Ashley Madison



New member
Mar 16, 2004
Has anyone been stood up by Monique? Twice? Is it like an initiation type of thing? The first time she said she was sick, and thats fine i understand... but havent heard the reason for this latest one. Im not trying to bash or anything, as pretty much all reviews of her are great(which is why i wanted to see her) but it wouldnt hurt to send a quick email to say that she had to cancel, or even a call. I probably will try again, but was just wondering if anyone else had difficulty seeing her the first time.


New member
Mar 13, 2006
happened to me as well. She claimed to have left her blackberry in a cab and never got my calls with room number until after she recovered it! Needless to say, I was upset but found other available SP in her stead!


New member
Mar 16, 2004
Both times were to be at her location, she was to call with the address etc... but no call.

Have you seen her since?


New member
Aug 21, 2004
In this type of industry, sometimes it cant be helped. Between trips and unexpected things with family and freinds things do come up which cant always wait. Doesn't that happen to you in your job or personal life??
It happens to me every week.


New member
Mar 16, 2004
of course it does... im not slamming her or anything, i still very much want to see her... i was just wondering if on your first time trying to visit, is this like a screening process, i dont know...ive never been to see an sp before, ive only been to mps (jasmin and her girls, and barbara)(also a couple other places that didnt pan out) so my experience is extremely limited.

I understand that things come up in life that cant be helped, or waking up and feeling awful and just staying in bed, or many of the other things that we have to take care of. i truly do understand that but when there is a moment or you have an oppurtunity, it would be nice just to get a notice saying 'sorry gotta cancel'. Im sure she will get back to me when she has a chance but in the mean time i was just wondering. And again im not putting Monique down, im just curious.


Location: Ottawa
Jul 4, 2006
Why not try Monique's good friend, Erica of EC? They also advertise duos together although I've yet to partake. Although Erica occasionally changed/postponed an appointment with me at short notice she never ever failed to let me know ahead of time via a phone call or an email.

I know exactly how you feel though as I was stood up by the "Bodacious Bootylicious Black Babe" after driving 45 minutes from Alta Vista to Bayshore in a blinding December 2005 snowstorm to meet her. I arrived at the door of her apartment only to be told by two of her friends (one male and one female) who were waiting outside that she had "just gone out". I always regret not having had the presence of mind to inquire whether the hot black female friend was available as a stand-in(!) I never did meet up with the "Babe" although I think she still advertises in the Sun ..... However, I'm sure it was more my loss than hers ....


New member
Apr 13, 2006
I've seen Monique several times. Once she had to call it off due to illness but gave me lots of e-mail notice and discussed alternate times. My first time with her was amazing: no hint of 'initiation'. On the contrary she was kind, patient, and sensitive to my inexperience. And while it didn't affect me, she told me about the missing Blackberry mess and what a huge pain it was so have no doubt it was legit. Monique has always been completely reliable with me -- never even late by a minute. If I were you I'd owe it to myself to make another attempt to connect with her.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
i've only seen her once, but booking was dead easy by email and text. She showed up at my room on time to the minute, and stayed well past the scheduled end of our session. A true professional and a real person as well.


New member
Mar 27, 2004
it does happen

Yes , it happened to me twice . And , these happened well into me seeing her for several times . So ,its not an iniation kind of thing . First time , was when I arrived as scheduled , waited and waited right through and past my appointed hour and finally slipped a note ( asking what happened ) under her door . She apologized a day later by e mail ,saying that her appt. was getting AC installed on short notice and she didn,t hav blackberry handy to notify me . She did apologize .

next time about a month later , i got a last minute e mail just before going out to see her ,asking me 2 juggle times by a couple of hours to fit her other appts. I thought , hmmm , dont i get priority ? I booked well in advance and felt i shouldn,t be juggled 2 fit in someone else . So i cancelled .
She did apologize though.... but i still was irritated by it .
Nov 21, 2005
Well, I emailed Monique Friday and she got back yesterday afternoon. I booked her for July 21st since she seems to be someone you needed to pre-book in advance.


New member
Aug 21, 2004
lighthouse boy said:
Well, I emailed Monique Friday and she got back yesterday afternoon. I booked her for July 21st since she seems to be someone you needed to pre-book in advance.
Hmmmmm July 21st huh???? of what year??? ;)


Feb 14, 2004
yes, last week.
Early appointment. She did send me an email at 7:15am to cancel,
and while I had it on my laptop, it being only 8:20am, I hadn't read it yet.

Apparently, there was appartment maintenance.
Okay, but why didn't she answer her phone then?
She did have my cell phone#, and while I appreciate that calling people
might not a great idea, I did previously indicate it was okay.


New member
Mar 27, 2004
Now , I'm getting it !

nerdnerd said:
yes, last week.
Early appointment. She did send me an email at 7:15am to cancel,
and while I had it on my laptop, it being only 8:20am, I hadn't read it yet.

Apparently, there was appartment maintenance.
Okay, but why didn't she answer her phone then?
She did have my cell phone#, and while I appreciate that calling people
might not a great idea, I did previously indicate it was okay.

Hmmmmmmmmmm Now , this is getting interesting. As , in very familar !

I had the same excuse for my first stood up experience . Apartment maintenence for the AC . Misplaced blackberry . Cell phone left at a family home.

I didn't really buy it at the time ... but I did ..... I was in love , remember ?


New member
Sep 6, 2003
Monique stood me up when I had set up a second appointment with her. She had an excuse, so ok fine but she did nothing to "make it up" to me. I remember a lady from Toronto just had to cancel on me ( not even stood up) and she gave me a hugh discount on our subsequent meeting and stayed overtime! Now that was classy.


May 17, 2005
... she's probably gambling away in the casino or had a bad casino hang over .... there's only so much truth in what every SP tells you no matter how close you think you are to them ....

sun said:
Hmmmmmmmmmm Now , this is getting interesting. As , in very familar !

I had the same excuse for my first stood up experience . Apartment maintenence for the AC . Misplaced blackberry . Cell phone left at a family home.

I didn't really buy it at the time ... but I did ..... I was in love , remember ?


New member
Mar 27, 2004
U R Absolutely Right On !

gmuoo said:
... she's probably gambling away in the casino or had a bad casino hang over .... there's only so much truth in what every SP tells you no matter how close you think you are to them ....
It's taken me awhile to realize this very true fact . Sad , but , oh , so true.


New member
Aug 21, 2004
You know guys are just sooo f-ing nosy it hurts up the ass!!

If she was out at the casino, or had a hang over or was out all nite running thru puddles in the rain in her new yellow Paddington Bear rain coat then WHO CARES?? thats her business.
She's allowed to do so if she wants.
Maybe the fact that some of you guys are just really depressing and too predicatable makes an SP want to skip the visit and watch re-runs of Gilligans Island or Happy Days all nite!!
What do you think, that just cuz you drop a few bucks for some of her time that some of you own a girl's time when ever you want??
What a bunch of "good for nothing whiners" that really need to get a real hobby and possibly a life !!
Even though she is constantly voted one of the best SPs in town you guys still manage to find/create something to put her down and whine about.
WOW.... when will some of the Ottawa SISCLE and EBERTS learn???


Active member
Jul 16, 2003
JPsoHot said:
You know guys are just sooo f-ing nosy it hurts up the ass!!

If she was out at the casino, or had a hang over or was out all nite running thru puddles in the rain in her new yellow Paddington Bear rain coat then WHO CARES?? thats her business.
She's allowed to do so if she wants.
Strange. In one thread, an SP stands a guy up and you say, "That's bad service". But Monique stands someone up and these guys are pussies for whining about it. I guess someone has a little crush on Monique
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