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Muslim ANGST continues to fester

May 3, 2004
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Armed militants angered by a cartoon drawing of the Prophet Muhammad published in European newspapers surrounded EU offices in Gaza on Thursday and threatened to kidnap foreigners as outrage over the caricatures spread across the Islamic world.

More than 300 students demonstrated in Pakistan, chanting "Death to France!" and "Death to Denmark!" — two of the countries where newspapers published the drawings. Other protests were held in Syria and Lebanon
withdrawn the issue from sale, and the government threatened legal action.

Foreign journalists, diplomats and aid workers began leaving Gaza as gunmen there threatened to kidnap citizens of France, Norway, Denmark and Germany unless those governments apologize for the cartoon.

Gunmen in the West Bank city of Nablus entered four hotels to search for foreigners to abduct and warned their owners not to host guests from several European countries. Gunmen said they were also searching apartments in Nablus for Europeans.

Militants in Gaza said they would shut down media offices from France, Norway, Denmark and Germany, singling out the French news agency Agence France-Presse.

"Any citizens of these countries, who are present in Gaza, will put themselves in danger," a Fatah-affiliated gunman said outside the EU Commission's office in Gaza, flanked by two masked men holding rifles.

Foreign journalists were pulling out of Gaza on Thursday, and foreign media organizations were canceling plans to send more people in.

Norway suspended operations at its office in the West Bank town of Ram after receiving threats connected to publication of the cartoons by the Norwegian Christian newspaper Magazinet.

"There were threats from two Palestinian groups, the Popular Resistance Committees and the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, against Danish, French and Norwegian diplomats," Norwegian Foreign Ministry spokesman Rune Bjaastad said.

In Multan, Pakistan, more than 300 Islamic students chanted "Death to Denmark!" and "Death to France!" and burned flags of both countries near an Islamic school.

Vebjoern Selbekk, editor of Norway's Magazinet, said he had received thousands of hate e-mails, including 20 death threats, since printing the drawings and was under police protection.

Let's all hope a "koran" isn't accidently dropped by an infidel or all hell will break loose.
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New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Well atleast they are consistant.


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003

These are the same people who complain about collective punishment by the Israelis after one of them blows infidel pizza-eaters or nightclub dancers to bits.

Bring on the Caliphate!

Big Sleazy

Active member
Sep 13, 2004
Did it ever occur to you that maybe they LIKE burning flags...duh ! Anybody got a link to this picture ???


The Mugger

Sep 27, 2005
papasmerf said:
Well atleast they are consistant.
Sad but true. Gee when the Passion of the Christ was released, Jewish groups complained about the depiction of Jews as Christ killers but I don't recall anyone threatening kidnapping or murder on Mel Gibson and while the Catholic Church has condemned the Da Vinci Codes, book and Movie, and has demanded that a disclaimer be placed on the film that it is a work of fiction not fact, I have yet to hear from the current Pope about going medieval on Dan Brown or Ron Howard's ass.

Again we see this so called right of superiority that Islam seems to have over the vast majority of the other human beings on this planet.

While in poor taste the reaction has been way over the top for any civilized society. The Danish Prime Minister has apologized as has the paper in question and the editor that allowed this cartoon to run not once but twice has been fired - get the *f* over it.


Nov 25, 2005
DonQuixote said:
It's a matter of cultural perogatives and sensitivities.
We're far more secular than Middle Easterners.
We don't care; they do. Next.
Does your rationale excuse all bad behavior? So what if they nuke Israel, it is just a cultural thing. Next.
May 3, 2004
DonQuixote said:
It's a matter of cultural perogatives and sensitivities.
We're far more secular than Middle Easterners.
We don't care; they do. Next.
Yes but it's the DEPTHS of "their cultural perogatives and sensitivities" that have manifested itself into "self-justifiable" atrocities that is of more than a pesky, passing concern to us. Can we all say, DEATH TO THE INFIDEL, JIHAD, KILL THE INFIDELS


New member
Oct 22, 2004
The Mugger said:
Sad but true. Gee when the Passion of the Christ was released, Jewish groups complained about the depiction of Jews as Christ killers but I don't recall anyone threatening kidnapping or murder on Mel Gibson and while the Catholic Church has condemned the Da Vinci Codes, book and Movie, and has demanded that a disclaimer be placed on the film that it is a work of fiction not fact, I have yet to hear from the current Pope about going medieval on Dan Brown or Ron Howard's ass.

Again we see this so called right of superiority that Islam seems to have over the vast majority of the other human beings on this planet.

While in poor taste the reaction has been way over the top for any civilized society. The Danish Prime Minister has apologized as has the paper in question and the editor that allowed this cartoon to run not once but twice has been fired - get the *f* over it.
One possible reason for this over the top response is the political power Islam holds in most of the ME. In the secular west, we can make jokes about religion because religions have no power to do anything about it. In most parts of the ME, this is not true. The residents of the ME can't understand how these jokes can go unpunished because if they'd happened in most of the ME, the jokers would be in deep dark shit. I guess it is natural for us to compare a Pakistani to a Dane without thinking about the differences in their respective religions. What do Pakistani's know about our freedom from the church? Probably very little.


Nov 25, 2005
DonQuixote said:
I don't think their behavior was as bad as you presume.
There is an element of flaunting a taboo to insult a
religion and culture. Protests go across regions to
include Indonesia and India.

Their religious figures were used in comic disrespect.
You're not holding the publication of these insults
to any moral responsibility of the publisher.

You're leap of conclusion to include armed conflict
with Israel is streaching a point to it's absurdity.
How can you connect a cartoon insulting Islamic
sacred figures with Iran attacking Israel? :confused:
I was merely asking at what point does the apology of "multiculturalism" end?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
arclighter said:
I was merely asking at what point does the apology of "multiculturalism" end?
it is likely to end with a blinding flash of light


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
To paraphrase a great man I would suggest that judging by the intelligence of his words , TOVisitor is a very humble man. But then again he has so much to be humble about.

Relax, one day John Galt will end your suffering TOVisitor. It must really pain you to see freedom succeed inspite of all the defeatest crap coming from you and yours.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
DonQuixote said:
Is warning of an inevitable collision a defeatist
or a realist? Bush has never clearly defined
what his ultimate objective is. Saddam is
gone, the WMDs aren't there, the elections
have transpired. Why are we there? Is that
question being a defeatist? I think not.

Oh, I remember. Terrorists. Meanwhile
we've been warned today of an impending
attack by alQuaida on the homefront. I
am totally confused. Why are we there? :confused:
Saddam is
gone, the WMDs aren't there, the elections
have transpired.
Well you got most of it. If you need an answer ask a Shiite or a Kurd. You need to get out more my good friend.
I had an interesting conversation with a couple of Iranians I met. Both of them have left Iran about 4 years ago.

Here are some comments;:

"I hope democracy takes hold in Iraq, maybe we have chance then too"

"We had to leave, because we were considered intellectuals, and thus dangerous to the goverment"

"after my professor was made to retire, because he didn't agree with the party line. i realized it was time to leave for me as well"

"I was able to take only a few books with me, only the most important once"

" I was always told that North Americans were mean and unfriendly. I am surprised how nice most people are"

This is real....not propaganda. Most people here are so wrapped in the propaganda BS here, that they forget..that behind all theories and behind the numbers, there are some real people.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
DonQuixote said:
It's a matter of cultural perogatives and sensitivities.
We're far more secular than Middle Easterners.
We don't care; they do. Next.
Gotta disagee with you on this one. Lots of Americans are very religious ... and THEY CARE. Just look at the born-agains - there is one in the White House. They moaned about the TV show - "The Book of Daniel" and got it pulled from the air waves. They caused a stir over a boob on the Super Bowl. They want to ban evolution from the classrooms in favor of intelligent design in Kansas. They think homosexuality is a sin. They are ridiculed by the more secular all the time.... in their own country They just won't take it to the extreme like what is going on in many of the hard-core Muslim communities.

I gotta admit... right-wing christian wackos (i.e. Pat Robertson) scare me.... but the hard-core muslims scare me more.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
DonQuixote said:
Just words. Like, nuke the bastards. Just words.
There's little or no compassion toward the Arabs on this board.
Why should we expect more from them. They're under our
thumb, not the reverse. Of course they're unhappy. Hello,
anyone home! :cool:
Just words. Didn't Bush get roasted for just some words he said? "Axis of Evil". "Evil Doers". "You're with us or against us". Bush gets blasted of his spiteful rhetoric dispite they are just words.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
DonQuixote said:
We are very pro-religion. But we have a history of a
separation between church and state that is very
deep as well. Under Islam there is no separation
between church and state.
Sure about that? Looking at what Dubya's crew is trying to do to the US, could have confused me.
May 3, 2004
Don said:
Sure about that? Looking at what Dubya's crew is trying to do to the US, could have confused me.
Yes Don you are indeed correct. I continously read the incessantly whiny posts by TOV, Pecker, DQ, Carch, and their cadre about what the Shrub is allegedly trying to do to the US. But, when their posts are held up to unbearable light of reality, the "confusion" of their posts becomes evident.


Nov 25, 2005
DonQuixote said:
Just words. Like, nuke the bastards. Just words.
There's little or no compassion toward the Arabs on this board.
Why should we expect more from them. They're under our
thumb, not the reverse. Of course they're unhappy. Hello,
anyone home! :cool:
The Arabs were "under our thumb" before Sept. 11th, 2001? Give me a fucking break. And spare me the inane America as imperalists lecture.
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