older guy erectile dysfunction question


Apr 17, 2017
No... I haven't always seen guys 35+. Last year it was 30+ and my first 1.5 years I had no age restriction. I've seen a lot of guys mid twenties with this problem, and with porn addiction affecting not only their body but how they treat me (often rough and poorly without asking before doing things) I stopped seeing guys in their mid twenties. I still have some guys who lie about their age and others who are regulars.

Several scenarios....

29 year old guy comes to see you multiple times, each time he has a problem of not being able to stay hard and can't finish - finally admits maybe it's his jerking off to porn really firmly every day. I make a suggestion and then slowly as he stops masturbating so hard and so much he's able to get more and more sensitivity with me and able to stay hard and climax. This took a good 8 months booking at least once a month to make a difference. BUT he still had to have sex extremely roughly and vigorously to be able to come, he had to be on top as I wasn't able to go fast enough for him to finish. So this isn't that big of a change in my opinion, aside from getting used to a condom.

First time 26 year old client comes to see me, is extremely turned on and aggressive with me but his penis doesn't really get hard or stay hard. He gets embarrassed and upset and doesn't know what's going on. Aggressively jerks himself off to finish.

First time 25 year old client comes to see me, tells me he's never had a gf before and doesn't really have any experience with women prior to meeting and is nervous. In session he keeps going hard and soft hard and soft and I end up having to try to finish him off with a hj but it doesn't work and he's sad and embarrassed. I reassure him, maybe he's just used to the feel of his own hand and it will get better the more he spends time with women and gets used to their touch. Sometimes they come back and try and it gets a bit better, sometimes they don't come back and are ashamed.

I do find it funny that guys are doubting an escort that sees many men over the years would have any insight into ED or porn addiction affecting their sessions. Most guys get off and leave extremely happy, some older gents try their hardest but can't finish every time and still leave happy. Then there's some that clearly are too young for age related issues. Do you know many guys under 30 who don't watch porn constantly? Things have changed over the years with free porn being constant and everywhere. Most of these guys message with vulgar texts/emails and just demand what acts they are asking for, no introduction even no manners.

It's not my cup of tea to cater to only that type of client anymore who talks and behaves in a way that we are just sex objects. It's not too hard to fathom that many of those who are addicted to porn pay for sex, or that many that pay for sex are addicted to sex. You see it all over the board it's a wide spectrum of single guys of all ages, young guys with gf's who still frequent escorts and get sex at home, to those with wives who only occasionally get sex, to those who have a wife and never have any kind of intimacy whatsoever.
Tell me something.....

You fuck many times a day ... .day in and day out... are you desensitized? Are you able to "get off" any more? Are you addicted to sex? Does it affect your intimacy with a sincere love interest?

I too have been around escorts for many years ... and have noticed common threads. Many are numb to the act... disconnected....viewing intercourse as a pain in the ass job. Full of resentment and disdain.
The sex act becomes distorted, a simple monetary exchange rather than what it was intended for.

What are your thoughts?


Jul 4, 2016
Tell me something.....

You fuck many times a day ... .day in and day out... are you desensitized? Are you able to "get off" any more? Are you addicted to sex? Does it affect your intimacy with a sincere love interest?

I too have been around escorts for many years ... and have noticed common threads. Many are numb to the act... disconnected....viewing intercourse as a pain in the ass job. Full of resentment and disdain.
The sex act becomes distorted, a simple monetary exchange rather than what it was intended for.

What are your thoughts?
real classy response....


Active member
Apr 6, 2002
To the OP: Just politely decline if the MP does not turn you on visually. Sounds superficial but from your original post, the ones you did not finish with were not exactly your cup of tea....


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Hey peeps
I'm 57 and I started hobbying last year to see if I still function down there. The truth is that years of porn and self gratification in a frigid marriage has messed with my responses.
Here are my experiences to date. Do they make sense?

1 year ago -
  • Connected with a private MP in her condo near Lansdowne and Dupont. She was very kind and gave a decent massage but she was quite chubby. I couldn't get off. i barely got hard. I accepted responsibility and told her it was nerves etc. I then lurked for a year reading backpage and Terb forums and thinking about it
  • December met Lilly at Lin Spa. Her enthusiasm, her technique her good vibes - I wasn't as stiff as I would have liked but she was great with her mouth and then different positions. Got off - had a great time.
  • Back at Lin Spa - met Kelly - great horny session to completion. Thank you Kelly!
  • Then U-Spa - met an older slim trim Thai woman. God she was nice but it didn't happen. She may have been too nice. not particularly sexy. And older. Like could have been fifty. Very trim fifty.

So my batting average is only two out of five. Is it all me? Is it that I need slim women who appeal to me more - or in other words - should I be able to get off with any female?

At 57 I am not a fatty but I don't do sports and I ride my bike to work and walk up five flights many times. Do i need testosterone injections?

How do I get the strength back in the tool? Is it me? Can I improve my situation?

I don't expect a doctors diagnosis but if anyone has relevant experience I would appreciate knowing about it.

Lastly - I don't like going to a condo or for a massage and they are hiding their age and weight behind the door. Where can I find some truly slim trim korean MP or FS Providers. Help!

Older Man After Sweet Korean (OMASK)
I can relate to this thread. My experiences with SPs have been subpar of late, and the SP is often not at fault. Likely because of porn and specific fetishes (likely developed from watching porn), I have a hard time staying aroused much less having an orgasm. My porn preference is petite/slender women in lingerie (stockings/stilettos/garters). It has wired me where that is what I need to really get aroused. When I look for an SP, I see if she has that body type and always make a specific lingerie request. Without it, it is hard for me to be fully aroused for the session. Even if they do fit the bill, sometimes I still have issues if they lingerie request is slightly off or they don't have the right heels (etc). It has affected me mentally where even when the scenario does match and I am aroused, I sometimes stress myself too much on trying to stay aroused that I focus more on that then just enjoying the session.

I do usually tell the SP about my issues so they don't feel like they are not doing a good job. I've gotten to the point that I will upfront tell them about it and that intercourse/SOG is not a priority for me as much as just some intimate time. The vast majority have been quite sympathetic and even if I can't get off, we still have an enjoyable time just chatting or whatever. But yeah I recognize that it is an issue and I likely have to kick my porn habit to get over it. I have minimized my viewing of porn but I probably need to cut it out completely and maybe get some therapy on top of it.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
In my experience, a fully functional cock is the cherry on top.

By that I mean that everything else in your life has to be within normal operating parameters and then and only then will you get the boner you need.

You need to be in good health.
You need a clear head (the big head).
You need to be well rested, or at least not tired.
No head ache
No nagging ache or pain.
You need the right blood pressure, sugar level, etc.
You can't be depresssed
You can't have financial woes, or just ate something that didn't agree with you.
You can't be thinking about life's troubles, bank accounts, a dickhead boss, an unrealistic or demanding client, the wife, the kids, the bills, the car in the shop, dealing with Bell Canada.

Anything physically or mentally drags you down, the first thing that throws in the towel is your cock. It's like the perfect indicator that all is well, or something is not quite right. And when things aren't right, it won't co-operate and you're going to be flaccid.

And yeah, getting older, the testosterone levels drop and with them goes the libido.


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Amazing thread. Thanks again. It all makes sense and I am having some successes. I think this will help some guys - thanks for all the answers. It's helped me.
And a particular thank you the Charlotte Edwards. Really appreciate your input.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
At 57 you may have reduced levels of testosterone which can decrease the quality of erections. Happens to most men when they age. A simple blood test to check - can't hurt and there are easy fixes if that's the problem.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2011
Like the op I’m also a cyclist but I don’t ride in the winter and I have the same problem after a ride.
I have noticed a big improvement in my performance in the bedroom when I’m not riding.
I think sitting on a bike seat is putting pressure on your undercarriage.
I also heard that high intensity cardio lowers your testosterone levels and weight training increases it.
Try staying off the bike for a few weeks before you see your mpa or sp.


Aug 23, 2001
Like the op I’m also a cyclist but I don’t ride in the winter and I have the same problem after a ride.
I have noticed a big improvement in my performance in the bedroom when I’m not riding.
I think sitting on a bike seat is putting pressure on your undercarriage.
I also heard that high intensity cardio lowers your testosterone levels and weight training increases it.
Try staying off the bike for a few weeks before you see your mpa or sp.
All sorts of possible reasons: Lots of cardio could redirect blood flow to the central core or large muscles leaving less blood to go you-know-where. Or it could be simple fatigue after an intense work out. You're not going to get going sexually if you're physically drained.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Like the op I’m also a cyclist but I don’t ride in the winter and I have the same problem after a ride.
I have noticed a big improvement in my performance in the bedroom when I’m not riding.
I think sitting on a bike seat is putting pressure on your undercarriage.
I also heard that high intensity cardio lowers your testosterone levels and weight training increases it.
Try staying off the bike for a few weeks before you see your mpa or sp.
surprised you still do that. lots of evidence that perineum crushing bicycle seats do damage. try thishttps://spongywonder.com/products/


Apr 15, 2007
One of the first signs of heart disease is ED. Decreased blood flow to your penis also means decreased blood flow to your heart. So it can be health related.

It also can be due to porn addiction and masturbation. I see this with even young guys. If they masturbate regularly to highly graphic visuals with a death grip they often can’t stay hard or climax with a woman doing oral or sex even if they are attracted to her. Their body is just used to very graphic mental stimulation along with the feeling of your hand and a strong touch often desensitizes smaller nerve endings.

The same can happen with women if they use a magic wand or vibrator on themselves almost exclusively. They get desensitized and then have a hard time enjoying a man going down on them.

I think a little masturbation can be healthy. But a lot of people these days are having problems with porn addiction and too much masturbation (multiple times a day every day).
Good luck.
Totally agree with the porn and masturbation. Unfortunately, I was one of them. Either getting nervous or too cheap to see a escort, I would result in masturbation. At least once a day. My body got totally used to it, after awhile, I didn't feel the great sensation at climax and I would see my pretty good cum shots decrease to dripples. I stopped for a while, and it went back to normal. No masturbation everyday and see escorts once a week or two.


Mar 3, 2018
Everything gets more and sadder when you grow older and potency is not an exception, you lose your strength but you don`t want to be out of business, not at all! So what about the best stuff for improving one`s sexual life, has anybody used anything? What`s your opinion? I thought about cialis australia for it is considered to be one of the best means for maintaining one`s potency and should I trust the Internet so blindly? Need advice here guys!


As many mentioned, this is normal as you get older. ED pills can help but just so you are aware they do not guarantee success. They will help IF you are sufficiently stimulated. Many of the other factors mentioned play into it, there is no singular solution that fits all, too many variables.

In my experience if the SP is not doing it for me I can have less than desirable results even with ED meds. OPs initial thought that how you connect with the SP has everything to do with performance. Again as mentioned, the brain is your most important sexual organ. Yes, there are many other factors but dumbing it down ..... if you find someone who really turns your crank it may be worthwhile to stick with her and enjoy the good times. While variety can be exciting in it's own right, as long as an SP excites you to great things, enjoy. If it peters out (pun intended) then find the next hottie who does it for you.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
But at 57 yeah I'd suggest Viagra. You can even chop the pills in half as usually half is enough.
They can cause a slight headache, in my experience, but it's worth it.
My first Viagra was in Thailand in an effort to keep up with my appetite - took full pill and I was flush and dizzy. Get a pill cutter at the pharmacy. I cut them in quarters and bite half of that when I use them. I find that is enough for me to give a hard night time performance. I recommend that you try the smaller dose first.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Like the op I’m also a cyclist but I don’t ride in the winter and I have the same problem after a ride.
I have noticed a big improvement in my performance in the bedroom when I’m not riding.
I think sitting on a bike seat is putting pressure on your undercarriage.
I also heard that high intensity cardio lowers your testosterone levels and weight training increases it.
Try staying off the bike for a few weeks before you see your mpa or sp.
get one of these https://spongywonder.com/


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2008
Nothing wrong with using Viagra and most benefit plans will include it. You just need a doctors prescription which is not too difficult to get. My plan covers around 90% so a pack of twelve 100mg pills costs a little more than $10 and each pill is then cut in 4 quarters = 48 pieces, enough for almost a year

When paying big dollars for that "perfect date", I think it is wise to add another few cents for a dose of viagra, so that I am performing great regardless of potential anxiety, work stress, life problems

Before using Viagra, I had maybe one "erection issue" every 4 or 5 "dates"; after viagra (its being a year or so) I am at 100% success rate


Active member
Jan 20, 2010
Just use viagara or cilias ...problem solved!
The problem can be solved without these, although I keep spare Cialis in my glove box just in case. Going to a medical doctor when I first started having ED issues proved to be a colossal waste of time. The only thing these fucking idiots know is how to prescribe stuff within a 10 minute consult, then you're out the door and the next patient is in so they can make money.

So I looked into the issue myself. The recommendations I came across were to increase cholesterol and increase intake of Zinc Orotate. About a month after taking both daily, and having a stick of butter everyday, the ED problems were rarely occurring anymore. Anyway, it seems to have worked for me. Perhaps that won't work for everyone, but I'm happy to share what worked for me.
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