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Married Guys Least 10 Years ???

How Regularly you gettin it from wife?? Be honest!!!


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Jun 8, 2005
The Cunning Linguist said:
I used to think it was sexy when my partner of 17 years now got a little tipsy and wanted sex. Before we moved into together 10 years ago, I had all the sex I could handle.

Now she just gets drunk and sloppy and I couldn't stand having sex with her anymore, so I stopped with her about 4 years ago. Plus, she's gained over 100 lbs (but then again, so have I). I guess I just substituted food for sex. She snores so loud I can't sleep in the same room with her as well.

Knowing what I know now, and having no need to be a father, I would never get involved again just to get sex...paying for it is the way to go.

Companionship is overrated as well. I have a dog which is better company than her.
Companionship is underrated when you've had 17 years of it. To me it sounds like you just need to shake things up a bit... maybe get kinky.

Being sloppy isn't necessarily bad if you're in the right frame of mind. I had a girlfriend before I was married. She was/is married (still in touch with her and fool around a bit)... she'd fuck her husband, then we'd get together and fuck... Mmmm... sloppy seconds. I like my chicks dirty.


Jun 8, 2005
C Dick said:
This is true, but it only applies to newlyweds, as you will likely discover. As a newlywed, you can do just about anything, and it will make her happy with you, and want to fuck you. But after many years, nothing you can do, will make her feel special. You can do the things that used to work, bring her flowers, compliment her, whatever, but it won't work. You can try crazy new things, but it won't work. She may even complain constantly that you do not make her feel that way you used to make her feel. But you can't, there is no possible way. Once you discover this, then you can move on to the more challenging phase of making marriage work even when you can not make her feel special anymore.
C Dick... I defiantly intend on proving you wrong... check with me in 12 years (when I hit the 20 year marriage mark)


Jun 8, 2005
dudey31 said:
Being a single guy who wants to get married one day, this thread has scared the shit out of me. But I hope theres some truth to the theory that those in good marriages which include sex on a regular basis are unlikely to be on this type of board.
There are many people with open marriages... except that the majority of people in open marriages/relationships don't publicly admit it because it's taboo.

When I got married, the relationship wasn't open... but over time, things changed and now we have an open relationship and it's a really good one too!

The key it talking and being up front. The attitude I take is that if it's anyone that I should be able to tell the truth to, it's my wife.

And if she dares punish me for being truthful, the ultimate response is to say "thanks a lot... next time I'll just lie and keep you in an ignorant bliss. Is that what you really want? A fake-happy relationship?"

I haven't had to resort to that.

Also, I consider the word 'ignorant' to be key... because there are many ignorant women out there who punish their boyfriends/husbands for being honest.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
Kyra_to said:
Again I didn't say that she is a good wife, mother, lover or anything like that only the original poster can answer that not any of us. There are plenty of people on here that are in a sexless marriage that they are satisfied with, it's up to them to choose whether to stay in the relationship or not. Relationships evolve over time, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse and sex is one of those variations. If your wife decides that she is no longer interested in sex you have an option, find a way to work around that (ie. sex outside the marriage, other forms of release, etc...) or to leave the relationship you don't have the right to force someone into having sex with you.

I only felt that someone should point out that following your advice could lead to serious consequesnces. We can't know his situation but if she is depriving him of sex because she is angry about something than his decision to "take" it could be very damaging to his life. Hell hath no fury... right? :)
You realize that we are talking about a wife that is selfishly denying her husband sex after choosing to financially burden him with marriage and probably children. Sex is a need and is very expensive for men especially as they get older. Most men can't really financially support a family and a mistress or many prostitutes to satisfy their needs.

For a woman, she doesn't really have the right to close shop after she gets what she wants i.e. marriage and children. If sex was so unbearable she should have thought of that before she got married and definitely before she decided to live off the guy for 10 years. After that I don't see how a woman can say no to such a basic request for 2 YEARS as a WIFE. I know as a woman you want to have your cake and eat it too but give me a break. We are not talking about forcing sex on a stranger we are talking about getting some from the wife who promised all those things to you in essence when she married you and then financially burdened you. Again it would be like a husband saying I don't want to support the wife and kids anymore. For both it is tough luck. Yeah she probably doesn't like sex but I'm sure her husband doesn't like supporting her and the kids but does it anyway because he realizes his obligations.


New member
Oct 5, 2004
been married for 23 years and still have great sex when we have it every one/two weeks or so, not quite enough for me but have a good marriage, it is not always better on the other side so a little extra help keeps me satisfied and not frustrated and still having a good marriage. I know that not all will agree but if that is our only problem why would I leave everything else that is not broken and am comfortable with. I cant be the only one with this type of situation.


Active member
Strongbeau said:
And you hobby too? Man, I am sooooooooo jealous.
Oddly enough I also find time to do the dishes, fold laundry, cut the grass and watch Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park and CSI. It's all about time management. :D
solitaria said:
You realize that we are talking about a wife that is selfishly denying her husband sex after choosing to financially burden him with marriage and probably children. Sex is a need and is very expensive for men especially as they get older. Most men can't really financially support a family and a mistress or many prostitutes to satisfy their needs.
Actually we don't know that that's true, she may have a wonderful job pay many of the bills or perhaps he makes enough money that he is comfortable with supporting the kids and her without it being a burden. I'm not making any assumptions here. Really sex is a need for some men (not all) and also for some women, however no one is obliged to perform with anyone they do not choose to. She may also just be biding time until the kids are grown and free to do her own thing, again we don't know their situation her reasons may be selfish they may be understandable. There are two sides to everything and as an outsider we don't see it all.

For a woman, she doesn't really have the right to close shop after she gets what she wants i.e. marriage and children. If sex was so unbearable she should have thought of that before she got married and definitely before she decided to live off the guy for 10 years. After that I don't see how a woman can say no to such a basic request for 2 YEARS as a WIFE. I know as a woman you want to have your cake and eat it too but give me a break. We are not talking about forcing sex on a stranger we are talking about getting some from the wife who promised all those things to you in essence when she married you and then financially burdened you. Again it would be like a husband saying I don't want to support the wife and kids anymore. For both it is tough luck. Yeah she probably doesn't like sex but I'm sure her husband doesn't like supporting her and the kids but does it anyway because he realizes his obligations.
Talking about forcing sex on anyone whether your wife or a stranger is still wrong. She does have the right to say no as does he, things change over time and the sex may evolve in many different ways. Just as some couples become polyamorous some become celibate, some are happy to have their relationship evolve and some are not.

Oh and I didn't respond to the arguement that it's like choosing not to support the wife and kids because I really don't see how that is the same. Supporting children you helped to bring in the world is a responsibilty of both parents not just the father and it's a legal responsibility. Sex is not a legal responsibility and it should never be, all men and women have the right to choose who they wish to have sex with and the right to change their minds sometime down the road. That's what divorce is for, it may not be ideal but if you aren't happy with a situation you are in you have the right to get out of it. Sonoco Oil chooses to stay in the relationship because of his children but with that decision comes the fact that he has to live in the defined terms of their current relationship. Again I believe it's a tough situation for him and I could certainly understand why he'd go outside of the relationship (if he does) but forcing his wife into sex is still not an option.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
Kyra_to said:
Oh and I didn't respond to the arguement that it's like choosing not to support the wife and kids because I really don't see how that is the same. Supporting children you helped to bring in the world is a responsibilty of both parents not just the father and it's a legal responsibility. Sex is not a legal responsibility and it should never be, all men and women have the right to choose who they wish to have sex with and the right to change their minds sometime down the road. That's what divorce is for, it may not be ideal but if you aren't happy with a situation you are in you have the right to get out of it. Sonoco Oil chooses to stay in the relationship because of his children but with that decision comes the fact that he has to live in the defined terms of their current relationship. Again I believe it's a tough situation for him and I could certainly understand why he'd go outside of the relationship (if he does) but forcing his wife into sex is still not an option.
If you want to enter into a relationship with a man, as I am sure you know, you have to be willing to offer your body to him for pleasure. Otherwise the man will lose interest in you and move on because he has to have his basic needs satisfied.

Now when you get married it is not a "get out of sex free card". It is the height of dishonesty and selfishness to entrap a man into marriage and then take sex away from him. If you feel that your desire to have sex may "evolve" to the point of not wanting it at all then you don't deserve to get married. Marriage like children is a commitment to be something to another person and to change a basic prerequisite of the contract because you have "evolved" is a bullshit excuse for not doing something you know you should be doing and committed to do when you said "I do".

Also I am sure you know sex is hardly ever free so I am not sure how the average man can fulfill his sexual needs if his wife doesn't give it to him. On average men earn more than women and in 2005 the average was only $20/hr. Therefore the average man is clearing about $32 grand a year after taxes. Once the wife takes her cut he probably can only afford to get laid 2 - 3 times a year if he has children. Sorry babe a woman has absolutely no right to represent herself as sexual, marry the poor fuck, financially burden him with the children she wants, and then close shop leaving him with no sexual outlet. Her choices have consequences that she must live with just like her husband's.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
zekestone said:
C Dick... I defiantly intend on proving you wrong... check with me in 12 years (when I hit the 20 year marriage mark)
Go for it, I hope that it works for you, no relationship rule applies to everyone. I consider my marriage to be a very good one, but it is quite different than it was early on, for us the keys have been to communicate, and be realistic about how things are.

I hope I remember to dredge up this thread in 12 years, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
lickrolaine said:
I agree with the other poster,she must be getting it somewhere.
It's not such a sure thing as you think.

A lot of women lose their sex drive: a) after they have kids, b) as they approach menopause, c) as they lose self confiidence as their looks fade and their bodies go flabby, and d) as their husbands become less attractive. I think it's pretty common for a woman over 40, married for 15 years +, with a couple of kids, with an out of shape husband, and their own fitness "challenges" to have given up on sex.

Unlike men, women seem to find many other valid reasons to keep on living!


Dec 5, 2005
East of Shwa
Actually more than weekly! Xcept when shes away on business, then its daily!:D
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