
Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
That is why my personal friend who is a lawyer tells me to call rather than Text. Text is all documented. Its a far cry that they would start to tap cell phone's, and need wards to do so. I have also said this before. Most ladies want you to call them after a few text anyway, so why not be safe and cut to it and call from the start.
The only problem is, a lot of ladies request initial contact by e-mail, before giving out their numbers.


Sr Member
Apr 25, 2004
Yes, I agree. However, I'm not so sure about "NO PROOF" That is, even if one is paying for time, which is legal - the communication in setting up an appointment is now illegal. Thus, ostensibly an individual may be charged that way as well. E.G (emails, phone calls, texts etc..) Count me out.
Do you play the lottery ? Based on the C36 john arrest statistics to date you stand a much higher chance of winning the Lottomax or 649 than being caught in one of these John stings. It is true, it's still early days, but I highly doubt much will change in the coming months. The way this law is designed to work is via the fear-factor with johns like you voluntarily deciding not to visit with sex-workers.


Active member
Sep 23, 2004
It's probably too much to expect some clarification similar to what Vancouver LE indicated from our local Ontario LE on this issue. In the meantime, Premiere Wynne, we are patiently waiting for your you to speak again.

I guess this is just how it's going to be...The New Normal. . . Time will pass, and like the situation before C36, various egregious laws will still be on the books, however they will likely be enforced on a complaint or target of opportunity basis. Though getting caught will still be catastrophic, gradually the Terbites sitting it out will become less wary, start recharging their hobby phones again, and come back out of the wood work.

Besides, given that TPS now has to find $5 mil in savings, I can't seriously imagine that organization wasting their resources and assets to set up elaborate stings just to catch two consenting adults enjoying each others company in private. What would be the point?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
It's probably too much to expect some clarification similar to what Vancouver LE indicated from our local Ontario LE on this issue. In the meantime, Premiere Wynne, we are patiently waiting for your you to speak again.

I guess this is just how it's going to be...The New Normal. . . Time will pass, and like the situation before C36, various egregious laws will still be on the books, however they will likely be enforced on a complaint or target of opportunity basis. Though getting caught will still be catastrophic, gradually the Terbites sitting it out will become less wary, start recharging their hobby phones again, and come back out of the wood work.

Besides, given that TPS now has to find $5 mil in savings, I can't seriously imagine that organization wasting their resources and assets to set up elaborate stings just to catch two consenting adults enjoying each others company in private. What would be the point?
she's not going to speak again, dude. she's the most useless politician on the face of the earth. she's a loser. she does fuck all while she's in power. just collects the money from payroll into her bank account so she can retire nicely.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I wasn't thinking of 286.1 although I fell into the trap of forgetting about communicating for the purposes of.....

286.5 only immunizes providers from 286.2 and 286.4, not 286.1 (or 286.3, I suppose).

Yes, but that's because 286.1 applies to purchasers only, therefore, SPs don't need immunity for an offence that doesn't apply to them.

Commodification of Sexual Activity

Obtaining sexual services for consideration

286.1 (1) Everyone who, in any place, obtains for consideration, or communicates with anyone for the purpose of obtaining for consideration, the sexual services of a person is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years and a minimum punishment of, ....

Selling or communicating to sell or offer sexual services is NOT an office under the revised Criminal Code, although hiring or coercing OTHERS to sell is an offence under Section 286.3.

A prostitute is granted immunity from prosecution for advertising and benefiting [286.5 (1) (b) and 286.5 (1) (a) respectively], as well as aiding, abetting, conspiring, counselling or being an accessory to all offences from 286.1 to 286.4 [286.5 (2), essentially reinforcing the notion that selling or communicating to sell her own sexual services is not illegal].


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
The only problem is, a lot of ladies request initial contact by e-mail, before giving out their numbers.

If you contact them by email or text, WITHOUT discussing sexual services or purchase thereof, you're okay. HOWEVER, if you respond to an SP's ad or website that is sexually explicit, then you could be breaking the law, even if you don't mention sexual services (example: Hey Candy, I saw your website and would love to see you for an hour GFE service, or whatever).


New member
Mar 17, 2007
Wish they would allocate so called Ho rehabilitation funds to the injured Veterans but that would be too sensible for these idiots!


New member
May 21, 2013
judge's laughing
Wish they would allocate so called Ho rehabilitation funds to the injured Veterans but that would be too sensible for these idiots!
They could start with the food the they serve at the veterans hospitals, I understand bland but I think my dog would take a pass on their soup.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The Durham Police have arrested a few pimps. One was for advertising on the Backpage for an underage girl. The police actually entered the hotel room in Ajax when the underage girl was with a client. The other arrest was a street hooker was kidnapped by two men in Oshawa and then forced to work out of a hotel. The chief of police has now said that they intend to target these pimps.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
There really doesn't seem to be any mention of enforcement anywhere - that is, pertaining specifically to C-36. Would I be correct in assuming that the law is, for all intents and purposes DOA?? :happy:
Jan 24, 2012
There really doesn't seem to be any mention of enforcement anywhere - that is, pertaining specifically to C-36. Would I be correct in assuming that the law is, for all intents and purposes DOA?? :happy:
I spoke of this many times incl. the way it would be enforced ..... many posted I was crazy talking ...... Hmmmmm ..... well I guess I wasn't that stupid crazy after all!! :D :clap2:
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