I don't see what is so hilarious, men say YMMV, women don't.
This is a business.
We do it for the Money!
What is important is NOT your looks or the size of your appendage, to be honest WHO gives a damn!
It is manners, cleanliness, your ATTITUDE, why is this so hard to understand.
Are you safe?
Never forget the sweethearts that talk openly in reviews about shorting girls the money or stealing the whole amount back.
Then some men put up a thread going on about the women counting money in front of them, how crass it was and they would never go back.
Oh really?
Wait to you receive an envelope full of paper, or your shorted by a man you know can afford it, if your employer did this to you, it would
be a different story.
RESPECT, very simple, and given by so many of you, but that 1%, I sometime feel like I am in the Twilight Zone.
There is always going to be the guy that thinks his dick is great, or he is god's gift, and women are whores
You will see them on various sites they have no problem on the forums degrading women, why, there hiding behind a computer screen.
But when this translates at a visit, out the door immediately.
See your concerned with a hot sexual encounter, getting off etc.
Foremost in my mind is SAFETY what is this man like?
Then the hot sexual encounter!
But if you sold Hagen Daz, we can have a rip roaring ice cream licking party!
Sorry for the rant, but it is good for the soul.