It's quite conceivable that Monique has encountered some family or personal problems. We all experience them from time to time and sometimes they are serious enough to affect our own performance of workload duties. We all know someone at the office or elsewhere whose job performance has been adversely affected by stress, by a bereavement, or by health, family or personal problems. In such cases it's customary to try to help those people through their difficult time.
I have never met Monique so I know only what I've read about her over the last year or so. However, the fact that she used to receive such uniformly glowing reviews and then suddenly started coming under heavy fire from some quarters strongly suggests to me that there are some legitimate issues involved. We all experience personal, family, health, or emotional problems once in a while. In view of her uniformly positive earlier reviews I would at least give her the benefit of the doubt at this time.
By way of comparison (not directly related to this thread I realize), I know of a near-blind person who used to sell collectibles on eBay. He suddenly and unexpectedly went "silent" and then started incurring the wrath (followed by negative feedback) of buyers who had paid for items but never received them. After a few months it was discovered that he had been extremely ill in hospital. He has since refunded all outstanding monies. [Details available upon request].