Be careful with zinc. Put me in atrial fibrillation for an hour once.The problem can be solved without these, although I keep spare Cialis in my glove box just in case. Going to a medical doctor when I first started having ED issues proved to be a colossal waste of time. The only thing these fucking idiots know is how to prescribe stuff within a 10 minute consult, then you're out the door and the next patient is in so they can make money.
So I looked into the issue myself. The recommendations I came across were to increase cholesterol and increase intake of Zinc Orotate. About a month after taking both daily, and having a stick of butter everyday, the ED problems were rarely occurring anymore. Anyway, it seems to have worked for me. Perhaps that won't work for everyone, but I'm happy to share what worked for me.
Get your cholesterol checked before eating a stick of butter every day. If it's high, or you already take statins, you don't need to add that to your diet.
Cialis is the wonder drug. Apart from making you perform like a 30 year old, it will lower your blood pressure if you take the daily dose of 2.5 or 5 mg.