In the years since, Parnas has become an outspoken critic of Trump, calling him “unfit for office” and an aspirational dictator. He also has repeatedly and publicly repented for getting wrapped up in the right-wing effort to pressure Ukrainian officials to launch criminal probes in the Bidens for Hunter Biden’s
role on the board of a Ukrainian energy company. In conservative circles, Hunter Biden’s
position with Burisma is a manifestation of what is often—and incorrectly—short-handed to The Biden Crime Family. Parnas has testified to Congress that there’s no
there there.
“I’m ashamed of myself. I truly believed that we were helping America. But looking back at it now, we destroyed America,” Parnas told the camera during the new film. “We have such division. People are at each other’s throats. And the sad part: that is exactly what Vladimir Putin wanted, and we gave it to him on a silver platter.”
Hunter Biden similarly knows the image rehabilitation tour circuit. He too published a book accounting for his fall from grace. Whereas Parnas got swept up in conspiracy theories and political dirty tricks and disinformation, Biden wrote his
memoirs about his battle with addiction, which led him to thank Parnas during their meeting for making amends as if working a 12-step program.