Have you ever thought that 50% of the population is below average intelligence
by definition 50% of the population is less intelligent than the other 50%
its been that way since there were two
Above average intelligence is not a perquisite for being innovative or assuming the responsibilities of risks
it is certainly not a prerequisite for assuming the responsibility of taking care of themselves and their families
nor is it a perquisite for assuming the responsibility to better one skills
So what to do with them? Eugenics? Perpetual poverty?
let them assume the responsibility of successfully navigating through life
What you end up with is a shitload of disgruntled people with low intelligence easily swayed by populists making stupid decisions at the ballot box and in the streets.
That is a funny way to describe the right who oppose the the welfare state & who are not looking for a handout. They are not in the streets as they are busy working and taking care of their responsibilities.
You must describing the left.
As well they are the consumer class that a capitalist society most relies on to spend and consume. Take away their capability to do that and the whole thing collapses. Which leads to civil unrest, mass migration, and even war, as leaders seek to distract.
spend some fraction what you can earn.
if you desire more consumer goods & services than you can afford, then upgrade your skills so you can command better compensation
vs your plan to encourage all to believe they are entitled & can get others to pay for their consumer goods & services
I guarantee your society will crumble quickly as you will always run out of other peoples money
Wealthy people don't spend money on mass. They are in fact less important.
less important?
Measuring the Distribution of Taxes in Canada: Do the Rich Pay Their “Fair Share”? (fraserinstitute.org)
Families in the top 10 percent pay
39.6 percent of all taxes and earn 33.1 percent of total income.
If they are paying a disproportionate % of the taxes, they are also very likely to be spending a disproportionate % of the total consumers spend
and on high margin goods(ie boats, planes, etc) and local ( construction, professional services)
And they also invest , start companies, employ people and make consumer goods better in search of a margin
they are also a driver of charitable donations
StatsCan finds high-income earners donate the most to charity | Advisor's Edge
Taxpayers with incomes of at least $80,000 accounted for 35% of all donors in 2018, up from 27% back in 2011.
calling wealthy people less important, shows your lack of understanding of what drives an economy.
it is also very unproductive identity politics
BTW- The US is a consumer driven economy , Canada is far more dependant on resources