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Men's age, appearance, physique, etc... Do SP's care???


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2010
This is a terrible thing to assume. It sounds like advice for when you are seeing trafficked/pimped out girls who will do what they are told to avoid getting beat up by their handler afterwards. Some girls will kick clients out if they are demanding and you can completely ruin your mileage by being an asshole.

The secret is definitely to be polite, clean, well-groomed, tactfully communicative, and well-researched. Age and looks do not really matter as long as you have that touch of debonair. Almost every single girl in the industry that I have spoken to will prefer a 35+ client over a "hot" young buck because the more mature men have (hopefully) learned that being more respectful reaps more benefits than claiming you are a gift to any woman you choose to see. The rude, rushed, cheap, and overly arrogant men who claim to be "good looking" without ever really "needing to pay for it" are often in their 20's or early 30's.
You talk about how terrible it is to assume things then you go on to assume all 35+ clients are respectful and anyone under 35 is rude rushed cheap and overly arrogant. Not all older men are old generous fat fucks and not all younger men are super good looking cheap rude men.
This is a terrible thing to assume. It sounds like advice for when you are seeing trafficked/pimped out girls who will do what they are told to avoid getting beat up by their handler afterwards. Some girls will kick clients out if they are demanding and you can completely ruin your mileage by being an asshole.

The secret is definitely to be polite, clean, well-groomed, tactfully communicative, and well-researched. Age and looks do not really matter as long as you have that touch of debonair. Almost every single girl in the industry that I have spoken to will prefer a 35+ client over a "hot" young buck because the more mature men have (hopefully) learned that being more respectful reaps more benefits than claiming you are a gift to any woman you choose to see. The rude, rushed, cheap, and overly arrogant men who claim to be "good looking" without ever really "needing to pay for it" are often in their 20's or early 30's.

Where does she say all men over 35 are automatically respectful and all men under 35 are automatically rude, etc.?
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Govt Designated Pervert
I've never had a problem with an SP's attitude. And I'm super average. Everyone has been super nice. The worst attitude I had was maybe a few that were quiet/shy, but I wouldn't call that a negative attitude.... just more of a boring attitude.

Key thing is to be clean yourself. I always try to do all my showering and stuff as close to their arrival as possible (I only do outcalls). Since it's my place, I always make sure the place is clean. I even make sure the dishes are done. Make sure you dress decent enough, some cold drinks are in the fridge, can carry on a conversation and any toiletries are ready to go and clean towels are ready since some SPs want to shower. As she walks in, hang her coat. And have the donation and a pack of gum in plain view too.

Wow, sounds like I wrote this.


Celebrating life one date at a time
Sep 27, 2012
Personally, I don't particularly care about the things you mentioned when seeing a client - except for public dates (the older the age, the harder it is to pass off as a friendly date if I run into someone I know, and I look a bit young for my age). I don't believe in the 35+ thing, I've met old obnoxious characters and mature charismatic young (twenties) characters.. so I generally do not discriminate with age. Appearance - if there is 1 thing I like about them, I focus on that.. like that little patch of chest hair (rrrooarr) or those amazingly strong arms that could pick me up (oh yes!) or his shyness (I want to devour shy guys) - that is why ladies in the profession need to be compassionate. Even in my personal life, my SOs for the most part were not super attractive men, but they came to be after a rapport was built. Besides, we aren't here to judge anyone based on those superficial characteristics.. so there is really no need to be insecure! Also, women tend to be stimulated more by mental stimulation than physical. These are my thoughts.

As for being a jerk to an sp to get more mileage? What a shitty thing to say. You are making the gentlemen on this forum look bad, seriously.

Top Drawer

Supporting Member
Aug 13, 2012
Downtown Toronto, Business District
Firstly, as someone who hears feedback about client experiences on a regular basis, I can tell you the good hygiene, good grooming, a good attitude, and a friendly and respectful disposition will get you the most mileage from a good sp. Good sp's know this industry and are open to all types of men in the form of shapes, colour, size, age, etc.

Secondly, the op is working under the presumption young good looking men are what working women are attracted to. Given the experience with men working women have vs non-working women, you can't presume their taste in men will be the same. Most of the working women I know of who I consider a good sp are usually attracted to older men with a wide variety of looks, pretty-boys usually turn them off based on their experiences.

Remember, I said a "good sp", not any sp.




Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
It's really all about attitude. If you kind, sweet and respectful, age is just a number and appearance doesn't mean much ::)
All good points. It also helps (and I cannot stress this enough) if you at least try to put the lady's pleasure first and you know what you're doing down there.

(In short, if you know how to lick p***y, you are going to have a good time, every time. ;) Believe me.)


Belleville Kink Queen
I don't think it bothers an experienced SP. I think what's most important is your hygiene and your attitude. I personally would take a nice old man over a fit, tanned jerk any day. So it really doesn't matter what you look like as long as you are polite and respectful. There are A LOT of jerks out there who will waste an SP's time. So when a guy comes in with a good attitude and is easy to talk to it really makes the session a lot easier. It's more comfortable and relaxing and I genuinely feel like I am getting to know someone.


Dec 22, 2013
Not if your invited to, or your so involved in the session or conversation that time just passes.

This is supposed to be a fun thing, remember?
That's very true, I like pillow talk after the deed... guess thats what GFE is for. I have much to learn about the hobby thats for sure.


New member
Sep 10, 2002
Hey, some of us prefer when the men keep the fantasy alive! lol
Which is the better fantasy? The secret dalliance of the older attached guy or the potential of the single young guy? (Don't know if the young guy one would be a Mrs. Robinson, more experienced woman younger man, type of thing for ladies.)


Active member
Jan 5, 2010
I don't see what is so hilarious, men say YMMV, women don't.

This is a business.
We do it for the Money!
What is important is NOT your looks or the size of your appendage, to be honest WHO gives a damn!
It is manners, cleanliness, your ATTITUDE, why is this so hard to understand.
Are you safe?

Never forget the sweethearts that talk openly in reviews about shorting girls the money or stealing the whole amount back.

Then some men put up a thread going on about the women counting money in front of them, how crass it was and they would never go back.

Oh really?

Wait to you receive an envelope full of paper, or your shorted by a man you know can afford it, if your employer did this to you, it would
be a different story.

RESPECT, very simple, and given by so many of you, but that 1%, I sometime feel like I am in the Twilight Zone.

There is always going to be the guy that thinks his dick is great, or he is god's gift, and women are whores
You will see them on various sites they have no problem on the forums degrading women, why, there hiding behind a computer screen.
But when this translates at a visit, out the door immediately.

See your concerned with a hot sexual encounter, getting off etc.
Foremost in my mind is SAFETY what is this man like?
Then the hot sexual encounter!

But if you sold Hagen Daz, we can have a rip roaring ice cream licking party!

Sorry for the rant, but it is good for the soul.

I didn't intend to be provocative or spark a rant, and the assholes who try to cheat sp's can't be defended, but just because most sp's don't like to acknowledge ymmv doesn't mean it's not real. You say that clients are most concerned with getting off, maybe so, but you can masturbate for free. We are actually thinking about money too: getting our moneys worth.

In all human interactions, the golden rule " do unto others..." should apply


Student of the master
Mar 20, 2006
Then some men put up a thread going on about the women counting money in front of them, how crass it was and they would never go back.

Oh really?

Wait to you receive an envelope full of paper, or your shorted by a man you know can afford it, if your employer did this to you, it would
be a different story.
Yeah, this is always weird to me too.

I mean I get that it's part of their fantasy that a beautiful woman is into them for themselves, and having the money intrude spoils the fantasy, but I think it's enough money that I want it counted in front of me. That way we both agree that it's the right amount and there is no arguing later. I don't want to accidentally short someone either.

All the dancing around the fact that it is payment for services, with rules about envelopes and putting it just so on a dresser in view but not drawing attention to it, and so on feels so unnecessary.

Anyways, on the topic at hand, of course it can make a difference to some girls how conventionally attractive you are. But different girls like different things. I'm an out of shape, short, balding, middle aged duffer with no money (in fact, one girl calls me her Little Pauper), and no skill at flirtation or romance, but I still sometimes get extras above and beyond, or asked out. Sometimes you just click.

You can improve the odds with self maintenance, but the chemistry has got to be there too.

Miss Isobel

New member
Mar 27, 2014
I've had clients warn me that they are old, overweight, inexperienced, worried about their hair, their skin, the size of their member.... To me, people are people. If we were all the same, we'd be clones with nothing to talk about. Physical appearance doesn't change the quality of our time together, as long as you pop a breathmint and you're clean.
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