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new prostitution bill by spring


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
whoa .... buddy you're stepping on some pretty thin ice there. I'm not a "poor sex worker" .. that is NOT fact, it is YOUR LAME ASS OPINION and you need to change your tone and stop acting like we're you're fucking rescue project.
See?!? I warned you CP. You don't want to mess with a lot of them.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
True. Prohibition of alcohol in the states 100 years ago was the major cause of development of gangs.
Except in this case it is not changing it much. Sex work has had laws that have busted both sides of the industry for years. What is changing is how a person gets busted and for what. Not completely changing something from legal to illegal.

I don't want to see clients targeted like sex workers have all this time, but I don't think much will change in a bad way. Research will key like it should be now. Reputation will key like it should be now. These fly by nighter BP chicks will have to up their game or move on. Reviews will become increasing important.

However I have to say I get laugh out of a lot of the mis information in this thread. Hobby phones are not completely untraceable, even pay as go, even with cash. They are to stop the wife from finding out, but big brother is always watching. There are cameras on every street, in every hotel, in every mall, store etc. This is not going to matter. It is why it never mattered to begin with.

And the poor sex workers comment - :rolleyes: :hand:


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Except in this case it is not changing it much. Sex work has had laws that have busted both sides of the industry for years. What is changing is how a person gets busted and for what. Not completely changing something from legal to illegal.
Not true. It has always been legal to purchase sex in Canada. What the cons are proposing is to make the purchase of sex ILLEGAL.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
Not true. It has always been legal to purchase sex in Canada. What the cons are proposing is to make the purchase of sex ILLEGAL.

Try reading the WHOLE sentence

Except in this case it is not changing it much. Sex work has had laws that have busted both sides of the industry for years. What is changing is how a person gets busted and for what. Not completely changing something from legal to illegal.

Have both men and women been arrested with prostitution related offenses in past? Yes. So this is not new. Just a difference in the charge. I know what they are purposing. I get it. What others who are all paranoid don't seem to get is not much is really going to change in reality. You were able to get busted before going to incalls, picking up street walkers, etc. Now, if this law is passed, as a client you can get busted going to incalls, picking up street walkers, etc? Where is difference? There is none, just what is written on the arresting paper work.

Adding to that, if you see reputable places and ladies only, this new law would indeed make it safer for men as the lady/agency they are visiting are not going to be some police set up.

It is not like creating a law that all of sudden makes buying coffee illegal. There have always been legal issues, the criminal element has always been here in this industry. What others are suggesting is just fear mongering regarding it being more harmful to women and opening the door for more criminal acts if this law was passed. In my opinion


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
I did read the WHOLE sentence. And, while not really a PROPER sentence, it's still incorrect. E.g. "Not completely changing something from legal to illegal."
Whatever Dr. Love. If you feel the need to play technical games, you are more then welcome. Like seriously, it is too childish for me to even get into. So you are right. Now if this law is passed, it will be the only time that men get arrested for things related to sex workers. Everyone run scared, hide your cocks! The world is coming to an end. :frusty:


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
You were able to get busted before going to incalls, picking up street walkers, etc. Now, if this law is passed, as a client you can get busted going to incalls, picking up street walkers, etc? Where is difference? There is none, just what is written on the arresting paper work.

The difference is that under the current laws, outcalls are 100% legal. Under the new laws, they will be 100% illegal.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
whoa .... buddy you're stepping on some pretty thin ice there. I'm not a "poor sex worker" .. that is NOT fact, it is YOUR LAME ASS OPINION and you need to change your tone and stop acting like we're you're fucking rescue project.

Whoa. Somebody pissed in your cornflakes this morning!

I don't think he means impoverished or incapable. The context of his comment is the ability to trace and screen clients using disposable phones. Unless you have NSA backchannels, I don't think you would distinguish yourself from any other SP in this regard.

But, at the risk of incurring your wrath, your attitude is no better than those who think that all sexworkers are misguided or oppressed women. We can all think of personal experiences of women of every stripe and persuasion in this business. Some do need "rescuing" and many don't. It ain't that black and white.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
Whenever you make something illegal you attract criminal elements to that something. You gave yourself a reason why it would become riskier for sex workers under Nordic law and that would be likely ALL hobbyists will be using the untraceable hobby phone which means a free ride for them do what they want and poor sex workers would be unable to screen out bad clients...... This is a fact not an opinion.
Escorts aren't against hobby phones. They recognize that we need to keep this secret from our families.
They can still screen out bad clients in other ways, though it sometimes becomes a challenge.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
not at all ... if you do a quick scan of his posting history you'll see where I'm coming from...

besides ... I had eggs benny for my breakfast today ;)

My kinda lady. I love watching a hot girl girl eat eggs benny...with the sauce dribbling down her chin...errr, wait a minute....

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
You are making a ***** out of yourself. Seriously we all know I never voted for the Cons. I have said it in post after post and now I gave you these politicians!!!! Seriously. I am social conservative when it comes to abortion (as I posted in the related post) and marriage (I don't see married SPs) both my opinions and my choice but not when it comes to stupid laws like Nordic model proven not working and making criminals out of law abiding people and endangering the safety of people.
That tells me more, that you don't respect a woman's right to choose and you judge an escort's marital status. You probably figure Harper is a bit too left, am I right?


May 13, 2011
believe it or not, the phone number is one of the poorest ways to screen anyways as it can be changed on a whim. This is just a tiny weeny example of how little you know about what we do and how we do it. Please stop pretending you are an expert, you're embarrassing yourself.

I didn't twist or distort your words as you've accused me several times. I read the words you wrote, and was insulted. If you didn't mean what you wrote, you should apologize. It's unfortunate you don't know the definition of simple words but it's hardly appropriate to accuse others of misinterpreting you because of that.
Do you think you will ever allow terbie to book via pm. This phone thing is the main reason I don't see SPs just for my own personal reasons. I never really tried this but I would not want to mess with your booking process. It's like when I go to a really good Italian restaurant for good pizza and it says on the menu that there is no substitute. I would imagine that they would be offended and might mess it up or spit in do what the soup Nazi from Seinfeld did and kick ban you forever.

Didn't really read anything else in this thread but just wondering if your girls will ever let somewhat known terbie book with you through PM :') wouldn't this be easier to screen and develop some sort of reppie


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I warn ed you CH. I did. I really did. And she is just saying what most of the Sp's are thinking.

Best bet is too walk away. This isn't a "gang up". She doesn't need a gang. She will take you down all on her own.


May 13, 2011
As I said I leave it to the readers to read my post and make their own judgement. If there is a need for apology it is YOU who should apologize for jumping in with attacks and insults as you did instead of civilized way of reporting the "so-called" offensive post to the mods and making a war zone out of a usually peaceful board. I have nothing to apologize for as I said or did nothing wrong (and at least one other member possibly two agreed with this statement as per someone pissed in your cornflakes this morning" statement). What I posted followed your unprovoked senseless attack and was a mild response to your uncalled for viscous attack.
Dude take it easy on Miss Jessica I could care less who is right. I do not appreciate you talking to her like that. These girls are there for us when we need a gentleman and show them some respect.

Thank you.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
If a woman calmly disagrees, it's called a vicious and senseless attack - obviously someone pissed in her cornflakes. lol
This coming from a guy who throws around terms like feminazi for someone who simply sticks up for her rights.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
I have nothing more to say however, if I am accused of saying things that I did not say or attacked for no reason, I reserve the right to respond and respond in kind. This is a fair and equal right board.

Placing the blame back on those you offended because they didn't read your mind properly. Ok, that makes sense. You did say poor sex workers in the sense of pity. Now we know you only meant those who need help. Not all of them. that makes it all so much better.

If a woman calmly disagrees, it's called a vicious and senseless attack - obviously someone pissed in her cornflakes. lol
This coming from a guy who throws around terms like feminazi for someone who simply sticks up for her rights.

Glad someone else saw it. I love the choice of words CH. Vicious, senseless, poor.
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