Now that I am married, I am horrified that married clients are doing. I can only imagine the pain I would feel if I discovered my husband was cheating on.
Oh-oh. Wait a minute.
Your husband has shown you that he wants the very opposite of wanting to own you, and wanting to tie you to him.
But what do you do? You let him know about the pain you would feel pain if he cheated on you.
Well, you'd better try to imagine the pain he would feel if you now left. But he didn't mention that to you. Instead, in effect, he gave you permission to go, and the means to go. He has shown you he would rather endure you leaving, than try to make you into someone you're not.
Time for a little reciprocity, baby. Time for you to tell the guy it's ok for him to cheat, if that's what rings his bell at some future time. Time to show him you want him to be the man he
is, not the man you've set him up to be in your own mind -- much the same thing he said to you, by his gift. You don't own him - if you think you are somehow
entitled to have him behave in certain ways, you are not worthy of him.
It's not that you want him to cheat - just as it's not that he wants you to leave. But let him know that if he does cheat, it won't make any difference.
That's what's important. Tell him. You don't have to prove it any other way. But give him that gift.