Miss me...???


New member
Aug 21, 2004
Francesca22 said:
OK, heres a blurb I recieved from my email.... I'll keep who this is private- however he is a member and unless he takes credit- it'll be left as it is...

But a definite discount is in the working...

ONLY one rule is broken... I want it POSTED on this thread- not through email. So, if you want your discount mister- PM me and OWN IT *wink* You rock!!!!!

WOW....love how quick witted you are and not a BS type of lady. Seen your TERB thread and had to respond ASAP.I wanna be part of the first top ten to see you etc......My reason is that.....You re like a comet that only cums close by once in a lonnnnnnng time and since life is too short you just gotta stop and feel it and take it all in that night!!!Hope to see you then Franky's comet!!!I am sure you will be long, smooth and sparkly and make the experience OUT OF THIS WORLD!!

I dont mind you "exposing" me.....ITS free publicity, and great for my ego hun!!
I am still blushing and hope the prize is as tall as you are!!!
Thank you sooooo so much, first I wanna thank my mom for bringing me into this world and hitting me with that wooden spoon when I was a lil devil!!! .......then my young 21 year old grade 4 teacher Miss Slocum and those minis skirts she wore ALOT, then I gotta give a lil thanks to my 9 grade gym teacher Mr Woodcock!!!!
And last but not least I wanna thank all the members of the Acadamy for letting me practice my art for everyone to see and share!!! wiping the tear from my eye....... ;)
BUT LETS NOT FORGET THE ONE AND ONLY...........FRANCESCA!!!! This ones for you kid!!!!!!!


Aug 13, 2004
Hey Francesca,

I'm good for Oct. 15th and I like that challenge of paying 100 for every orgasm you give me and getting 50 for every one I give you - much more challenging and fun than the 50 discount. However ... it will be a verrry sloppy time if you are doing ten on that Monday - I gotta go first.


New member
Aug 21, 2004
OuttaControl said:
Hey Francesca,

I'm good for Oct. 15th and I like that challenge of paying 100 for every orgasm you give me and getting 50 for every one I give you - much more challenging and fun than the 50 discount. However ... it will be a verrry sloppy time if you are doing ten on that Monday - I gotta go first.
I understand what you re saying.........but seeing how classy and professional Francesca is I doubt she will take care of 10 guys that day.
Give her some credit.
SO you can still go first but what will you do with the other 55 minutes?? LOL
Last edited:


New member
Aug 21, 2004
OuttaControl..........You re just soooo OUT OF CONTROL!!!
What is she gonna do with you you dirty dog you!!! LOL :eek:
WOOF WOOF.......who let the dog out!!


May 17, 2005
You are ON!!!

I will take this challenge too <hehe> :p

Francesca22 said:
Explorer, how about you charge 50 per my orgasm and I charge 100 for every one of yours.... granted I'm now challenging you... you might owe me 300 *wink* or just be happy with 50 off whatever amount I pick *laughing*


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005
Why would I like to see Francessca
written by Antlerman

Let's start with the Webster version of the word...Deprived

Main Entry: de·prived
Function: adjective
Date: circa 1552
: marked by deprivation especially of the necessities of life or of healthful environmental influences <culturally deprived children>

What more needs to be said about that word for Ottawa....I am one of the children in need of some more erotic healthful influences only a woman with wit and boobs can provide...after all I am depreived....or is that depressed for lack of boobs......need to find out....yes...you can read that any way you like.......

Now....let's go to Variety

Main Entry: va·ri·e·ty
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural va·ri·e·ties
Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French varieté, from Latin varietat-, varietas, from varius various
Date: 15th century
1: the quality or state of having different forms or types : multifariousness
2: a number or collection of different things especially of a particular class : assortment
3 a: something differing from others of the same general kind : sort b: any of various groups of plants or animals ranking below a species : subspecies

I like #3.....something different....yes...boobs with wit.....
I also like #2......I would love to have Fran come to Ottawa with Rachelle...then we could complete #2....an assortment and collection of bodies piled into one bed.....WHEEEE!!!!!

And last but not least...Attractive

Main Entry: at·trac·tive
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
1: having or relating to the power to attract <attractive forces between molecules>
2 a: arousing interest or pleasure : charming <an attractive smile> b: appealing <an attractive offer>

Dam......you have this nailed down tight.....I like tight...I like boobs....

So please...come to Ottawa if not for one visit...for many visits...and as I have met Rachelle before...I could only dream of the two of you ...and me....and boobs......tangled up.....Hell..I would even watch.......


New member
Aug 21, 2004
Wow.....copying pages out of a dictionary........Shaking my head!!
You need to see some nice boobs very very soon and also get some action!!!
Be careful!! You might start repeating pages of the bible and then we will know for sure that you ve lost it BIG TIME!!! LOL :D


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005
that is why I used the "depreived" quote.......lack of boob exposure is the leading cause of stupidity among men.


New member
Oct 13, 2005

Ok, gentleman... this has definetly taken a life of its own.

I was being a SMART ASS !!!! My hourly, regardless of how many times you cum- or I cum is plenty enough...

I will NOT be hosting 10 gentlemen on any given day *laughing* I don't need my pussy lips falling off. You might have a drought of "no lube town" if that was the case

Please take into consideration, the discounts will be given out...but variables only you as the client can control, will dictate whether you see me.

For example, if you call on the day of- last minute and expect an appointment if I'm fully booked- then chances are you wont get to see me or use your coupon.

I am hoping to have a great time and enjoy myself... and obviously see respectful, willing counterPARTS

*ba haaaaa* and, no lips, dicks, or a$$es falling off.

EXPLORER, I was banking on this comment when trying to be a smart ass*laughing* "These are all excellent scenarios (lol) The only scenario that would be not too great is if you don't have an orgasm." The challenge would then be, to be, or not to be... cum again?


New member
Oct 13, 2005
Ok, details, details, details....

Anyone else who wishes to contribute to this thread for your coupon... please DO!!!! Although I announced the first 10 people to reply will only receive a discount-I will give a coupon to whoever pm's or contributes to this thread and hope even if a few are used-those who are interested in a safe, discrete FUN time will book.

I am NOT interested in anyone who is not respectful or has a honey do list, or is mechanical... come to have fun and bring a smile!

My rates...

I hmmmmm'ed and haaaaaa'ed about this. Taken a lot of feedback, from you and others and think with my "discount" my donation wont affect many of you, especially with my coupons

My hourly rate will be 250! So, with the coupon (yes I will be pming them) your rate will be 200. As I said, you dictate your rate- in this case... by responding to the thread.

Coupons will ONLY be given VIA PM So if you've emailed me and haven't received a coupon- you need to PM me!!!!

One thing I wish to clarify- The coupons which are selected at random are NOT associated with your handle. I have only kept track of the coupon number and not who received it. So, to ensure your privacy is kept that way DO NOT share through PM what your "coupon" number is... or else anyone and everyone could use it. So, keep it to yourselves. Now on the flip, if you wish to share who you are... then by all means, its always nice to put a friendly face the handle- but this is NOT mandatory and will be ensured to the highest level that your privacy is assured.

I will be staying downtown. Available from 9am until late evening.

Please PM a time that works for you, so I can start arranging my schedule.
Please Note, this is a TERB special ONLY if you haven't received a coupon, let me know!!!!

GMUOO, clear your PM box. Can't send message.


May 17, 2005
PM cleared. I will email in to book later .... I don't really need the discount anyway ...LOL ... but u can still think of creatuve ways to reward me for each orgasm!!!

Francesca22 said:
GMUOO, clear your PM box. Can't send message.


New member
Oct 13, 2005
gmuoo said:
PM cleared. I will email in to book later .... I don't really need the discount anyway ...LOL ... but u can still think of creatuve ways to reward me for each orgasm!!!

Did you get it? I sent you a big wet nilly... If you don't need it, then I always graciously accept anything you wish to give. *laughing* I'm gonna come up with a game... with you in MIND! You naughty naughty bugger hahaha


May 17, 2005
Nope, maybe it was "too long" like u will see soon??? LOL!!!

Francesca22 said:
Did you get it? I sent you a big wet nilly... If you don't need it, then I always graciously accept anything you wish to give. *laughing* I'm gonna come up with a game... with you in MIND! You naughty naughty bugger hahaha


New member
Aug 21, 2004
His middle name starts with a Z.........Zucchini!!
After you're done with him Francesca, you may say something like this.....
OH Gmuoo that reminds me I have to stop off at the store to get a box of TOOTHPICKS!!! :eek:


New member
Oct 13, 2005
JPsoHot said:
Francesca22 said:
I prefer to floss *lmaooooooooooooo*

I would have thought you liked a waterpic too.........
But not the kind you buy in a drug store!!

You got me. How'd you know???

Is it that obvious?

OR am I completely confused... like the rest of us:cool:
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