would be a losing bet, just look at the trends.
The term deniers is also quite insulting, as well completely inappropriate
trends does not confirm a theory & that is all you have. Just like a consensus is not a scientific fact
Besides, have you ever stopped for a moment and asked what those graphs look like without the adjustments by Gavin Schmidt/?
The surface data record is a mess, with little or no coverage in the arctic or antarctic i.e where the most warming is suppose to take place
They also do not cover the oceans, a huge problem for a planet which is 2/3 ocean
they also reference the coldest period in hundreds of years as the baseline

And of course, being the bright person you are, you know that +4ºC takes us to a thermal maximum and -5ºC to an ice age.
Perhaps that is someones theory which you take as fact
The fact of the matter is Climate is a chaotic turbulent system with far more variables than you can imagine

1, No way in hell these clowns @ IPCC have modeled it correctly
2. No way in hell CO2 in parts per million is the control knob on such a complex system


Explain how the surface can be warming faster than the atmosphere genius ?



Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Dunning-Kruger effect is really working for you, isn't it?

After all, that's just a chart showing all the major global temperature readings for the last 140 years.
The hockey stick chart is a different chart and its been proven correct through 7 different court challenges.
The hockey stick is not correct
It was a complete and intentional misrepresentation of temperature record & a blight on science
He used tree ring growth from a specific species of tree with a very large appetite for CO2 as one of his proxies for historical temp & weighted it extra heavy
That graph was going to look like a hockey stick independent of actual temperature

A court decides a scientific issue???
No it does not

even you are smart enough to know the number of zeros in a lawyers bill often determine court rulings
Are you going to hang your scientific hat on court rulings & demand everyone changes their lives?
No chance you want a sober second look?

Scientific issues are disproven / proven via empirical physical testing & confirmation, not by a court
It is not proven via computer models either
Nor is it proven by a show of hands. ie consensus

Michael Mann has set science back decades
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