Going to chime in here. Could speak to a lot, would take way too much bandwidth. Will say I spent a lot of years in finance. And my “better half” is a realtor. Doesn’t make me right, it means I have knowledge and insights. Few here do…
reading replies, there are some truths, many misconceptions. If any of you experts know the answers. Why are you here, and not on your privately owned yachts in your way to your privately owned tropical islands????????????
“Generational wealth”. Seems to me, some of you are kind of expecting that. My advice, is don’t count on it. Your parents are going to need their money, their equity, for their retirements……..In fact, Reverse mortgages ( popular in the EU for years) and becoming more and more and more popular here. “No problem, nothing to worry about I’m going to inherit my parents $$$” Staristics and trends might suggest otherwise.
some are out of touch with respect to “averages” and incomes etc. new flash, the statistical DUO median income ( hope people understand the difference between a median and average) in both Ontario and Canada is $
About 85,000…..lmao at those that think sooooo many bring home 20k/month….
multigenerational homes.
Becoming more popular and builders likewise started to build them. Very common in other cultures, we North Americans struggle with the idea….These will also help parents, conserve their $$ through their retirement years…I wonder how many experts here, know how to calculate how much a person needs for retirement…..
it’s going to crash.
Maybe, if I knew the answer to that I’d be on my private tropical island and not here. Can say, demand>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>supply. So long as 70% of all immigrants to Canada heads to the GTA for jobs and a place to live….( used to be 200,000/year and now is 500,000/year…so do the math)….And so long as young Ontarians/Canadians leave the maritimes, Alberta, small town Ontario in search of jobs…
Demand is always going to be here..
The amount of $$$ youth are spending for rentals is insane. My “better half” has a hard time securing leases for people without solid credit ratings, cash on hand, and more. And what people get for $2,000/month or more ain’t all that…to add some actual, real context. To secure a lease for one person with decent credit, that person ended up paying $36,000 cash, up front.
There’s a lot more I could but this is long enough. I’ll let the experts continue from their mega yachts.
And if I can give any young people ( I define that as in the 20s, early 30s) a wee bit of advice. Make sure your credit ratings, learn what lenders and landlords look at, it is far far more than a “credit score”…learn how to strengthen your credit resumes. Now…before you strike out on your own, before you want to rent or buy a house with your soulmate that’s anything more than a basement appt of Kijiji..And I will add “side gigs” which often involve a cash economy, do very little with respect to income calculations (when calculating gross debt and net debt) and paying for a lot of things with cash does little/nothing with respect to strengthening a credit rating. Most young people have what is known as a “thin credit profile”.