Steeles Royal

New agency with some questions


New member
Dec 26, 2006
Another moron

Anderson said:
My very rational thought process is that it is a womans right to do what she chooses with her body be it sex or abortions. When pimps are involved , it bothers me because sometimes they beat these young ladies and take their money ( funny how that does not bug you, but the use of the word does !)
Yes, very rational indeed.:rolleyes: I find it so illuminating to witness the thought process of someone such as yourself. I wonder though how someone who is so clearly angered by racism feels that perpetuating a stereotype is acceptable?
Perhaps before speaking openly in a forum that is industry specific such as this one, you might consider educating yourself.... The reality is that this makes you look stupid and hypocritical.



Feb 7, 2007
Illuminating ?

Angered by racism ?

Rather than key words , where I am mistaken ?

CC your answer to Websters too

Perpetuating what stereotype ????

I think that this industry is good , I think this site is good , I think that woman having the right to choose is good, I think that capitalism is good.

I do not think that men exploiting woman via beatings, stealing their hardearned money, holding them hostage via passports etc , drugging them by crack and pimping them out , is good at all.

This is my point ?

Can you disagree with that smartypants ?

Not saying that you do this at all ( trap any woman that is ) so please do not think I do. I do though think my examples exist in your world.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Anderson said:
Your belief is not valid.
That you did not choose to say that you disagree with me or that my belief is not valid in your opinion only highlights the disdane in which you hold others whose opinions differ from yours. This intolerance of others is at the root of the racism that you object to.
Anderson said:
Prostitute means ''offering sex for money'', other words can be street walker, call girl, concubine, courtesan, lady of the evening etc.

How ''hooker ''promotes hatred is a bizarre thought process.
That you fail to see that sex workers are discriminated against, ostrasized and marginalized in our society is an indication of your own level of ignorance. Some of the words above perpetuate that marginalization. Others connote a certain level of dignity in the chosen work. Just because Webster does not distinguish between the different terms does not mean that the difference does not exist. I wonder, is Anderson a horny misogynist?
Anderson said:
How people here can use hookers, and then claim that thats ok, but the usage of the word is not ok is bizarre and irrational at best and maybe a sign of mental illness at the worst- meaning not being able to rational or understand this basic concept.
Well, actually I do not "use hookers" just as I do not "use" lawyer or doctors or engineers. Even the way you phrase that thought suggests that you regard these women as dehumanized objects.
Anderson said:
Xavier Hollander called herself ''the happy hooker''. I use the term hooker here because it amuses me that people get irked , yet still give money to these girls pimps! This word bothers you too !!! Also I have recieved no comments from woman here about the word, only comments from the Johns ( opps )
This is entirely up to Ms Hollander how she wants to refer to herself. More power to her. It is her own way to destigmatize sex work. On the other hand, your use of the word is different. You use the word to offend. And it does offend me because I know there are ladies on this board that it offends, even if they choose not to confront you at this time. You seem like an observant if misguided person. Did you notice that while the ladies are not lining up to call you on your use of the word, they are also not lining up in your defense? If the word did not bother them, it certainly wouldn't bother me. So if you can use the word hooker to offend, then it is okay for others on this board to refer to you as jew boy? Perhaps it should be up to you to decide what words you find degrading and dehumanizing, just as it should be up to sex workers?
Anderson said:
A pimp means what ???

My very rational thought process is that it is a womans right to do what she chooses with her body be it sex or abortions. When pimps are involved , it bothers me because sometimes they beat these young ladies and take their money ( funny how that does not bug you, but the use of the word does !)
As for your very cute Jew comparison, well ....... Kike and Jewboy to Judaism is not a synonem funny guy !!

Maybe your beef should be with Oxford or Webster , not me.
I don't find the taking of money for a service contracted between 2 people to be objectionable. I find acts of violence and coercion objectionable. If I have no beef with Oxford or Webster it because they do not come on a sex industry board frequented by sex workers and agency owners and call people pimps and hookers. You do that. I don't think it is any different than calling you a yankee jew boy. Both are offensive. Neither is appropriate.


Feb 7, 2007
Hmmmmmm ...

Questor said:
That you did not choose to say that you disagree with me or that my belief is not valid in your opinion only highlights the disdane in which you hold others whose opinions differ from yours. This intolerance of others is at the root of the racism that you object to.

That you fail to see that sex workers are discriminated against, ostrasized and marginalized in our society is an indication of your own level of ignorance. Some of the words above perpetuate that marginalization. Others connote a certain level of dignity in the chosen work. Just because Webster does not distinguish between the different terms does not mean that the difference does not exist. I wonder, is Anderson a horny misogynist?
Well, actually I do not "use hookers" just as I do not "use" lawyer or doctors or engineers. Even the way you phrase that thought suggests that you regard these women as dehumanized objects.

This is entirely up to Ms Hollander how she wants to refer to herself. More power to her. It is her own way to destigmatize sex work. On the other hand, your use of the word is different. You use the word to offend. And it does offend me because I know there are ladies on this board that it offends, even if they choose not to confront you at this time. You seem like an observant if misguided person. Did you notice that while the ladies are not lining up to call you on your use of the word, they are also not lining up in your defense? If the word did not bother them, it certainly wouldn't bother me. So if you can use the word hooker to offend, then it is okay for others on this board to refer to you as jew boy? Perhaps it should be up to you to decide what words you find degrading and dehumanizing, just as it should be up to sex workers?

I don't find the taking of money to be objectionable for a service contracted between 2 people. I find acts of violence and coercion objectionable. If have no beef with Oxford or Webster it because they do not come on a sex industry board frequented by sex workers and agency owners and call people pimps and hookers. You do that. I don't think it is any different than calling you a yankee jew boy. Both are offensive. Neither is appropriate.
A=A , regardless of your opinion. This is your first error. An apple is an apple, even if you say its a pear -it makes no difference because its an apple.Your opinion of it does not matter .do you understand this , this is the premise of our discussion.

Comparing an escort to a lawyer makes no sense. The word ''use'' is of course using the service that she decides to offer.

Your chosen profession and you calling me out on my attitude is a complete joke , seriously. Stating that I dehumanize a woman while you make money off her is too bizarre to even comment on. Mentally ill people would not even make this leap and I am not calling you mentally ill, it is very obvious that you ain't . You are actually intelligent enough to be attempting to justify your arguement- I give you big props for this as you are no doubt able to convince others and more importantly yourself. Justification is wonderful, ain't it ?

Good for you that you can make money as you do, trying to convince me of your human rights though word games, uhh no.


Jan 31, 2005
Anderson said:
I think ''hot girls '' will not be too attracted to Lim as Lim already indicated that the clients are more important than the girls.
He's right. (Which is not to say that the girls are not important, but in any business, the customers are more important than the employees.)


New member
Dec 26, 2006
Anderson said:
Illuminating ?

Angered by racism ?

Rather than key words , where I am mistaken ?

CC your answer to Websters too

Perpetuating what stereotype ????

I think that this industry is good , I think this site is good , I think that woman having the right to choose is good, I think that capitalism is good.

I do not think that men exploiting woman via beatings, stealing their hardearned money, holding them hostage via passports etc , drugging them by crack and pimping them out , is good at all.

This is my point ?

Can you disagree with that smartypants ?

Not saying that you do this at all ( trap any woman that is ) so please do not think I do. I do though think my examples exist in your world.

You're deluded. Pimps do exist. There are even some that beat/ steal money from the ladies that work for them. This does not prove your point. This is a very small minority in a huge industry. This is how YOU perpetuate the stereotype. You are making uneducated generalizations. This makes you look stupid and pisses me off.
The key here is that in situations like that, the ladies don't work for themselves, don't make a choice. They are forced, therefore, through ignorance or dependence, there is no free will. To compare this with the responsible representatives of escorts on this board is lunacy. It takes an extremely organized approach, not fists, or drugs to run an agency and to be an independent escort. There are a lot of SP's out there who do not wish to take the time to answer their own phones and emails, research advertising options etc...this is my job, that's what I do to earn a living. How does this make me a "pimp"?



Jan 31, 2005

To say that "whore", "hooker", "prostitute", and "SP" can be used interchangeably is stupid. Plainly they do not mean the same thing. They denote the same thing. They connote differently.

Questor and others are right, you are a hypocrit if on the one hand you complain that "jew" and "kike" cannot be used interchangeably, but "hooker" and "SP" can.

You may think your position is rational, but I think you are merely rationalizing prejudice.

p.s. - I think a case could be made for groups that are discriminated against to co-opt the terminology that is used against them in order to rob it of its shock value and harm. For example, the homosexual community has recaptured words like "fag" and "gay" (eg: "we're here and we're queer", the original "pride" slogan), the black community is attempting to recapture words like "nigger", and perhaps sex workers could try and recapture words like "whore" and "hooker". The Jewish community similarly could try and recapture the word "kike" to rob it of its hate content. In such cases though it's important that the words be used initially only by people referring to themselves, or referring to people in an obviously positive sense. I do not gather that is what you have been doing.


New member
Dec 26, 2006
fuji said:

To say that "whore", "hooker", "prostitute", and "SP" can be used interchangeably is stupid. Plainly they do not mean the same thing. They denote the same thing. They connote differently.
Extremely well said!


Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
steph@vixens said:
Yes, very rational indeed.:rolleyes: I find it so illuminating to witness the thought process of someone such as yourself. ... The reality is that this makes you look stupid and hypocritical.

You know, there is only one person that I have put on ignore. And it happened very recently.

While I have no stomach for censorship, that does not mean that I have to read drivel, stupidity and hatred.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Anderson said:
A=A , regardless of your opinion. This is your first error. An apple is an apple, even if you say its a pear -it makes no difference because its an apple.Your opinion of it does not matter .do you understand this , this is the premise of our discussion.

Comparing an escort to a lawyer makes no sense. The word "use" is of course using the service that she decides to offer.

Your chosen profession and you calling me out on my attitude is a complete joke , seriously. Stating that I dehumanize a woman while you make money off her is too bizarre to even comment on. Mentally ill people would not even make this leap and I am not calling you mentally ill, it is very obvious that you ain`t . You are actually intelligent enough to be attempting to justify your arguement- I give you big props for this as you are no doubt able to convince others and more importantly yourself. Justification is wonderful, ain`t it ?

Good for you that you can make money as you do, trying to convince me of your human rights though word games, uhh no.
blah blah blah an apple is an apple blah blah blah. Da nile is not just a river in Africa, and you do not understand very much at all. But you do have a very condescending attitude towards us lesser people.
Anderson said:
I would agree that many times here on TERB , people go overboard with their comments ( me included ).
Glad we can agree on something
Last edited:


Jun 3, 2002
Anderson said:
A=A , regardless of your opinion. This is your first error. An apple is an apple, even if you say its a pear -it makes no difference because its an apple.Your opinion of it does not matter .do you understand this , this is the premise of our discussion.

Comparing an escort to a lawyer makes no sense. The word ''use'' is of course using the service that she decides to offer.

Your chosen profession and you calling me out on my attitude is a complete joke , seriously. Stating that I dehumanize a woman while you make money off her is too bizarre to even comment on. Mentally ill people would not even make this leap and I am not calling you mentally ill, it is very obvious that you ain't . You are actually intelligent enough to be attempting to justify your arguement- I give you big props for this as you are no doubt able to convince others and more importantly yourself. Justification is wonderful, ain't it ?

Good for you that you can make money as you do, trying to convince me of your human rights though word games, uhh no.
Boy, you do try to obfuscate the discussion.

The FACT is that many (as you have been told repeatedly) find your attitudes, names and labels offensive. You continually attempt to 'justify' yourself, but nobody is buying. Neither are they buying your rationalization that your phrasing is acceptable as others are 'using' these ladies. The fact that you consider it such speaks volumes. I for one don't consider it 'using' them at all.

Errors were made for sure, but not by the other posters. They're all yours. The dictionary contains lots of words and definitions. How you use them is your choice. You obviously choose yours to be deliberately disrespectful and perhaps hurtful.

Your choice of language defines you more than those you describe.


New member
Dec 26, 2006
Still waiting!!

Esco! said:
It doesnt, it makes you a matchmaker

BTW, I'm gonna get drunk and call your number
I've been sitting by the phone all evening and still have not heard from you!!! You need to drink faster, I'm getting tired:p !!



Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
steph@vixens said:
I've been sitting by the phone all evening and still have not heard from you!!! You need to drink faster, I'm getting tired

Thats it woman, I'm so drunk right now



Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
steph@vixens said:
I've been sitting by the phone all evening and still have not heard from you!!! You need to drink faster, I'm getting tired

Cupcake.........I called you just now, so you cant say I didnt call you, OK?????????

Cheers ;)


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
steph@vixens said:
I've been sitting by the phone all evening and still have not heard from you!!! You need to drink faster, I'm getting tired:p
BTW Steph, you have a very sexy phone-voice


New member
Sep 29, 2004
Maybe it's just the Bicardi but is Mr. Anderson sounding more like TQM with each post? Just a thought....


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
If my name was Anderson..... I'd kill myself!!

But I may let on slowly, not give it away.............and then kill myself
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