Royal Spa

one-time GST rebate increase


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
How about developing your skill set so you're not working for 15 bucks an hour? Get off your ass and learn a trade, whatever that might be. But that's hard work and too many people would rather just sit on their asses and drink beer and demand a government handout.

To quote Chris Rock: "Do you know what making minimum wage is? It means that if I could pay you less, I would. But I can't because that's the law."
A friend recently posted a job ad, requesting a Masters Degree, starting wage $15.87 per hour.

Thats what employers are demanding now.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
There are lots of companies with a long term record of continuous dividend growth (20 to 50 years).
That is impossible to achieve with a short term focus on quarterly earnings.
You see a headline and automatically paint all with the same brush

Like the environmental activists on Exxon's board who's goal is eliminate FF ?
How in the world are they acting in the best interest of shareholders ?
Less and less. And they don't have a speculators activist base.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
A masters degree in what?

Lesbian dance theory?
It was one of those entry level business positions. The kind where when we were in school they would either hire straight out of HS and train or maybe ask two years community college admin. And train.

Asking for a Masters in anything for entry level is ridiculous. Especially for what was more or less a clerking position.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Anorher one I read obout on Reddit was a small clothing store, minimum wage job where the applicant dropped a resume, was asked to do an essay on why she wanted to work there, then the owner wanted a VIDEO essay as well on why the owner should hire her.

And apparently ridiculous hiring processes are becoming more common.
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