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Art Mann

May 10, 2010

MoJan, MoFeb, MoMarch .... When you're surreal it's MoWholeYear!!!:D


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
i haven't seen my unshaved face since i was 14-15, i would have no idea what the fuck it looks like and frankly the idea scares me. so for me to go around and ask people to give me money to to grow one is foolish and frankly november is for the soldiers that passed to give freedoms to the country. how about this whole thing goes to another month. lots of months with nothing going on to choose from.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I noticed you choose to speak of the unnecessary surgery in past tense, nice. The treatment of prostate cancer has changed in leaps and bound over recent years to the point where the standard surgical procedure, one of which you outlined, of only 5 years ago is no longer the default treatment. You're living in the past in your knowledge.

Now back to the rest of your rant, how much are the executives of the Movember campaign paid?
The article was published in July.. so it includes data from the last 5 years as well. Movember does not disclose salaries in their annual reports, which is in itself a red flag. You can bet that while you are not shaving they are giving your donations a clean shave....


vieux soldat
Sep 25, 2003
Inside Outside Upside Down
as much as I hate it I will be growing the 'stach for this month. Its for a good cause.


Jun 6, 2009
The article was published in July.. so it includes data from the last 5 years as well. Movember does not disclose salaries in their annual reports, which is in itself a red flag. You can bet that while you are not shaving they are giving your donations a clean shave....
Only in your paranoid little mind. Since you don't know, you really can't make the claim. Mind you, that's never stopped you before.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Only in your paranoid little mind. Since you don't know, you really can't make the claim. Mind you, that's never stopped you before.
Not I don't think I am paranoid...accounting lacking detail is pretty much part and parcel of most charity scams...In either case there are much better places to spend your charity dollars then this non-cause....why don't you go back to your cop ass licking...you are out of your element here


Jun 6, 2009
Not I don't think I am paranoid...accounting lacking detail is pretty much part and parcel of most charity scams...In either case there are much better places to spend your charity dollars then this non-cause....why don't you go back to your cop ass licking...you are out of your element here
My immediate family has had to deal with repeated fights with various cancers since the early 50's. So many times you'd need both hands to count. I suspect I understand the good the bad and the ugly of that disease better than you do. I've watched and experienced the victories and the losses all along the way.

You can give your money to whatever charity you want to, but apparently many other think you opinion is nutts.

As far as you opinion about the police service, you've been shown to be uninformed or just plain wacked so many times it also needs two hands to count them.


Active member
Feb 15, 2003
I guess I'll do it.... will look like one of those people who hears the following:

"Don't worry - no one will see this film. It will only be sold in Peterborough and Russia."


New member
Jan 2, 2011
This will be my third year doing it. Don't worry for those of you that don't want to look outside your norm for 30 days, we have the strength of character to carry the weight. Don't worry we will further the research cause to help improve men's health. If your not growing....then consider sponsoring one of us who is.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
My immediate family has had to deal with repeated fights with various cancers since the early 50's. So many times you'd need both hands to count. I suspect I understand the good the bad and the ugly of that disease better than you do. I've watched and experienced the victories and the losses all along the way.

You can give your money to whatever charity you want to, but apparently many other think you opinion is nutts.

As far as you opinion about the police service, you've been shown to be uninformed or just plain wacked so many times it also needs two hands to count them.
I am pretty sure more people do NOT give to this scam then DO give, so you are, as usual, WRONG. Perhaps you of all people should want money directed at the most dangerous of cancers then one that is not a major threat. For every dollar that goes into prostate research and screening, other more serious and dangerous cancers lose funding and awareness. It's a finite pool.


Aug 29, 2001
Not judging just saying, for those of you curious. Movember as a brand is controlled by its namesake Australian parent charity. It enters agreements around the world, most successfully in other English speaking countries, with local charities to lead its fundraising. The movement is meant to be for men's cancer and mental health, although in Canada the partner is Prostate Cancer Canada only, so no focus on testicular cancer or mental health here. As best I can tell very little money leaves Canada that is raised here.


Aug 29, 2001
I am pretty sure more people do NOT give to this scam then DO give, so you are, as usual, WRONG. Perhaps you of all people should want money directed at the most dangerous of cancers then one that is not a major threat. For every dollar that goes into prostate research and screening, other more serious and dangerous cancers lose funding and awareness. It's a finite pool.
You are welcome to your opinion. Unfortunately you don't convince well that you have control of the topic of cancer research and cancer funding. I wish it was as easy as you clearly hope for, but in reality there are driving forces (not even nearly as nefarious as you imply) that affect what the scientific community works on.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Not judging just saying, for those of you curious. Movember as a brand is controlled by its namesake Australian parent charity. It enters agreements around the world, most successfully in other English speaking countries, with local charities to lead its fundraising. The movement is meant to be for men's cancer and mental health, although in Canada the partner is Prostate Cancer Canada only, so no focus on testicular cancer or mental health here. As best I can tell very little money leaves Canada that is raised here.

If you take a look at the prostate Canada financials they are even worse then Movember, probably because they have to pay a large franchise fee to the whole scam. of 14.7 million raised in 2010 less then 6.8M was disbursed to "charitable programs" and a staggering 4.5M went down as "expenses and gen admin" ..what a FUCKING JOKE!!!!


also, as usual, the financials are very lacking in detail, (SCAM ALERT) So if you have been manipulated into fearing cancer so that others can steal your money to party with while people starve around the world then grow a cheesy mustache.


Jun 6, 2009
I am pretty sure more people do NOT give to this scam then DO give, so you are, as usual, WRONG. Perhaps you of all people should want money directed at the most dangerous of cancers then one that is not a major threat. For every dollar that goes into prostate research and screening, other more serious and dangerous cancers lose funding and awareness. It's a finite pool.
To men, half the world, prostate cancer is one of the most dangerous because is a very quiet killer and most men don't recognize it soon enough, much of the time because they are men and don't complain about like aches and pains than many put down to 'getting old'. Breast cancer has gotten much of the research money because it has the better press agent, and I say that with respect.

The first person to get cancer was my mother, diagnosed in the mid 50's at 30 and the number one treatment at the time was pure butchery, but she lived a fruitful and loving/loved life, but did carry some baggage as a result of the treatment. She survived to support a professional husband and raise a very successful children and act as an example to many others near her, through 50 years of volunteer work in the charities you crap on so easily, who fought the same fight during their lives. Through her life she also took on face to face two more serious diseases and beat them as well, showing all around her to never give in, passing away in her late 70's; one tough broad.

Today, breast cancer is no longer the death sentence it once was. Why, research and awareness, pure and simple. The same with many other cancers and diseases. I would like to see go other research, but try and tell that to a 30-something woman who just got that diagnoses.

As I tell many, if you get a positive result in any cancer/disease don't be afraid to get a second opinion. I certainly don't believe everything the medical professionals tell me, even the ones in my family, and I often tell them that, when seeing them for the first time and in between asking my many questions. Those who don't like it get the boot figuratively.

You've shown many times in your posts, you see scams, conspiracies, and crooks in so many things, and you suspecting this good movement as much the same is no real surprise, but once again based on so little real evidence and most a knee jerk reaction.


Jun 6, 2009
The article talks of the errors in diagnoses, treatment, and ignorance in the fight with this disease and says little of the right course. A positive test does not mean the end. It's been known for some time that surgery is not the default response any more. The recent 'research' that you so quickly dump on has shown new ways of looking at the disease and treatment. Gee, we actually know more what to do than we did only a few years ago because of that research. We use to think that many diseases were because of 'vapours'. We were wrong them as well. The life expectancy of many cancer sufferers has increased greatly in recent years, some as much as 50%, why? Research.


Aug 29, 2001
If you take a look at the prostate Canada financials they are even worse then Movember, probably because they have to pay a large franchise fee to the whole scam. of 14.7 million raised in 2010 less then 6.8M was disbursed to "charitable programs" and a staggering 4.5M went down as "expenses and gen admin" ..what a FUCKING JOKE!!!!


also, as usual, the financials are very lacking in detail, (SCAM ALERT) So if you have been manipulated into fearing cancer so that others can steal your money to party with while people starve around the world then grow a cheesy mustache.
Why don't you analyze the financial statements rather than the annual report? You really are not very informed about this. For instance, prove the scam, don't just assert it, or please shut up.


Jun 6, 2009
Why don't you analyze the financial statements rather than the annual report? You really are not very informed about this. For instance, prove the scam, don't just assert it, or please shut up.
Glad to see I'm not alone, mind I didn't think so.
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