Next Day Replies


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Holy cow, I go to work for the day and now everybody hates me. :)

I'd say talk vs. text on both our parts. Tone is a hard thing over text, and you can't interrupt someone's response if they misheard or misunderstood you.

"I’m not going into public details of how you can still be found with a burner phone over a text app. Sorry. I’m not here to help you guys further evade screening."

I only asked why you trusted a phone that could easily be a burner over than an app. That's it.

Maybe hostile wasn't a good choice of words, but to me your answer sure sounded like you thought I had bad intentions for simply asking the question.

Not that you have bad intentions - no. But you are not the only one who reads the board. It’s the same reason why I won’t go into detail about how we know it is a text app. I could have explained that better.

Again, it is those stupid little precautions that we take. Even online.
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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2006
Loyal Order of Water Buffalo Lodge No. 26.
Not that you have bad intentions - no. But you are not the only one who reads the board. It’s the same reason why I won’t go into detail about how we know it is a text app. I could have explained that better.

Again, it is those stupid little precautions that we take. Even online.
It's all about the pronouns. When you said "you" did you mean just me, or all of us? 🤷‍♂️

Now if you were down south it'd be easy. Y'all is singular, all y'all is plural.

EDIT: That's a rhetorical question.
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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2018
Wow! I don’t get some people. I really don’t. Like why???? Do guys actually give money???? I guess you wouldn’t know. LOL.

Thanks for sharing. Again, sorry you had to deal with such unprofessional behaviour
Yes unfortunately guys will just blindly give money. There are some SPs who, I'd they do need help with securing an incall will post on their snap or Insta or ask over text if someone can do this for them in exchange for a session of the same value.

This is incredibly common now. Especially with the mindset of most modern SWs (mainly OnlyFans girls and the younger SPs) being "men are nothing more than a bank account". They'll post on their socials "who can send $XX amount for this or that?" "Who can pay my phone bill this month? I went over again" "Can someone Uber me dinner tonight?"

And most men (especially simps) will blindly do it either to be kind and generous or because they hope it'll give them more of a chance.

This is why my interests have mostly pivoted to women 30-35+ over the last year or so (with some exceptions). At least when it comes to hobbying. Most older women are not like this, at least not outwardly.
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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2018
While I do use a textapp as an inquiry/first contact/first booking number for most unreviewed or LL SPs, when it comes to the trusted and reputable providers such as Jenesis, Ifuseekamy, Nikki Jameson, etc etc if they want me to use my real number I am more than happy to. Being cooperative makes everything easier.

However, I am happy to do some additional light screening if my app number is an issue so long as it means I get to maintain my privacy and personal security.

Though there are some scammers who will use the whole app number issue and being ripped off/robbed, etc in conjunction with one another to create a believable story to justify e-transfer that isnt easy for the uninitiated to recognize as a scam.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Yes unfortunately guys will just blindly give money. There are some SPs who, I'd they do need help with securing an incall will post on their snap or Insta or ask over text if someone can do this for them in exchange for a session of the same value.

This is incredibly common now. Especially with the mindset of most modern SWs (mainly OnlyFans girls and the younger SPs) being "men are nothing more than a bank account". They'll post on their socials "who can send $XX amount for this or that?" "Who can pay my phone bill this month? I went over again" "Can someone Uber me dinner tonight?"

And most men (especially simps) will blindly do it either to be kind and generous or because they hope it'll give them more of a chance.

This is why my interests have mostly pivoted to women 30-35+ over the last year or so (with some exceptions). At least when it comes to hobbying. Most older women are not like this, at least not outwardly.
I am completely ignorant when it comes to this apparently. I can’t believe this is the norm!

I do get told a lot that my clients come to me for service. I’m not a hot tight 22 year old. I’m not trying to be but a lot of clients prefer the service over looks. So I guess I should know that this is now the norm. I am just floored by this. I thought it was more the exception to the rule. Not the other way around.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2018
I get it and that is a good tip. To block the number after some time.

I try to help men as much as I can. Get them to check reviews. I put in my LL ad how to search for them. Hopefully guys can learn to do their research. I’m not that special. LOL. There are other exceptions to the rule out here in Durham. But I can understand that there are just as many unprofessionals out there.

Like I said - it sucks that both sides have been screwed over and now we both have to take precautions that make it difficult for good people to meet and simply have a good time.
The unfortunate thing about checking reviews, at least these days and in our little section of this board is this:

Our Durham section has all but become an echo chamber of praising the same providers over and over again. This is something I have mentioned before. It's not like back when BP was around and there were much more TOFTT reviews and such (because BP was a glorified minefield).

So doing research here isn't always helpful because there are such few members doing TOFTT reviews or even sharing their experiences with good unreviewed providers at all because they want to keep them to themselves in fear of them being over-booked and/or jacking their prices with the justification of being well-reviewed.

Also, when most men are in the mood and looking for SPs they're already horny and thinking with their dick. So they don't always care about doing some light research because it's more of a speed bump than it is useful. Mainly due to my previous point(s).

Lastly, a lot of SPs these days have a very negative perception of review boards. Many have NRPs and/or will not see a client if they mention being member of TERB or another review board.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2018
I am completely ignorant when it comes to this apparently. I can’t believe this is the norm!

I do get told a lot that my clients come to me for service. I’m not a hot tight 22 year old. I’m not trying to be but a lot of clients prefer the service over looks. So I guess I should know that this is now the norm. I am just floored by this. I thought it was more the exception to the rule. Not the other way around.
Yes this is unfortunately the norm now. It's primarily due to the rise of online SWs over the pandemic combined with the 3rd wave feminism or w/e it's called.

Which essentially boils down to "Men are nothing more than bank accounts. We will use, abuse, and manipulate them how we see fit how they've done to us." And is essentially just glorified man-hating with "feminism" being used as a shield to prevent criticism. If you object or call attention to this on most social media platforms you will be destroyed and cast into oblivion in the comments. Labelled as a misogynist.

Well-known member
Nov 17, 2022
I am completely ignorant when it comes to this apparently. I can’t believe this is the norm!

I do get told a lot that my clients come to me for service. I’m not a hot tight 22 year old. I’m not trying to be but a lot of clients prefer the service over looks. So I guess I should know that this is now the norm. I am just floored by this. I thought it was more the exception to the rule. Not the other way around.

Savanna or Sofia, is a good example of this.

Based upon her pictures, she fits many factors I consider to see someone.

But based on some reviews, namely room messy and smelling of weed, and whatever drugs there might be.., duo partner in bathroom.

But I do believe she still commands a rate that's high, because she is pretty.

She has created a reputation for herself, that I would not want to engage with her.

All in the pursuit of taking advantage of men, who as pointed out in another comment are under the influence of being "horny", and thinking with their dick instead of their brain.

I can sure tell you I have made many an errors because of that reason, it most definitely can be blinding.

All I want is to have a good time, and fulfill a need, not get taken advantage of, lol.

It's good to have these discussions though, in hopes that others will learn something and not get taken advantage of, and that will hopefully reduce the number of scammer type people out there.

We can hope right?
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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2018

Savanna or Sofia, is a good example of this.

Based upon her pictures, she fits many factors I consider to see someone.

But based on some reviews, namely room messy and smelling of weed, and whatever drugs there might be.., duo partner in bathroom.

But I do believe she still commands a rate that's high, because she is pretty.

She has created a reputation for herself, that I would not want to engage with her.

All in the pursuit of taking advantage of men, who as pointed out in another comment are under the influence of being "horny", and thinking with their dick instead of their brain.

I can sure tell you I have made many an errors because of that reason, it most definitely can be blinding.

All I want is to have a good time, and fulfill a need, not get taken advantage of, lol.

It's good to have these discussions though, in hopes that others will learn something and not get taken advantage of, and that will hopefully reduce the number of scammer type people out there.

We can hope right?
Exactly. This is the issue with a lot of younger and new SPs, especially the stereotypically attractive ones.

They think that just because they look like a pornstar, they can command premium rates (200-250hh+) but it's because the guys will pay for just their looks alone. But they don't have the services, work ethic, or anything else to back up the rates. With that, rates are getting higher with less and less services being included. 200hh for cbj and fs, no GFE. Nothing. Why just cause of your looks? Fuck off.

Circling it back, all of these issues only compound the problem. It's a lot of these women who don't care about discretion or privacy. Who will send texts hours or days, sometimes even weeks later. Who are only in it for the money because they know there will always be someone available and willing to pay. Either out of ignorance, timing, or what have you.

Reasons why a lot of guys will use app numbers and come up with all these weird and sometimes ridiculous protocols or rules for themselves. This is why the topic of full legalization got brought up. It would help us solve a lot of these problems greatly because we would actually be able to do something to get rid of scammers and all these shitty providers and protect ourselves more. But right now, with things the way they are, leave everything in the SPs court and free to take advantage however they will.

Boards like this being negatively perceived as well as all the issues a lot of us members cause for ourselves by turning our board into an echo chamber and only reviewing and seeing the same women over and over again due to lack of trust also only further compounds these problems.


Supporting Member
Hey boys,

I am curious your thoughts on this topic. I recently reached out to Julia Mae for an incall and receved no reply for two straight nights. Then this morning before 8am, I finally get a text reply about some early morning availability.

I find this quite unprofessional to reach out the following the day, especially considering she couldn’t even text me back-either of the last two nights with a simple, “sorry I’m booked for tonight.”. Plus the fact it was a text so early in the morning. I don’t want this to be necessarily a slam against her, she is a quality provider once you get in the room. Also I am not sure if she uses a handler or not.

But what do you guys think of the next day replies? I’m curious about the feedback.
There are a number of reasons you may not get a reply quickly that may include health reason, vacation, full time careers, family matters, etc

I have always attempted my very best to reply promptly however there are times I have not been able to. Usually, unless I know the gentleman, if I cannot reply same day, I will wait until you reach out again.

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2023
This is a pet peeve of mine and the worry doesn’t even apply to me . If a man reaches out to hobby when he is alone or away from his significant other and doesn’t hear back he may not be near his phone 2 days later when the provider gets back to you and the trouble that could cause a man if the wife has a causal relationship with her partner regarding phones !!!
why a provider would even consider getting back to someone anywhere past like 4 hours is just straight stupid in my opinion

Well-known member
Nov 17, 2022
This is a pet peeve of mine and the worry doesn’t even apply to me . If a man reaches out to hobby when he is alone or away from his significant other and doesn’t hear back he may not be near his phone 2 days later when the provider gets back to you and the trouble that could cause a man if the wife has a causal relationship with her partner regarding phones !!!
why a provider would even consider getting back to someone anywhere past like 4 hours is just straight stupid in my opinion
It comes to..
Don't care..
Not in the posytion understand that side of it? (High/drunk)
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2014
This is a pet peeve of mine and the worry doesn’t even apply to me . If a man reaches out to hobby when he is alone or away from his significant other and doesn’t hear back he may not be near his phone 2 days later when the provider gets back to you and the trouble that could cause a man if the wife has a causal relationship with her partner regarding phones !!!
why a provider would even consider getting back to someone anywhere past like 4 hours is just straight stupid in my opinion
Totally agree.. some have no couth or respect for others. is just about the gold.
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