Miss me...???


New member
Oct 13, 2005
gmuoo said:
It is the boobs!!! I am telling you .... you had this problem, Harmony had the same problem, Taylor, Jordon, Kaythrin ..... etc. etc. all had big "heavenly gifts" or big "enhanced gifts". LOL!!! They all had tons of no-shows!!!

I am starting to like you already regardless of the rate ;)

Hahahaha I never said I had a ton of no shows... lets rephrase *laugh* I made a comment about the area and yes, I have had a few... heavens I don't need to be in Ottawa to have one *laugh* But, perhaps I need to polish my info??? I should re phraise, people in the day of when I came up... were having issues with no shows. I had a problem more of accepting appointments that I wish were no shows *wink* But yes, I had a few and considered myself lucky.

Its the boobs gosh darn it


New member
Oct 13, 2005
rachelle of kingston said:
As Gmuoo hs stated my rate for Ottawa is $200/hr..I know that I could easily charge 250-300 and still do well..but even after all travel and hotel expenses are taken care of I am still making good money. I know alot of touring sp's jack up their prices for "travel costs"...I see it like this..while touring you are here to work so you are most likely seeing a few more
gentlemen then while you are at home..which even if you are very successful is most likely alot busier then you are while working at "home"..so you are making more money while touring even after expenses..

Now my touring rate is different in diferent cities..different markets call for different prices

Hope this helps, although I'm sure you will do well no matter what you charge.:)

Ha, Ha muchly appreciate it. The area does play in what your donation is and dynamics of your trip as well.

However, if I was coming up for a "tour" where I was soley dependant on making up for travel costs and only working to "cash in" Then maybe I'd up sell.

But I'm in the area... have my expenses taken care of and thought "it'd be nice to connect with some locals" I don't need to market myself based on being a tour chick *laugh* Otherwise I'd charge 300 for sure and have no problems...

BUT, I'm in the area... not working for my ticket back- or my three hundred thread count, I have money to feed myself *laughing* and can afford not to work- if I so choose.

I would prefer to fuck my brains out and enjoy myself during my down time *wink*

So... 200, 250, 300.


Rachelle Maybe I could pick you up on the way... your only a jump skip and a hop away in the realm of things *wink* Or are you the one who doesn't dig chicks...?


yeah, I'm cheap *lol*

I'll vote for $200 .... but will admit that when Jasmine Jazz was here she charged $250 and was well worth it ;)

somehow the thought of "down" time with you has a certain appeal!


New member
Francesca22 said:
Ha, Ha muchly appreciate it. The area does play in what your donation is and dynamics of your trip as well.

However, if I was coming up for a "tour" where I was soley dependant on making up for travel costs and only working to "cash in" Then maybe I'd up sell.

But I'm in the area... have my expenses taken care of and thought "it'd be nice to connect with some locals" I don't need to market myself based on being a tour chick *laugh* Otherwise I'd charge 300 for sure and have no problems...

BUT, I'm in the area... not working for my ticket back- or my three hundred thread count, I have money to feed myself *laughing* and can afford not to work- if I so choose.

I would prefer to fuck my brains out and enjoy myself during my down time *wink*

So... 200, 250, 300.


Rachelle Maybe I could pick you up on the way... your only a jump skip and a hop away in the realm of things *wink* Or are you the one who doesn't dig chicks...?
I too am not working for my hotel fee , gas money etc. If I was counting on my tour money to eat..I'd be sitting in Calgary or somewhere else where the touring rates are HUGE.

For me I have a 17 month old son..so when I touir or go away to dance it's more of a vacation..a vacation with shopping cash and lot's of SEX! LOL!!

HMMM.do I like girls...HELL YES:p ..I actually had an amazing threesome a few days ago..the percs of being an SP...

So when r u gonna come to O-town?


New member
Mar 13, 2006
interesting picture in my twisted (big) head! What a threesome and fantasy! My problems are always to which lovely lady first and would my heart handle it?
Ahhh, such concerns..........


New member
Sep 6, 2003
And it is EXACTLY because of that kind of attitude that Rachelle does so well. Bravo Rachelle, you deserve the fine name you have.


May 17, 2005
Rachelle, sounds like you should definitely change your monthly visits to semi-monthly visits so you can be back on the 15th to offer duos with Francesca :p. That is, before you finally decide to move to Ottawa. LOL!!!

And both of you ladies should pass along your non-greedy attitude to all the touring SPs, especially those that charge $300/hr or more but are really mediocre in looks and/or services these days just to take advantage the "drought" we have here in o-town!

rachelle of kingston said:
I too am not working for my hotel fee , gas money etc. If I was counting on my tour money to eat..I'd be sitting in Calgary or somewhere else where the touring rates are HUGE.

For me I have a 17 month old son..so when I touir or go away to dance it's more of a vacation..a vacation with shopping cash and lot's of SEX! LOL!!

HMMM.do I like girls...HELL YES ..I actually had an amazing threesome a few days ago..the percs of being an SP...

So when r u gonna come to O-town?

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
formerlyknownas said:
ummmmmmm..........I just wanted to point some thing out............Rachelle was looking for an orgy partner a little while ago....................ok people............. put 2 and 2 together now........lol
No put three and three together... Rachelle, Fran and Artsysue... all have expressed interest! Now that I would definitely beat up the bank for. Having met Francesca before and chatted with Rachelle and know where Sue works, I know that, that would be a place to have to compete for attention! :eek:

Damn retirement anyways. Go for it boys and write a review in painful detail too!!!


May 17, 2005
Cuming out of retirement now, old Bro? Went looking for you in Barefax the other day but you went hiding ...LOL!!!

The Lurker said:
No put three and three together... Rachelle, Fran and Artsysue... all have expressed interest! Now that I would definitely beat up the bank for. Having met Francesca before and chatted with Rachelle and know where Sue works, I know that, that would be a place to have to compete for attention! :eek:

Damn retirement anyways. Go for it boys and write a review in painful detail too!!!

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
gmuoo said:
Cuming out of retirement now, old Bro? Went looking for you in Barefax the other day but you went hiding ...LOL!!!
Neah Barb's is closer... See you there later??? Oppss slipping again!!!


May 17, 2005
Don't even know where Barb is. LOL. Only been to the Barefax a few times all my life in boring ottawa and what a lame SC .... and I brought an old friend with me looking for you too ... too bad you missed us. LOL!!!

The Lurker said:
Neah Barb's is closer... See you there later??? Oppss slipping again!!!

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
gmuoo said:
Don't even know where Barb is. LOL. Only been to the Barefax a few times all my life in boring ottawa and what a lame SC .... and I brought an old friend with me looking for you too ... too bad you missed us. LOL!!!
lol Tease! She doesn't talk to me anymore. Ey vay. My spurs are hung up. :eek:


New member
Oct 13, 2005
Hmmmm, what I miss when I'm not on *wink*

Ok, so it looks like I won't be up afterall:D


I'm kidding. Of course I'm coming and looking forward to it... to help with this drought *wink*

Rachelle, keep it in mind sweets... only if your a good pussy licker *wink*


New member
Oct 13, 2005
Ok, here's the deal
The first ten people to reply, with a charasmatic wit only I can appreciate- being the smart ass I am.... as to WHY they should get a FIFTY dollar discount will recieve one.

YES, I know... I haven't set a RATE- BUT I'm Frankie, do you expect any differently???? *Ha ha*

Ok with all seriousness, the majority are leaning towards 250, 200. I could charge 300, but we're gonna pretend I'm not a tour check or I mean CHICK rather, trying to ramage your pockets... and only the fly frontal area...!!!!

So, in theory if my rate is 300 yours will be 250. (Lets cross this one out)
if it's 250 (ideally) then your donation is 200
if its 225... then you will be paying ... (WHAT, I CAN"T HEAR YOU) 175
and if its 200... then well you get it *laugh*

Common, you gotta work for this *laughing*

Tell me how deprived you are...up in O-town, excluding the wonderful, reputable girls who help make the world a better; happier place *wink*

Why I should convince RACHELLE to come up, if all goes well and offer duos with me...in the future

Or, why you'd love to see someone like me.... variety??? BIG natural boobs... attractive, my presence Common, fill me in- just HUMOR me *laugh*

Now, as much of a smartass as I am... this needs to be TASTEFUL...and use your imaginition.

I will PM the victorious... with a coupon to verify while booking.

Although common sense applies, don't reply if you have no intention or ability to see me on the 15th. This is a one time offer and not transferable (I can't believe I just said that) and BE NICE.

Cockfest begins on the 15th

If there are NO replies then I set the rates and you have to lick my bum! Ok, no no you can spank me! and no bitchin and complaining GEEZZZZ

HELP ME, HELP you *baaa ha*


New member
Aug 21, 2004
WOW did you stop for air at least once maybe??? fewwwwwww
My head is still spinning.....you sure are smooth and quick witted hun!!
If you have such a talented tongue at speaking........What else can that velvety peice of heaven do???? LOL ;)


New member
Sep 18, 2006
The price will depend on the boobs : are they fake or real?
$200 for real boobs, and ??? for fake boobs.
??? is lower than $200. Sorry I don't like fake boobs ;-)



You sure ask a lot .... if you had said "first 10 to grovel" it would no prob, I excel at groveling ...... but to be witty? Hell, I don't have enough brain cells left to be witty ...... Jasmine Jazz fucked all the witty outta me when she was here last!

Screw it, grovel it is ... please pity poor ole me and name me to your "top 10 guys you want to brighten their lives" list!!! ;)


New member
Oct 13, 2005
AWWWWWWWWWWWw you guys are toooo FUNNY!

bbclown, the answer is from within this thread many a times.... I didn't say dumbass, I said SMARTass *wink* BOOB man. They are REAL and yes, they are SPECTACULAR

SLURP, what am I going to DO with you???? EXCLUDING, meaning not including the wonderfully talented JAZZ.... your right she certainly did do a number on you!!! I can fix it!

Explorer, how about you charge 50 per my orgasm and I charge 100 for every one of yours.... granted I'm now challenging you... you might owe me 300 *wink* or just be happy with 50 off whatever amount I pick *laughing*

JsoHot, so far... if I was grading you, you did the best... only, when you cum....you'll see!

Ok, how do I say this politely... if i am asking tooooo much of you... just REPLY in some form or another *laughing* We will just pretend your TONGUE tied... and I'm just a stunned xxxx :eek:

Hows that?


New member
Oct 13, 2005
OK, heres a blurb I recieved from my email.... I'll keep who this is private- however he is a member and unless he takes credit- it'll be left as it is...

But a definite discount is in the working...

ONLY one rule is broken... I want it POSTED on this thread- not through email. So, if you want your discount mister- PM me and OWN IT *wink* You rock!!!!!

WOW....love how quick witted you are and not a BS type of lady. Seen your TERB thread and had to respond ASAP.I wanna be part of the first top ten to see you etc......My reason is that.....You re like a comet that only cums close by once in a lonnnnnnng time and since life is too short you just gotta stop and feel it and take it all in that night!!!Hope to see you then Franky's comet!!!I am sure you will be long, smooth and sparkly and make the experience OUT OF THIS WORLD
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