Ashley Madison

Only Three Months Left For Planet Earth( and other false doomsday predictions)

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Then when you look at the modern records the tides havent actually increased in centimeters, only in frequency.
And then the question becomes, is that because of better record keeping or for some other reason:

Exceptional high waters since 1923

The levels reached by high waters, engraved on the walls of Ca' Farsetti, Venice's City Hall.
The levels reached by waters, painted outside a Venice shop

According to the records of the Tide Monitoring and Forecast Centre of Venice,[2] these are the maximal documented levels (in decreasing, not chronological, order):

194 cm on November 4, 1966
187 cm on November 12, 2019
166 cm on December 22, 1979
158 cm on February 1, 1986
156 cm on October 29, 2018
156 cm on December 1, 2008
154 cm on November 15, 2019
152 cm on November 17, 2019
151 cm on November 12, 1951
150 cm on November 18, 2019
149 cm on November 11, 2012
147 cm on April 16, 1936
147 cm on November 16, 2002
145 cm on December 25, 2009
145 cm on October 15, 1960
144 cm on November 13, 2019
144 cm on December 23, 2009
144 cm on November 3, 1968
144 cm on November 6, 2000
143 cm on February 12, 2013
143 cm on November 1, 2012
142 cm on December 8, 1992
140 cm on February 17, 1979

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
You can say the same thing about the high tides a few months ago
Thats the part hat makes me laugh about these global warming faithers, if its a really high tide then its climate change, but if its a really low tide well then....its just a low tide....LOL


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Oceans are warming at the same rate as if five Hiroshima bombs were dropped in every second

Here's the quote about how much energy has gone into the oceans in the form of climate change caused heat.

Lijing Cheng, the paper's lead author and an associate professor at the International Center for Climate and Environmental Sciences at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said the ocean temperature was 0.075 degrees Celsius above the 1981-2010 average in 2019.

"There are no reasonable alternatives aside from the human emissions of heat trapping gases to explain this heating," Cheng said, adding that to reach this temperature, the ocean would have taken in 228,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 -- or 228 sextillion -- joules of heat.

"The Hiroshima atom-bomb exploded with an energy of about 63,000,000,000,000 Joules," Cheng said. "I did a calculation ... the amount of heat we have put in the world's oceans in the past 25 years equals to 3.6 billion Hiroshima atom-bomb explosions," he added.
That's a lot of joules.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
CHILDREN Of The Ignorant : New Zealand Schools To Terrify Children About The ‘Climate Crisis’

Every school in New Zealand will this year have access to materials about the climate crisis written by the country’s leading science agencies – including tools for students to plan their own activism, and to process their feelings of “eco-anxiety” over global heating. […]

Young people feel betrayed and abandoned by older generations over their lack of action on the climate issue, and worry about it has increasingly sparked anxiety and depression, a group of British psychologists warned in September. […]

Materials created for teachers that were provided to the Guardian suggest students keep a “feelings thermometer” to track their emotions, learn how to change defeatist self-talk, and consider how their feelings could generate action and response.

NZ failing education system

Schools need to do more to reduce the number of children falling behind in core subjects like reading and maths as they get older, the Education Review Office says.

In a new report the office warns that New Zealand's scores in international tests of reading, maths and science are in a steady or accelerated decline.

Some schools are getting good results without knowing why, while others are introducing new teaching methods without first researching their effectiveness.

The report, 'Teaching Approaches and Strategies That Work', said the percentage of children achieving at the expected level of the curriculum fell as they reached the end of primary and intermediate school in years seven and eight.

It called for change to ensure children were achieving at the required level before they started secondary school.

"Declining rates of achievement must be reversed so students are prepared for the demands of the secondary curriculum and, later, for success in further education and employment," the report said.

It said the review office visited 40 schools with results above average for their socio-economic decile to find out what worked well for raising students' achievements.

Most of the schools were using specific, useful teaching strategies, though sometimes effective practices were visible only in some of a school's classrooms or groups of teachers.

"Generally, leaders and teachers ... knew which children were not achieving at the expected level and were trying different things to bring about ongoing improvement," the report said.

But it found some of the schools did not know why they were getting good results.

"Many of the schools in this study were happy to share a wide variety of things they were doing, yet often with little knowledge about which of these were contributing to improved achievement," the report said.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Making the Planet Fit for Food: Climate Protesters Attack Vermont's Dairy Farms

The Vermont Governor’s annual “State of the State” address was interrupted this year by a loud group of protesters, who refused to stop screaming bizarre slogans until the Vermont State House session was closed so they could be physically escorted from the building. Amidst their shouts of “I’m afraid I’m going to die!” and “Climate justice is migrant justice!,” were repeated condemnations of Vermont’s “dairy industry.” This vague “industry” boogeyman is actually nonexistent in Vermont. The state’s dairy farms have steadily declined, and even its largest operations are puny in contrast to the mega-dairies elsewhere.

The irony of attacking dairy farms by those who claim to be motivated to “save our planet” is instructional. Approximately 40% of Vermont’s water pollution supposedly arises from agriculture, but as with all things environmental it is not as simple as a percentage -- much of the phosphorous that washes into Vermont’s waterways was spread decades ago, with federal subsidies, and at the urging of federal and state agriculture departments. Now the few remaining farmers are being castigated by activists who produce no food.

But the activists do produce waste, of which they are apparently unaware because they are consumed with scapegoating farmers (and white people, and men) for all the world’s problems. Yet, 60% of the pollution in Vermont’s waterways arises from urban and suburban development, especially along Lake Champlain. The farmers haven’t had time to protest this growing problem, in part because they must implement expensive improvements to clean up their food-producing businesses while these radicals do nothing to restrict their own consumption behaviors.

Many who reside in Vermont are so utterly disconnected from farming and food that they do not perceive their own peril from consuming fossil-fuel and fertilizer-dependent foods from California. They appear to believe that “Cal-organic” food products are lifted magically from the subsidized San Joaquin Valley and plunked neatly in their shopping carts without polluting the ecosystem. But this is just one of many delusions the “new stupid” has indoctrinated into their shallow minds. They are oblivious to their own peril.

We farmers stay physically fit producing food -- I have moved hay bales to feed my animals almost daily for more than twenty years, keeping my heart and joints healthy while producing local food that is not trucked 3,500 miles. (I raise lamb. Most commercial lamb is flown, refrigerated, from Australia for city people, who thereby consume more fossil fuels rather than pay the higher prices for local products). The hay I feed was created fully from solar energy, then harvested with fossil fuels (as I am not Amish). But those fuels create food.

The protesters who disrupted Vermont’s Legislature for the first time in its history are not food producers -- they are food consumers. Industrial agriculture (the real kind, where soils are depleted rather than regenerated, in vast faraway spaces that Vermont lacks, including Mexico, China, and Chile) is unsustainable, and we local farmers know this. We watch what these toxic invaders consume, putting us locals out of business because they value cheap over sensible.

As a farmer, I do not possess a gym membership with Planet Fitness. I am fit without pills, and certainly without driving a fumey car or truck to a building constructed, heated and lit for me to mount an electric machine constructed from oil-dependent plastics, to “exercise” on a petroleum-derived tread while watching a bank of flat-screen televisions all tuned to liberal news channels (so I’m told). I have never owned a flatscreen TV, nor have I ever owned a regular television that was not used (recycled).

These “city folks” are destroying my grandchildren’s future food supply. They “commute” to work, and mow huge lawns with inefficient mowers, spreading toxic fertilizers and weed killers that flow into Lake Champlain with the rest of their moronic suburban runoff. Perhaps the farmers should stage a sit-in at area gyms and try to call attention to this idiotic hypocrisy. But then, that’s just not our style, and we don’t have the time or money to invest in such virtue-signaling antics. (I suspect most farmers increasingly “feel” that when the economy implodes, we should just “let them eat cake.”)

These childish fools have attacked Vermont farmers instead of looking in the mirror to find ways they could actually improve the planet. The “carbon tax” and “Transportation Climate Initiative” (TCI) work the same way -- they impose restrictions while doing nothing to actually reduce pollution. For instance, instead of lowering the speed limit to 55 MPH (which would actually reduce consumption, though I am not here advocating for such), they wish to have everyone pay the government a gasoline tax to burn fuels driving 70 MPH. This is a difference in means, not ends.

What do these foolish miscreants propose as an alternative method to produce food for their future, assuming that is an end they even contemplate? Carpetbagging elitists have flocked to Vermont for its clean air and water, its rural culture, and its panoramic views, but now threaten all of those beautiful assets by disrupting our legislature and demeaning our culture in a witless venture to destroy rather than contribute. (These spoiled brats should perhaps be fitted with nose-rings, so they can be tied in their Orwellian stalls while the grown-ups solve the problems they compound.)

A square bale of hay typically weighs about 40 pounds and can be purchased locally for $3-4. If all Vermont’s gyms were closed by state statute, erstwhile members could stay home and exercise using just two bales, which can be used to develop biceps, triceps and leg muscles without contributing any fossil fuel consumption -- indeed, stomach crunches are improved when sitting on a square bale! Video games, televisions, cellular phones and computers could be seized if not directly employed for food production. That would do a great deal to save our planet, and then maybe theses kiddies would read a book.

Humanity’s future depends on sustainable agriculture. Vermont’s urban elites are not immune from this dependency -- they are just profoundly ignorant of it. Consumed with their rush to eviscerate the Constitution to impose their social justice fantasy on fellow citizens, they have also abandoned civility and respect for others. With more self-awareness of their own consumption they might gain the humility to treat others as equals, respectfully. When the economy declines, and food prices spike, where will they get their organic bean sprouts? They perceive they will just reap more government bureaucratic harvests and impose their tyranny on the farmers. But the farmers will be gone, along with their accumulated wisdom, their fertile lands, cleared fields, and their stubborn work ethic. Will these protesters get their food delivered via uber while they sip lattes on their treadmills? They seem to think they will always have an app, or migrant worker, to serve them.

The protesters at Montpelier are unaware of the true disaster they court -- they are so hell-bent on using “their” climate to enslave the rest of us that they have lost sight of how unfit they are to save the planet. Their disconnect from their own farm sustenance has disconnected them too from simple farming wisdom and common sense, especially the old farming adage which applies so aptly to their immature antics: “even a pig knows not to s--t where it sleeps.”


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
While CM has his face stuck in old newspaper clippings about the weather......

Climate emergency: 2019 was second hottest year on record
Last decade was also hottest yet in 150 years of measurements, say scientists

Ocean temperatures hit record high as rate of heating accelerates
Oceans are clearest measure of climate crisis as they absorb 90% of heat trapped by greenhouse gases


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Australia fires: Aboriginal planners say the bush 'needs to burn'

For thousands of years, the Indigenous people of Australia set fire to the land.

Long before Australia was invaded and colonised by Europeans, fire management techniques - known as "cultural burns" - were being practised.

The cool-burning, knee-high blazes were designed to happen continuously and across the landscape.

The fires burn up fuel like kindling and leaf detritus, meaning a natural bushfire has less to devour.

Since Australia's fire crisis began last year, calls for better reintegration of this technique have grown louder. But it should have happened sooner, argues one Aboriginal knowledge expert.

"The bush needs to burn," says Shannon Foster.

She's a knowledge keeper for the D'harawal people - relaying information passed on by her elders - and an Aboriginal Knowledge lecturer at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Australia fires: Aboriginal planners say the bush 'needs to burn'
Ok deniers.

I'm willing to bet CM, Phil, bigsleazy, moviefan and whoever else wants to bet that 2020 will break all records for the warmest year ever.
Who's in?

Are you guys really sure of your sources?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
There is absolutely nothing unusual about today’s so-called global warming (or “climate change”).

Look at how many periods of warmth our planet has enjoyed during the past 10,000 years alone.

Civilizations flourished during those warm periods, and collapsed when they ended.

Did humans cause the Minoan warm period of of about 3,300 years ago?

Did humans cause the Roman warm period of about 2,100 years ago?

Did humans cause the Medieval warm period of about 1,000 years ago?

What about all of those other warm periods? Should we blame Fred Flintstone, perhaps?

Now look at where we are today (at the far right side of the graph).

If the downward trend in temperature of the past 3,300 years continues, we could be in a heap of trouble. While our leaders keep on wringing their collective hands over global warming, we could be blindsided by an ice age.

As far as I’m concerned, all this talk about human-caused global warming is sheer nonsense, if not downright fraud. The record shows that both periods of warmth – and periods of cold – hit our planet with almost consistent regularity.

pranks to pull on friends


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
California energy policies are fueling the housing crisis and homelessness

By Ronald Stein

Founder and Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure of PTS Advance, headquartered in Irvine, California

California’s green crusade direction and actions are increasing the costs of electricity and fuels which guarantees growth of the homeless, poverty, and welfare populations, and further fuels (no pun intended) the housing affordability crisis.

It’s scary that our leaders can’t “see” that the regressive energy policies have serious consequences for working families. Their misguided directives are intertwined with every aspect of daily life and is causing the continuous growth of poverty and homelessness from the Oregon state line on the north all the way to the Mexican border on the south.

California professes to be the leader of everything, but spouting voracious pride of being the only state in America that imports most of its crude oil energy from foreign countries, and the State that and imports more electricity than any other state, may not be in the best interest of California’s 5th largest economy in the world. Its fine to import when you get bargain rates, but both oil and electricity, are two commodities that are ultra-expensive to import and drives up the cost of everything.

The inability of wind and solar to replace continuously operating uninterrupted power from nuclear and natural gas plants is causing the state to import more and more of its electricity. The good news is the state suffered no brownouts (for once). The bad news is the imported electricity comes at a higher price tag being borne by residents and businesses alike. With the huge land requirements necessary for wind and solar renewable electricity, and already high land values, California will have to import more energy every year.

Prices for electricity in California are already fifty percent higher than the national average for residents, and double the national average for commercial, and are projected to go even higher. Who knows how high they’ll go as the state continues its importing appetite for expensive electricity?

Adding to the problem of affordable electricity, California is phasing out nuclear reactors that have been generating continuously uninterruptible carbon-free electricity. In 2013, California already shutdown the continuous nuclear facility of SCE’s San Onofre Generating Station which generated 2,200 megawatts of power and will be closing PG&E’s Diablo Canyon’s 2,160 megawatts of power in 2024.

It gets bleaker in the coming years, as Mayor Garcetti recently announced the forthcoming closures of three DWP natural gas-powered plants at Scattergood, Haynes, and Harbor, saying, “this is the beginning of the end of natural gas in Los Angeles.”

With the shuttering of nuclear and natural gas plants that have been generating continuously uninterruptible electricity, our elected officials seem to be oblivious to the fact that the State has no electricity generating capacity to replace what’s going to be lost. Further, that “green” electricity from wind and solar is only intermittent, as neither generates when the wind is not blowing, and when the sun’s not shining.

With this path forward, in the event other states cannot generate enough electricity to export to California to replace what’s being lost by shutting down the last nuclear plant and three natural gas plants in California, it’s lights out for California’s future.

Regarding the crude oil demands for the state. there are scary similarities between Governor Newsom’s goals for California and Vladimir Putin’s objectives. Both support California being more and more dependent on imported foreign oil, and both support anti-fracking in California as a successful fracking enterprise would lessen the states’ dependency on that foreign oil. Does the Governor know his actions are supportive of California becoming a National Security risk to America?

California’s love of foreign crude oil is obvious as California increased crude oil imports from foreign countries from 5% in 1992 to 57% in 2018, costing California more than $32 Billion dollars a year (Yes, that’s a “B”)., that equates to $60 million dollars a day being paid to oil rich foreign countries, thereby depriving Californians of jobs and business opportunities. Without those tax paying jobs and businesses, the State’s coiffures are growing thin as it is struggling to pay its welfare and social responsibilities debts.

The Golden State’s position on crude oil production fits right in with Russia’s Vladimir Putin’s goal to control energy. Russia is adamantly against U.S. fracking efforts and very supportive of any environmentalist group or wealthy individual efforts to slow or stop crude oil and natural gas exploration and production within the U.S. and European borders. Recently a Russian funded environmental group gave millions to anti-fracking groups to stop, curtail or severely weaken US fracking of crude oil and natural gas in states like Texas, North Dakota, Colorado, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Pennsylvania.

Adding insult to injury Sacramento Democrats are seriously considering Assembly Bill AB-345 (Muratsuchi) “Oil and gas: operations: location restrictions” which would require, commencing January 1, 2020, that all new oil and gas development that is not on federal land, to be located at least 2,500 feet from a residence, school, childcare facility, playground, hospital, or health clinic. For these purposes, the bill would require the re-drilling of a previously plugged and abandoned oil or gas well or other rework operations, as defined, to be considered new oil and gas development.

The effect of this “2,500” clear space around production wells would virtually destroy California’s in-state oil production by half. That will result in California sending another $16 Billion, on top of the current $32 Billion, a year (Again, Yes, that’s a “B”) that would then equate to a whopping $90 million dollars a day being sent, to those oil rich foreign countries that have the audacity to not even send California a thank you note.

Its mind boggling that our California legislative leaders continuously fail to see the direct correlation between high energy costs for electricity and fuels, and poverty, homelessness, and a housing affordability crisis already impacting the Golden State.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
California energy policies are fueling the housing crisis and homelessness
Hey chicken, if you think there is no global warming how come you won't bet that 2020 will be a record warm year?
Is it because you know you're bullshitting here?
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts