Lol is this a joke? Even with high incomes, it is barely affordable. Because there is also property tax and insurance on top of the 6500/m mortgage.
Barely affordable to you is different that what others may experience.
Consider a few things.
For many years the interest rate on borrowing was quite low, so people perceive paying $200K over asking price as no big deal, even though it is now when they do their 5yr renew and their monthly payments double.
Often now, especially certain cultures, people will pool their money to buy a property, fill it full of two or three families, or renters, use the equity after a few years to purchase another, and become skilled at managing debt.
Generational wealth is being passed down after offspring have achieved the ability to earn well beyond the "average" and so a combined household income over $20k/mth is not uncommon.
I think those who say things like "out of touch", or "unaffordable" simply exist in a different economic category of society.
Not saying that's good or bad, just the reality of different existences.
I know people who will rent their entire lives because they didn't have parents who helped them get established/ahead, and who work T4/pension jobs with average ambitions, meaning they will receive their small dispersement of highly taxed income every 2 weeks for life and no "side hustle" they can use for supplement income to get ahead.
I also know people who are highly ambitious and intelligent, regardless of academic education accomplishment, who are 30yrs old, constantly buying properties, owning/operating businesses, and just understand how to constantly leverage equity/debt.
Purchasing housing is definitely more difficult nowadays, but it's doable depending on the strategy you create, and the SACRIFICES you're willing to make.
That's the one big factor people can't seem to get their head around is the sacrifice and discipline portion of the equation.