It's probably too much to expect some clarification similar to what Vancouver LE indicated from our local Ontario LE on this issue. In the meantime, Premiere Wynne, we are patiently waiting for your you to speak again.
I guess this is just how it's going to be...The New Normal. . . Time will pass, and like the situation before C36, various egregious laws will still be on the books, however they will likely be enforced on a complaint or target of opportunity basis. Though getting caught will still be catastrophic, gradually the Terbites sitting it out will become less wary, start recharging their hobby phones again, and come back out of the wood work.
Besides, given that TPS now has to find $5 mil in savings, I can't seriously imagine that organization wasting their resources and assets to set up elaborate stings just to catch two consenting adults enjoying each others company in private. What would be the point?